&22JEE2; --Sir THE SUMPTER MINER Wednesday, August 19, 1903 IO -,iifr,7Tr iy UNFAIR COMMENT. One Thing to Make a Charge, Another to Prove It. Speaking editorially regarding tho orlmo of unfair comment- -and it in u crime from which Sumpter Ih not entirely free tho American Mining NewH Haya: It would l)o an altnont hopoletm tank for any one to attempt to ana lyze the oharaotoristleH of human nature. Hut certain of them crop out in hucIi a eoiixplcuouB manner ofteutimcH in everyday IiuhIiiohh life, that it Ih impoHHiblo not to be Im preHned by them. There Ih one peculiarity of tho human mind to which the failtircH of many good ontorpritteH are due. Wo refer to tho total lack of common MMiHO and reasoning power which Ih evinced by tho public in general, but more particularly by tho iuvoHtliift public It 1m a fact too woll known to need corroboration, that tho daily proxH iihoh an unlimited llcenne in tho way they talk about varioiiH affaire, and' that they, apparently, do not carol whether their Htorlcn pohhohh tho merit of truth or not, providing theyi fiirulHh intorcHtiug reading matter. I Tho dcHlro and habit of poaklug 111 of Homothlug or Homebody Ih not, however, coiillued to tho prow. There are a vast, nunilier of iudividualH wIiono chief delight Ih to malign Mimothliig or somebody. It Ih Junt at (IiIh xtago that the lack of rcuHoniiiK power in nhowu by I the public mind. It might even be called lack of common justice which the public hIiowm to tho party in I locution. I If any individual or corporation in found guilty of libel, tho lawn of j the country provide adequate punlnh- ineut for the guilty one, but ho, of couivc, uiiiHt Hint bo proven guilty. I TIiIh can only U done through the I courtH, by ineaiiH of a law unit. Hut how doen tho public look upon hucIi proceeding Doch it re serve itn iIcoIhIoii until evidence Iuih all lioou Hiibuiltted by both widen, and Ih IIh tlual (IccIhIoii I Mined upon an impartial, uubiiiHod view of tho xallcut partH presented? Unfortun ately thin Ih hoIiIoiii almoHt never done. Tho very fact that it Iuih become ncooHMiiry to carry tho matter to tho coiirtn to nettle, condomiiH it lioyoud recall in tho eyes of the public. Vet how fearfully unjust all thin in. Furthermore how it openn tho gate for blackmail, and worno than black mail, to enter in. We know of a cane very recently, where tho clieutH of a certain tlrm of promoter received a letter from a man in which he made tho must re. dlculoUH MatcmcutH about thin tlrm. , In fact, the letter wan ho completely component of lien that a jury could bring in but one verdict. To Hccuro Hitch a verdict it would ' Im uocoiwary to go to the court, but, thank to the unfalrucHH of the pub lic mind already mentioned, hucIi an action would Hound tho death knell of the llrui, for their clieutH would fall away, all hccatiHo an injured party thought ho had the right to rcHcut tho imputation put upon him, and to prove IiIh entire innocence. When the cane Ih prcccutod in cold i type ho that it can be reviewed in itn, entlit'ty, no argument in needed to1 nhtiw tho injiiHtico of tho practice. I Hut in actual occurrence the public Keen from the mi lug party like rain from a Hinklng venne!. Again it Ih only necccunry for a daily paper to print a derogatory article about any enterprise, bo it good, bad or indifferent, to mark it 80 that its chauceH for huccohh are al most completely blunted. Within tho past year one of tho Now York daily pattern printed a moHt venomous attack upon a com- ! puny which wan at tho moment ' lug itn Htock upon tho market. ' proportion wiih an excellent 1 and wan Iteluir handled in a plac Tho one, con- Hcrvativc, hiiHiucHS-like manner by cotiHervativo people. Hut, owing to tho Influence wioldod by tho iiowh paper, this ncaudalous attach practi cally put tho company out of exla tence, for it became impossible to raise tho necessary money by public subscription. Cau a more unhealthy condition of affairs be imagined thau thla? Yet such are the facts. In a word, it would seem that the public mind Ih much more ready to bollovo had news thau good news, and it seems to stand ready at all timoH to desert to the enemy without waiting to nee if the allegation can bo proven truo or not. Wo leave it to tho sober judgment of our readerH to decide whether this Ih justice or not. Hut wo slnceroly hope that tho day is coming when tho public will remember that there are alwayH to sides to a ipiestiou, and that it will base Its tlual deci sion upon the merits of the evidence submitted. Do not jump at conclusions, for it Ih 0110 thing to make a charge and another to prove it. CALL FOR BIDS. XOTICK IS IIKItKIIV UIVK.N