THE SUMPTER MINER Wednesday, August 26, 1903 HOW A MINE WAS SALTED. Duke of Sutherland Bought a Worthless Property In Alaska. Minis Halting for tho purpoHo of din poHiriK ' R wortliloPH iroicrty Ih ii prnc tlcu uliluli Iiiih Ih-oii imliiltti'il in iilmoHt hIiich tin) im-lpluncu of tho iiiIiiIiik lu ll iih try in tliiH country, anil niuny am tint inotliixlH which liavu huon ruNorti-il to for lli'i'rliiK tliii unwary. An expurN mim-inI mining man of tliiH ilintrict ti'lh liow tlm Dilko of Hutlii'rlaml wuh iin pi h ml 11 Mti in tliiH way. Ho hii)'h: "A famoiiH KiikIIhIi eiiKini'ur fumoiiH both in tliiH country anil in Kuropi wuh mint by tlm Diikn of .Siitlicrluiid to niport on a proHrty near thu well known Trcatluull, in AliiNka. Thu oni hIiowihI high iiHHiiy value anil thu unifi nuiir riiirti!il favorably, Tlm Dtiko of KulliitrlHiiil took nwir thu proHirty, hut Intur iluvulopini'iii work mIiowim! it to hu worthliiMH. Thu niiuii hail I icon hhIIuiI, ami HiIh Ih thu way in which It wan ar coiiipliHlii'il: I wiih umployiMl to iiiHtull h ilinmnnil ilrill. Hut nftur ImviiiK ilomi tliin thu t'ompany hail no fnrthur iihu for my HitrvitutH, It wunt to work and ilrlllitl n horiroiital holu for (UK) feet into thu IihIku. Tlm I'oru wiih taken out, huatuil to a IiIkIi ilvxri'u of tiiuiMraturu, anil Hum nouki'il In uhloriilu of koIi). At tliiH tiiiiiuraturu it naturally itlinorluil a KkmI Kr I'l-iit of tlio milutlon. Thu runs wiih thi'ii hIiowii to thu mining eiiuini'ur who "uunpliil it. Thu oru hhnw oil IiIkIi valui'H, nuil hu liniiii'iliati'ly ri'i-oiuint'iiil-'il thu puruhiiHii, Thu proHirty of rnurni) proved wortliltiHM, ami thu engineer tiHik thu mutter to In-art ami retired for hhv oral yuarn from net he mitiiiiu work. Liter, howuvur, hu reenseretl from thu blow ami Iiiih iiKiiiu xivitu IiIh attvntioii to thu iiiilimtry." Ih thu UKont through whom tho deal Ih botiiK made. Thu Cruno Flat placer niinon aro about live miles northwest of Oraii itu. They aro located oil Crauo Pint nml taku hi Huvural hundred acres of flrnt cliiHrt placer ilupoaitH. Mr. JohiiHou Iiiih owned tho mines almost twenty years, ami during that tltno hu has worked them every houhoii, with never failing kooiI results. While tho nitiiOH have been worked for twenty years there Ih enough virgin Kround loft on tho Flat to keep a larKu crow working twenty years longer. Messrs. liurbrlilKo ami llurch aro at thu mine now makliiK urrmiKu- meiits for thoroughly prospecting tho ground. Tills work will bo com pleted by tho latter part of October, at which time thu contracts call for a large payment on thu purchaso price. It Ih their intention to work tho gravel with a dredger, should tho tests prove that to hu u feaslblo man ner. RICH ORE AT KLONDIKE. (M4T) OF SUMPTER Capital Stock $25,000 ornccR J. H. BOBBINS, President J.W. SCRIBER, . Vie. President R. H. MILLER ... Cashier H. S. DURGAN' - Assistant Cashier PRANK PRICE KILLED. Wood Mutt at thu loaded Hauler At I he Golconda Fatal Accident. Frank l'rlce, a wood hauler (iolcomlu, was thrown from a wagon IiihI Friday and killed almont In stantly. I'rii-u hail I oiul ed his wagon mid wiih ili'Hi'i'udiug a slight grade about two mill's from thu mini', when thu brake gau way, starling thu horcen into a brisk trot. Thu wagon struck a stump, throwing l'rlce oft and badly crushing his chest, lie died in a short time. l'rlce was a married limn, L'.'neursold, lie leaves u wife and two children, lie hail been employed for some time by Manager Howard of the (ioloomhi to haul wood. The remains were pent to (i-eat Heiid, Kansas, where his parents reside, his wifu ami her sister, .Mrs. i'nui'hiuer, who resided witli the (am ity, accompanying them. The employes of the (iiilconda, North Pole and Colum bia raised a handsome purse to help de