Wednesday, August 12, 190 THE SUMPTER MINER Sumpter District Sumpter District I nW&i. , 1 The Pulaski J I Gold Mining and Milling t I Company CAPITAL STOCK $150,000. Full Paid and Non Assessable. PAR VALUE 10 CTS. 1,500,000 Shares. 1,000, 000 Shares Pooled and will not come on Market in Competition with Treasury Stock. 500,000 SHARES TREASURY STOCK. PROCEEDS SOLELY FOR DEVELOP MENT WORK. Nine Claims, Lead Traced Over 3,000 Feet Across the Claims. One and a Half Miles From Smelter. One Mile From Railway. Water Power on the Property. Plenty of Timber. 70 Per Cent Free Gold. Magnificent Mill Site. Property Opened up by Open Cuts, Shafts and Tunnels. & rE have all the Requisites of a Magnificent Property. The Investor has the Money. We have the T Investment. You want a Straight, Legitimate Business Proposition. We have it. We require funds to continue development. You have the funds. We need them. You can Purchase our First issue of Treasury Stock at 1 Itmww FOUR CENTS PER SHARE Can we not exchange? Hemember our rxpeiiM's arc veiy low and that your dollar grown at we continue Development. Our latest nceayB of average Kock, made by Kobblns & Kobblns and Alchwen & McKwen 01 Sumpter, gave from fL;IU to t'.ti.HO. ricked hiuiiiIch gavofliH.H), $1)18.00 and $100.00, and we are still M0 feet (estimated) from the ledge. J Write (or our "Knitoinu ot Facts." Stock may he purchased on the Installment Plan, 30 per cent down, balance in two monthly payments. Remit by Hank Draft, Postollke Order or Kegistured letter. Bankers The First National Bank of Sumpter. Address all communications to J. H. MacCallum, Secy. SUMPTER, OREGON. DATES CONFLICT. State Meeting Called for Same Day as Mining Congress. Max Shillock, secretary of the Port land Board of Trade, is sending out let ters to the press of the state asking that as much publicity as possible be given to the meeting called September 7 in that city for the purpose of organizing a per manent state mining men's association. Whilo the object of this meeting is in deed a worthy one, and much good will. doubtless result from such an organiza tion, the date selected was unfortunate, inasmuch as it conflicts with the one chosen for the meeting of the American Mining Congress at Dead wood and Lead, South Dakota. It has been suggested, and the sugges tion seems eminently in place, that the Oregon mining men instead of running in opposition to the American Mining Congress, get together and send a big delegation to the national body, and later hold a state meeting and organize an auxiliary association. It is not too late to change the date of the state meeting and this would seem the proper thing to do. Disastrous Ditt. An exchange says that the citizens of Olinghouse Canyon, in the state of Ne vada, have been having great trouble with their chicken?, which have been dying Middenly in great numbers. An examination of some of the. dead chick ens develops the fact that they havo been picking up gold nuggets to such an extent that they overloaded their giz zards and the weight of the gold broke the chickens' backs. Eocouotcrcd a Sea Lioo. Mr. and Mrs. K. A. Caso returned Sunday from an outing of several days at Long Reach, on the Washington coast. Mr. Case says he had the timo of his life. He spent most of the timu toying with the waves of the briny. Once lie encountered a sea Hon at depth and pur sued it for eight or ten miles into the tumbling main, but failed to land the animal. Veil Pleated With DUtrlct. Colonel J. U. Frank, a prominent min ing man of Denver, formerly connected witit the McArthur-Forrest cyanide works, in company with Engineer A. U. Hrowne, of Sumpter, visited the various Cracker Creek properties this week. Colonel Frank is very favorably im pressed with the district and states that he. will in all probability locate here permanently. He left yesterday for Denver. Bora To Mr. and Mrs. H. W. B. Smith, of Baker City, yesterday morning, a girl. Mr. Smith is well known in this city, being the main owner of the Cracker-Summit. Shoes of all kinds at Neill Mercantile company's. WILL INCREASE PLANT Black Eagle Mill to Be En larged at Early Date. James F. Moiklo, superintendent of the Bluck F.uglo, in thuMnlheurdistrlct. accompanied by his wife aud family spent several days in the city last week. A cam shaft wus broken at the mill re cently, occaHiouing some delay. Mr. Melklu states that he will have fifteen of the twenty stumps running on his re turn. The Black Kuglo has made an excep tional milling record. The ore is mined and milled at a total cost of sixty-eight cents a ton. While it is a low grade proposition, with large bodies in sight from which the oro can be literally quarried, some of the values run excep tionally high, Superintendent Meikle states. Owing to the immensity of the ore and the cheapness with which it can be worked, the company will probably largely Increase tho number of its stamps in the near future. Ice Cream! Ice Cream! Od, and each day after May 1st the renowned Hazelwood Ice Cream and Ice Cream Soda will be bad at SturgilPs. 10 oenta a dish, 25 cents per pint. Use Giant Powder, Fuse and Caps. JUEJ UESSEN & CLARKE MININC & CIVIL ENGINEERS aPECIALTICO- Epert Examinations. Krpnrtion Mining Properties. l)eilgnlng nj Installing Mill nj I'owrr Plants. U. S. Mineral n4 UnJercrounJ Surveys. Management ol Mining 1'roprrlles. SUMI'TUK. OWEOON. -.? J UCKYLIUOII DOUSE II JOHN GMEN, Propr. ',' ? Jobbcra In Wines, Liquors and Cigars Sumpter Bottling Works VII Kinds nl Carbonated liruiks d MINING AND INDUSTRIAL INVESTMENTS Rooks are now open for subscriptions to the Pacific Lumber and Live Stock Company, an industrial ot unusual merit. Iook into it. A group of mines with (100 feet ot de velopment work done, demonstrating value will be sold as a whole or will sell one-half interest and work the property in connection with purchaser. Best chance in the district. F. O. BUCKNUM SUMPTER, - OREGON