that tho City of Sumpter, linker County, Oregon, Iuih authorized tho Issuance and offers for nalo $15,000 worth of Hh bonds, tho same to be known iih newer bonds and to bo issued in amounts of One Hundred Dollars or any multiple thereof, up to $1,000, with interest thereon at six per cent per annum payable semi annually. Bald bonds to tto made payable $1,000 annually principal and interest to bo payable at the ottlce of the City Treasurer in the City of Sumpter, linker Couuty, Oregou. Any and all prospective buyers of said bonds are required to send sealed bids addressed to the City Recorder of the City of Sumpter, accompanied by a certified check of $750, made payable to the order of the City Treasurer of the City of Sumpter, hs evidence of good faith of the bidder, said sum of 9750 to bo applied upon tho purchase price of the bonds in case of said bid boitig accepted. All bids shall be ill the hands of the City ltccnrdor on or before the hour of eight o'clock P. M. oti the 'J.'ith day of August, ltlOll, at which time the same are to Ih opened by the City Council of said City for acceptance or rejection. In case any firm, person or corpor ation, to whom said bonds are awarded, shall fail, neglect or refuse to pay to the City Treasurer of the City of Sumpter, the purchase price of the same, within ten days of tho acceptance of said bid, tho amount of tho certilled check so deposited with said bid shall be forfeited to said City of Sumpter as liquidated onmagcH for said failure or neglect. All other checks so accompanying will be returned to the unsuccessful bidders. The City of Sumpter through its Mayor and Common Council reserves the right to reject any aud all bids. Done by order of the Common Council this t!8th day of July, 1003. C. H. McCOLLOCH, Mayor. Attest S. S. START, Recorder. ...J. W. C0WDEN... HAS A FINE LINE OF PHOTOGRAPHIC VIEWS OF ALL THE MINES AND PROS PECTS IN THE SUMPTER GOLD FIELDS 222 MINE VIEWS ONLY Address J. W. Cowden, Sumpter, Or. ATTENTION! Do you desire to sell stock in your Gold, Copper, Mining or other In dustrial companies? If so, you can not find a better advertising medium than THE DIKE MANUFACTURER IMMNNM. kiUm. It s . the, Jeading industrial and, nnanciai paper puousneu in me South. It reaches that class of read ers who are interested in financial and industrial affairs. It is old and established. Published semi-monthly. Guaranteed circulation 10,000. Subscription price 2.00 per year. Advertising rate reasonable. Send for sample copy and advertising rates. Address, Rountru Publishing Company Birmingham, Alabama. THE NATIONAL BANKER 84 and 86 La Salle St. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS A journal of national circulation. Ih read by bankers, capitalists, in vestors, retired merchants. If you want to reach a good class of buyers aud tho moneyed and investing pub lic, advertise in tho National Banker. Thousands of copies of each Isbiib of the National Hanker goes to investors throughout the Middle West, Eastern and New England states. The best journal In tho country in which to reach investors. Sample copies free. Advertising rates on application. Tickets at Low Rates to the EAST VIA The Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway Will be on sale at all ticket otlices on Juno 4th and 5th, June '.Mth to SOtli, inclusive; July lfith and Kith, and August L5th and With. Tickets good (or going passage for ten days from date of sale, with tlual return limit of M days, from date of sale. For further information, ad dress, H. S. Kowk. General Aeent. Portland, Oregon. mmmBS it Onlv transcontinental line ; assing directly through Salt Lake City Leadvillc Colorado Springs i and Denver Three splendidly equipped tra ns daily TO ALL POINTS EAST. J Through Sleeping and Dining Can X and free Reclining Chair Cars. The most Maeniflcent scenery in I America by daylight. Stop overs allowed on all classes of tickets. t For cheapest rates and descriptive TlitrtiirB. iddrnia -- - -"- -" W. C. MbIRIDE, - fiiHirtl Agiit RIO GRANDE LINES Portland, Oregon OREGON SHOip LINE and union Pacific TO Salt Lake, Deiier, Kims City. GIIGIGO ST. LOUIS NEW YORK Ocean steamers between Portland and San Francisco every five days. Low Rati I Tickets to and from all parts of the United States, Canada and Europe. Through Pullman Standard and Tourist Sleeping Cars daily to Omaha, Chicago, Spokane; Tourist Sleeping car daily to Kansas City ; through Pullman tourist sleeping cars (per sonally conducted) weekly to Chi cago, Kansas City; reclining chair cars (seats free) to the East daily. For particulars, call on or address H. 0. Bowaas, Agent, Baker City, Ore QMt MyjlilHtMi "MST1