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About The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 26, 1903)
COVERS THOROUGHLY THE GOLD FIELDS of the INLAND EMPIRE EASTERN INVESTORS IN OREGON MINES Pay for AND READ IT TALK OF THE TOWN. George '- Altun left yesterday on it tun ilayH' IjiihImcmh trip to Salem. Attorney C. A. Johns, of linker City, wiih ii business vlHltor In Sump tor IIiIh week. Tlio Progress Club will kIvo a hocIiiI dnnoo at tlio Kills Opera Iiouho Friday, September 1. Charles Thomas, with the Fairbanks- Morse company, returned today from a business trip to 1'ortlaud. Mrn, O. M. Sanford will leave Monday for thu Willamette valley to join her huflbaud, who ban puruhascd a farm there. William Hern, of. Chicago, arrived to day to look after investments in Gelsor Hendry x propertied. He will visit the Victor tomorrow. Mr. and Mrn. Clark Snyder, who were reuetitly married in Portland, returned (IiIh moruiUK and will ro uble on Granite Htreet, near Mill. I). S. Hamilton, of Peeutonlca, IIIIiioIh, arrived today and will visit the Htandiinl tomorrow. Mr. Hamil ton I accompanied by IiIh wife. J. K. Killen, brother to I). I.. Killen, of the Killen Warner Stewart company, who ban Im'cii visiting hero for the pant three montliN, left this week for IiIh home nt Adumn, Nebraska. Mr. ami MrH. Ilarley Wood, Mr. and Mrn. William Kitchen, II. 11. Grlllln, Charley Moore and Mr. and MrH. Mai lory returned thin Meek from a Hulling trip to Olive lake with a tine catch. Indue M. H. Ileeso, of Lincoln, Ne braska, who Ih lisiklug after thedevelov ment til the Black Jack, came in from the property yesterday. Judge Itccso Ih president ol the Black Jack company. Mr. and Mr. Nell J. Sorensen left Hiftiday for a week's trip to HoIho. Mr. Sorenson went on business and Mrs. SoreiiHeii will visit friends dur ing the time. Joe lllauford, of linker City, and John U. Thomas, of Uolse, both rep resenting the New York Life Insur ance company, have lieon la the dis trict for the pant week, Mrn. K. K. McCammnu left today for Baker City to meet Mr. McCammon wlio hue U'cii upending some time on the I'uaHt, and lioth will no to Chicago. They will remain about two moutliH there and return to Sumpter. J. 11. (iwiuii, of Pendleton, score tary of the Oregon Wool Growers' association, and a representative of the New York Life Insurance com pany, arrived In the city this morn ing. To Start Grading. Superintendent J. P. McGulgan, of the Alamo, left this moruiuK for the prop erty. He will Mart a crew grading for the mill at once. The machinery is ex pected noon. The sawmill recently started ban, Mr. McGuigau states, cut over 100,000 feet of lumber already. BANNOCKBURN SHOOT Formation Indicates That Ore Body Is Near. Otto Horlockcr, general manager of the Highland, was in from the property yesterday and reports a four-foot breaBt of greenish colored (piartz, Homewhat mineralized, in the Bannockburn drift. He thinks ho Ih breaking into the Ban nockburn shoot, and will probably know definitely within thu next ten days. When Mr. Herlocker left for the mine ho was accompanied by C. L. Kinney, of UhricliHville, Ohio, who went to inves tigate thu Highland with a view to in-veNtment. WILL GO BACK TO IOTA. Dr. Htppc Will Aft-iln Take Up the MloliterUI Work. Dr. W. II. Heppe, who has been con nected for Home timo with thu Killen Warner Stewart company bh editor of the KaRtem Oregon Gold Fields, will preach Sunday morning for the last time at the Methodist church. Ilia theme will be, "Tho World Constructive and Transforming Power." In the evening a sacred concert will be given at the church. Dr. Heppe and family will leave for Iowa about tho middle of September, where he will again engage in ministerial work. While his stay here was to regain health and strength through a change of work after a long period of ministerial services, he has been active in lending aid to the local church, and has respond ed to numerous calls to deliver addresses on oputar occasions. His stay has im proved him much in health and he feels that he should return to his chosen work. He is still a member of the Iowa conference, where he has several ap K)intmentB in view. Died of Typhoid Fever. George L. Kdwards, a carenter at the Golcomla, died this morning of typhoid fever. The deceased was thirty-four years old, ami leaves a wife and two children. The remains will la) buried Friday at Baker Citv under thu auspices of the Masons. ROYAL WORCESTER CORSETS ALL STYLES WE SELL THEM HAW LEY'S To MtRR & DAVIDSON, Sumpter, Oregon. Gentlemen: Please place my name upon your mailing list for regular copy of "Mining Topics," which tells all about the mines of Eastern Oregon and which you agree to send at no cost to me, whatever. Signed Street No City. ;. 'State J. H. CONNORS. J. L. H4RVEY. ...The Bar... High Grade Wines, Liquors and Cigars Club Rooms in Connection Headquarters for Miners SUMPTER r OREGON A Large Stock Of Sash and Doors Red Cedar Shingles Sumpter Lumber Co. SUMPTER j OREGON HOTEL SUMPTER & zS3&? x tfi- 5! tfpi'I Wut S Wit.' "Zi ms L. J. HAZCLWOOD, MANAGER Dining Room in Connection. American Plan. Headquarters for Mining and Commercial Men. Sample Rooms. Stages for All Parts of Camp. Electric Light and Steam Heat. j j j j Rates $2 to $3.50 a Day.