The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, August 19, 1903, Page 2, Image 2

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Wednesday, August 19.190
Rich Ore in The Southern
Star Group.
W. (). ftiuiilall, part ownur of tlio
Houtiiurn Htnr Kroup, on tho rnidillo
fork of- Itock Crook, nitiir Itouk
Crook luko, vumo in from tho prop
erty tlilH wook mid roportM n ricli
Htrlko. Tim propurty IiicIiiiIoh llvo
clnlniH on which tho HHMWHtiinnt work
for' Hi In your Iiiih boon complotod.
ChnrioH McClortl, of Hiitnptor, own u
half inloroHt in tlm olalnin.
Ttiuni Ih h thirty foot drift on tho
loclgn which hIiowh 11 ton foot oro
body iNitwtiuii woll doll nod porphyry
whIIh. (So'ml valnoH Imvo boon on
cnuutorotl, mid tho oro Ih KottiiiK
Itoltctr,- Mr. (Caudal I HtntoH, with
(ivory Hhot. Lowor down tho niotin
tain tho voln hIkiwh ii niatoriully In
cranMtd width, and it Ih thntiKht it
will nvoriiKO Home thirty foot.
Mr. Itiuidiill Hiiyn that thin hoc! ion
of tho country Iiiih Ihioii lint vory
Hllglitly iroHpotliNl. Ho Iiiih boon
in nli tho protiilnont mining cuiiipH
of tho wohI, mid it Ih IiIh opinion
that more ndvanliiKOH uro olforod
horo than in any camp ho Iiiih vlHitod.
In tho vicinity of tho Soiithorn Star
Kroufi, lio HityH that thoro aro iinnior
oiIh ImIuh which havo novor boon
IooiiUmI, Ho Iiiih boon working on
tho Ronthorn Slur hIiico Juno, ami
IiIh rich llnd d at oh from almiit .July
4. Values havo coiiHtantly improved,
howovor, hIiico thou.
MaRHBchiiRettn and North Carolina. Re
cently. Professor W. O. Crosby, of the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
presented to the National Miineum at
Washington a largo specimen of native
arsenic, it having the usual uniform sur
face characteristic of this metal, and be
ing a most representative specimen of
tho specIeH. The mineral was found in
Arizona, at tho Double Standard mine,
Santa Crux county. This is an especial
ly noteworthy llnd, and if in quantity,
will le an important addition to Ari
zona's splendid mineral resources.
Mining World.
Mr. Brereton Will Report on
Cracker Creek District.
Machinery Shipped And Its
Arrival Daily Expected.
J. I'. Mcdiilgan, Huporintomlout
of tho Alatpo, Hinted IIiIh week that
tho miwiiI1 recently installed at tho
properly Ih now in full operation
mid Iiiih cut ho far about 50,000 feet
of IiiiiiImt. . He will utart grading
for a hIiiiiiji mill In a few days, and
will hIho iM'gin mi tho framing in a
wliort lime.
Tho llrnt carload of machinery wan
Hhlppod from Denver on (ho Kith,
the Hocnud following a few tbiyn later.
Its nrrhnl Ih daily expected. It will
probably bo unloaded at Whitney
and hauled In the mine. Superin
tendent Mctiulgau HtutoH that he will
Ioho no time getting tho mill in
operation when the machinery coiiioh.
Manager Smith Now Hai Olllc on
Fred I), Smith, general manager
of tho Snow Creek, was in from the
mine this week. Ah stated, Mr.
Smith has moved IiIh olllce from
Siunpter to the properly to Ik In
closer touch with tho work.
Tho Snow Creek mill Iiiih been
nhlppod and Ih now enroute. The
purpose of tho management Ih to
havo the plant in operation beforo
cold weather coiiioh on.
Native Arsenic.
Native arsenic Iihh never Itccn mined
in tlio United States, except In very
h mall sHi'inioiiH of no coaimcrcial value,
these HjK'i-iniens having been found in
It. M. Hrereton, of Portland, arrived
horo thin week to make a geological re
port on the Cracker Creek district for
interested eople.
Mr. Hrereton is one of the most dis
tinguished geologists and engineers of
the present decade, having had chargo
of the Indian Peninsula road, for the
construction of which ho received tho
thanks of both the Knglish and Indian
governments. An Kngllslimau by birth,
he is one of the few engineers of that
country whose eminent ability has been
recognized in the United States. Ho
waH consulting engineer to the first irri
gation board organized here and It wan
according to his plaim that tho llrst work
of thii kind wiih undertaken in Cali
fornia. Reduced Summer Excursion Rata.