fray funeral expenses. DEAL PENDING. Option Taken on Johmon Placers by In dependence People. The Ciaiillu (iem says that last week pa pels were made out which will doubtless mean the transfer of thu Cutno Flat placer mines to thu ownership of Messrs. F. llurbrldge nuil A. lluivh, thu parties who are de eloping thu Independence mine. Thu amount called for In the option Ih not made public, though it Ih for 11 llgure that Is quite satisfactory to Mr. Johnson. Hon. (Seo. J. lhirrett Ward Brothers Make Good Strike at Thit Quartzburg Property. Tho Prairie City Miner says that Win. Huxtoii came in on Thursday evening and reported that thu Ward Unit hers had that morning struck some very rich oro at thu sevunty-llvo foot level In tho Klondyke initio at Quartburg. Its value Ih roughly estimated at. from 8.100 to 8(300 por ton. They have boon drifting on thu vein for about forty fuut mid have hail 640 oro thu whole distance, till they struck this rich streak of from three to twelve Inches of rod hematite oru In which fruu gold in plainly visible. Mr. Sexton stated that ho would again taku up thu work of sinking, which Iiiih been delayed on account of a bonding contract, now forfeited, mid sink thu thirty foot shaft thirty fuel deeper, to thu level of thu tunnel, for thu purpose of de termining tho dip of tho ruin, after which hu will continue on thu exten sion of tho tunnel to connect with thu shaft at thu sixty foot level. Thu vein Ih fourteen inches of very rich otu averaging about 81-0 pur ton. Special Round Trip Ratet, I let ween June 1th mid August 2flth The Illinois Central will null round trip tickets from Oregon and Wash iugtoii points to Chicago, Cairo, Memphis and Now Orleans at (ireatly Iteiluced Kates. Tickets good for thtee months. doing limit ten days. Returning I limit tun days after starting west. Stop over privileges either way, west of tlm Missouri River. Hale dates are arranged to bo con venient for delegates to conventions of National Fducatloual Association at Huston; F.Iks at llaltimoru; Wood men ut Indianapolis; F.agles at New York; Shrluers at Saratoga; Knights of Pythias at Louisville mid Com mercial Travelers at Indianapolis. Vou can taku your choice of Six teen dlirerent routes. Write tm. Wo will cheerfully give yru any de tailed Information you want. II. II. TKUMHULL, ComM Agent, 1 1'J Third St., Portland, Ore. , Agents wan I til ot sell shares of stock in thu Aalska Oil company. Write for Information to C. C. HltOWX A CO., R. 003 100 East Lake St., Chicago, 111. Kasteru Oregon Commercial College and School of Shorthand, linker City, 'Oregon, Fall term opens September 7. For Catalogue and Information, write M. O. Perry, Principal. Ii Safety Deposit Vaults Gold Dust Bought Does a General Banking and Exchange Business MINES PROSPECTS STOCKS Investors desiring to place $20 or more, can learn of an excellent opportunity to become interested in the purchase of a mining property, situated in a good min ing district in Oregon. Full particulurs, address, E. A. CLEM & CO. Ittfirf net by Par minion 411 Chimbir of Commirei, Mirchinti Nttlenil link, Portltnd, Onion. PORTLAND, OREGON ''WW A. P. GOSS, President GEO. H. TRACY, Cashier Bank of Sumpter 3 Tuaiieti Omiril liaklai iImii Interest Allowed on Time Deposits Drifts dtawu on dl parts of the Aoild Special attention to collections. Safety Deposit boxes for rent. SUMPTER, OREGON t--' 9$d$9di& r.c.u rxourKecxo. $ n? I RIGHT I EVERYTHING FRESH I "J I PUCES g IN GROCERIES I .. Granite St. Sumpter, Ore. American Brewing and Crystal Ice Co, E. SIBER, General Manager. Manufacturers of First Class Draught and Bottled Also Ice Made of Distilled Water. BEER The most modern equipped plant in the state. All orders promptly attended to. Telephone, Main 19. BAKER CITY, OREGON. i4