. uJSunuurJMu! .-. -XA Wednesday, August 19, 190J THE SUMPTER MINER .iiSiiaeBSSEzr: SUMPTER SHOULD SEND DELEGATES Colonel Grayson Talks About Meeting of American Mining Congress. Colonol John Temple Grayson, general manager of the Alpine, accompanied by his daughter, Miss Kvelyne, arrived from Portland last week and spent sev eral days at the procrty, returning Monday. The sawmill recently inntall d to cut lumber for the treating plant soon to bo built, Colonel Grayson states will be ready for operation in a few days. The machinery for the stamp mill pur chased of the Risdon company of San Francisco is now enroute and its early arrival is expected. Colonel Grayson is a member of the executive committee of the American Mining Congress. 8neaking of the com ing meeting at Dead wood and Lead, South Dakota, and the importance of the Sumpter district's being represent ed, he said: "This meeting will be of vast import ance to the mining industry and should call together a representative body of mining men from till over the country. There has been a feeling among active mine operators for n long timo that this Important industry has not received proper recognition by the federal gov ernment, and that legislation looking toward bringing about a moro perfect co-operation between the government and the development of the mining in terests of the the country should be en acted. Attention will be called to this feature at the Deadwood-Lead meeting, which convenes on September 7. With the end in view stated a strong legisla tive committee has been uppointed, and steps will be taken to bring the matter before congress in the protrer form. ''By all means Sumpter should have a representation at the meeting. I havo authorized your mayor to appoint three representative mining men to attend, and for the generul good of the industry in Eastern Oregon it is to be hoped that the matter will receive due attention." It is probablo that steps will be taken at the meeting toward the recommenda tion to congress for the creution of a fed eral department of mining, with powers co-extensive with the other executive departments. In the event of such a creation, Colonel Grayson is popularly mentioned as a suitable candidate for secretary of this department. EORTY-NINE JIMMIE. Whim to Be lattalled at One, Says Superintendent McEwcn. A. L. McEwen, superintendent of the Forty-Nine Jimmie, in the Greenhorn district, was in from the property yes terday on his way to Uaker City. The shaft, he states, is down thirty-five feet on the ledge and he will sink ISO feet and then start drifting. The vein is to be thoroughly explored. Ttie Virginia, Minnesota, people who recently took over this property mean to carry on de velopment operations as rapidly as pos sible. Superintendent McEwen says that a horse whim is to be installed ut once and later, when conditions demand, a hoist will be put in. Think They Have Mother Lode. Graves Brothers, owners of the Great American claim, where the rich strike was recently made, state that they have cut out the gouge matter along the ledge and squared up the workings for winter. It is not probable they will resume work again on the property this fall. They believe they undoubtedly have the mother lode of that section. REACHED DESTINATION. Midway Boiler Delivered After Being Fif teen Day Enroute. After a perilous journey of fifteen days, the Midway boiler reached the proerty Monday night, safe and sound, has been set and will be ready for oper atlon the last of the week. The entire distance traversed was seven miles, the rate of speed, therefore, being less than half ii mile a day. This slow transporta tion was due to the bad condition of tho bridges, several of which were smashed enroute. The attention of the county commit sioners has been repeatedly called to the Cracker Creek road and tho insecurity of the bridges, and it is understood that steps are to be taken at once toward making repairs. Timber and Homestead Filings. Timber and homestead tilings, as well as flnal proofs, can be made before Charles II. Chance, United States Com missioner, office in First National Bank of Sumpter building, Sumpter, thus sav ing applicants expense of a trip to La Grande. Eastern Oregon Commercial College and School of Shorthand, Baker City, Oregon, Full term opens September 7. For Catalogue and Information, write M. O. Perry, Principal. All the latest novelties in hats a Nelll Mercantile company's. If in want of clothing, see Nelll Mer cantile company. QR. PEARCE A ANDERSON Physicians and Surgeons PROPRIBTOHS SUMPTSR OSNIRAL HOSPITAL SUMPTIR.ORtOON i. . v I Of net, Main lit. Telephone HOSPITAL Main ill. F. E. HOBSON. Civil and Mining Engineer. U. S. Dtpuly Mineral Survtyor for Ortfon. glneer tor Ihi City of Sumpter. En- UaeVireia i Pateal lirfiyi. al Orsiiktiai. lis frlatla QHAS. H. CHANCE ATTORNEY AT LAW Cltf AUarasy N. I. Caaarisilsaar Rooms a and , First Bank of Sumpter Building, SUMPTER, OREGON C A. E. STARR. Attorney-at-Law Ctnter, cor. High St. Suaipur. Oratao Office I'hone No. jot Residence I'hont No. i DR. L. T. BROCK Physician and Surgeon. Sumpter. Ortfon. I am now prepared to receive and treat patients loth medical anil surelcal. In the best equipped private lanltirium In the country. Nice quiet home, with trained and ep rlenced nurie alwayt In at enJance. Up-to-date surgical work a specialty fVWW -V1 ntnlUUILIMiiUllH JOim BlSEM, Prspr. Jobber In Wines, Liquors and Cigars Sumpter Bittling Wirks All ! e ft 1 a. 1 TV. 1 0 au ivinua oi vurunnaieu unnxs 4' l THE WORLDS GREATEST GOLD FIELD THE GREENHORN MOUNTAINS OREGON Stock Now 5 Cents Per Share Par Value $1.00 Tho mluo of tho (.iroeuhorn dold Mines uud Developing Company la located ou tho Ureeuhoru mouutalu, near Ureeuhoru City aud Sumpter, Oregon. Is organized uudor tho laws of tho State of Oregon. Promiuout mining men of Oregou aud business mou of Mllwnukoo iiro its officer. Capitalization 11,000, 000, 0000,000 treasury stock. Of tho 100,000 shure to ho sold nt o por shiiro nearly 50,000 shuros hnvo boon subscribed for, tho balance, r0, 000 shares, of the Hu stock, is boliig quickly bought. Tho next allotment will lie sold at 10c per share. The in I no Is surrounded by several producing milieu, the company has a clear title of the property, lias no dohts,uo promoter's stock, all claims ou the vein. Will be it producer and dlvidoud payer within a short time. Work has been com menced aud stock will lie ndvnuced as devolopmout work progresses. This Is a business proposition, not a speculation. Fur further particu lars, write fur prospectus. Address CIIAS. SCHOLL, Soeiotary, or MOSES P. KKOC1II. Treasurer, of the liroeuboru Gold Minos aud Developing Company. Offices, HOT Matthews building, Milwaukee Wis. The celebrated Guild's "the beer of good cheer" always on draught at Dun phy's The Club THE JOHANNESIURB GOLD MINES CO. Requests that its proposition bo In vestigated. It is high class. Send for proHHH'tUH and engineer's report, Price 50 cents. Dividends assured by October. PACIFIC COAST HUES IIREAI lit. 3 Wlleei lllil. Us tts Calif. Reference: State Uank tt Trutt Co. "IIMI.lH:.llMill)ll?aVaW BEST BUY IN EASTERN OREGON I have io.ooo Shares of Gilt Edge Mining Stock, on which it is absolutely necessary that I raise some money. It is in the Grizzly Gold Mining Co. You can have it in one bunch for j cents, in broken blocks 4 cents. . Address BERNARD FLYNN SUMPTER, OREGON Mining Blanks Quart and Placer Loca tions, Tunnel Claim and Water Right Locations, Proof of Labor, Affidavit of Discovery Work Mining Deed, Option to Purcliase, Quit Claim Deed, Lease j 5 FOR SALE BY THE SUMPTER MINER H .i V