The Denver & Kin (Jrundo, pope
larly known an tho "Scenic Lino of
tho World," hart announced greatly
reduced round-trip raton from Pad lie
Coast points for tho liouollt of touch
ers who will spend tholr vacation in
tho east, and of delegates In all tho
prominent conventions N. K. A., at
lloston; A. O. U. , at St. Paul;
li. P. (). K., at llaltimorn; Woodmen
of America at Indianapolis; Eagles,
at Now Vork; Mystic Shrine, at Sara
toga Springs; K. of P., at Louisville,
and T. P. A., at Indianapolis.
Tickets nt tho reduce! rates will lie
based upon one faro for tho round
trip, but will lie Hold only on certain
days. These tickets will carry stop
over privileges on tho going trip,
giving passengers an opportunity to
visit Salt Lake City, Olonwood
Springs, Colorado Springs and Den
ver; and will Im) good to return any
time within ninety (00) days. Pas
sengers going via tho Denver & Kin
(irando are given tho prlvilego of
returning via a different route
For the rate to tho point you wish
to go, and for dales of sale and other
particulars, as well as for illustrated
pamplelH, write
W. C. MoHKIDK, (ieneral Agent,
l'JI Third St.. Portland, Ore.
Mice. )
1 14 io.
IfnltrJ Stairs I anJ Office.
U lirnj, Oregon
Aucust t4 !
Noilo li hrrctn glfn that In cnmr-IUnc with the
imitltloiu of llir l ol rongrrss nt June , I8it), en
ililf J "An act for the Kir ul limber lanjsln the states
nt California, Oregon, SetaJa an J Washington Ter
ritory," eitenJeJ to all the Public LatU stales hy
idol August . ISmi,
(it OROt: A. CARTER,
ot Whllne, county ol llaker, state ol Oregon, hat
this Jav Wei In thli ollice hit sorn stateirent so.
ttro lor the purchase ot the n' iV tec: it anj nH
se M ot section No. 18 In township No. to t unge No.
t . w. M, anj will oltcr rroot to show that the lanj
sought It morr valuable lor lit timber or atone than
lor agricultural purposes, anJ to establish his claim
to tilJ Iin4 t-elore (.has, II. Chance, U. S. Com
missioner, at Sumpter, Oregon, on SaturJay, the
nth Jat of October, ijo-
lit names at ullnesses: William H. MeaJ, ol
Spokane, Washington; Samuel Rlshel, lllrtm (lamp
bell ana Caroline Ft. Carter, all of Whitney. Oregon.
Any anj all persons claiming ajv ersely the abov e
JescrlbeJ lanjs are requesteJ to Me their claims In
this olhce on or before sal J nth Jav of October, ioo.
t. W, Uaututt. Register
Capital Stock
J. H. ROBBINS, President
J.W. SCRIBER, Vies-President
R. H. MILLER ... Cuhltr
H. S. DURGAN.i - - Assistant Cashier
Safety Deposit Vaults Gold Dust Bought
Does a General Banking and Exchange Business
Investors desiring to place $20 or more, can learn
of an excellent opportunity to become interested in the
purchase of a mining property, situated in a good min
ing district in Oregon. Full particulurs, address,
E. A. CLEM & CO.
Rafaranoa by Permission
Mirettinti Ritlsaal link, PartlanJ, Orifin.
411 Chimitr tf Catnmirce,
A. P. UOSS, President
GEO. H. TRACY, Cashier
& Bank of Sumpter 3
TraniitU StMrtl liaklai liilant
Interest Allowed on Time Deposits
Drafts diawn on al pails of the aoiU Special attention to collections.
Safety Deposit boxes for rent.
t ata, astk aik SBt aSk V AtSAABlSiaBlA " i
rV nn 1 11 rn v iu nnnnriurn rv
rniuto in bnuutnito .. g
Granite St. Sumpter, Ore.
American Brewing and Crystal Ice Co
E. SIBER, General Manager.
Manufacturers of
First Class Draught and Bottled
Also Ioe Made of
Distilled Water.
The most modern equipped plant in the state.
All orders promptly attended to.
Telephone, Main if. BAKER CITY, OREGON.