The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, August 12, 1903, Page 6, Image 6

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Wednesday, August 12, 1905
Plant to Be Installed as Soon
As Possible. Says Man
ager Smith.
sparking ceaceil. Apparently the infln
ItoHiniiilly Hinnll particles thrown off In
the raiiiationi actually render the air a
conductor. Then, too, when brought
near n charged electroscope It has the
power of diccliiirging It.
I'rofi-Hior Curie described the different
radiatloiiH given off by the radium com
pound and clupsilled them in accord
lance witli their behavior under the in
I fiucncu of a magnetic Held, their power
j of penetration, etc., and went on to ex-
I plain that in addition to thenc radiatlonn,
An order Iiiih been placed in Chicago I emanation!) poHnenHinn the name proper
for the UiiiHtamp mill to be initialled on tici an the substance itself were given
the Snow Creek proKrty, mentioned in 1 0ff. t,oho emanations possess many of
laHt week'H iHHiie. Tim machinery 1m to ' the propertied of (janes. They could, for
be delivered at the earliest possible date juxample, lw sucked through a tube,
and Manager Fred Smith states that ho They could also lw condensed by the ae
expects to have the plant in operation -ion of intense cold and would diffuse
beforucold weather. The contract for again when the temperature was raised,
its construction Iium been awarded to j ,s an example of one of tbo effects pro
Millwright McUin. There will Imi three I duced two vessels, one containing sulph
Wilfley concentratorH.'togetber with all I ,ju f zMu and the other radium chlor-
accesHorv iiiaclilnery. j ,t.f were connected by a tube in which
Manager Smith moved Ids olllco yes- m, i.,.,, Uxed a stop-cock. As long as
terday from the Hotel Sumpter to the , t!,jH hitter remained closed no effect was
mine to keep in lielter touch with the produced on the zinc sulphide, but this
work. Mrs. Smith will join him there , Hubstani'o at once became luminous as
in a few days. Mrs. .1. M Dwyer, who
has Ixteu connected with the firm as pri
vate secretary for some time will also
leave for the mine in a day or ho to take
charge of the books.
The Snow Creek has made a remark
able showing during the short superin
tendence of Mr. Smith. The property
lias been judiciously and systematically
leveloMtd and its advancement to the
class of producers in such a short period
HteukH well for the management.
The engineering llrni of lirowne Sc
Smith has been dissolved, Mr. Smith
withdrawing in order to devote his time
exclusively to the mine. The engineer
ing business will be continued by Mr.
Metal Described
Professor Curie.
The KugiiKMir, of London, in a short
account of the recent discourse by Pro
fessor Curie on the now element, radium,
discovered by him in collaboration with
his wife, calls attention to the certainty
with which the latest revelations of sci
ence may be depended to be heard of In
the proceedings of the Koyal Institution,
and tliu account of the wonders of radium
is certainly a worthy addition to its rec
ord. I'rofesNor Curie tlrst explained
that radium was capable of giving out
heat rays Hulliclent in tuaulily to per
mit of measurement of rise in teninra
ture by means of a thermometer. More
over, it was appireutly capable of doing
this without suffering diminution itself
in either hulk or weight. The emana
tions affect photographic plates through
opaipie substances much in the same
way as do the Itocutgcu rays, thomih it
is noticeable that the effects produced
by the former are not hearly as eharpas
are those produced by the latter. Had
iiim, too, will rentier some bodies such
as sulphide of zinc and platino-cyauide
of barium into proximity with which it
it brought, phosphorescent. Moreover,
it ilid not lose this extraordinary prop
erty when its temperature was lowered
to that of liquid air, and it, as far as has
soon as the stop-cock was opened. The
emanations, like the substance from
which they como, can also discharge
electrified Iwidies.
That radium actually did give off heat
rays was demonstrated by a striking ex
periment with what the professor term
ed a liquid air calorimeter. A vacuum
tlask was so arranged that the quantity
of air boiling off in a given time from
some liquid air contained in it could be
accurately measured. Into this tlask
were successively lowered a small piece
of glass and a small vessel of like size,
containing a small quantity of radium
substance. It was shown that the quan
tity of air coining off in the second cane
was very much greater than it had been
in the tlrst case the times in both In
stances being the same.
Iteforo concluding Professor Curie al
luded to some of the other characteris
tics of radium. He explained that it
was obtained from pitchblende, in which
mineral it was present in very minute
quantities. We believe that Sir William
Crookes has succeeded in extracting a
gr.tmmu from a ton of pitchblende. The
rays will discolor paper, gie glass an
abiding violet tint, turn oxygen into
oone, yellow phosphorus into tbo red
variety and mercury chloride into calo
mel. Some of these powers were exhib
ited. Finally the lecturer gave Rome
account of the experiments which he
and his wife had carried out and which
had lint up to the discovery of radium
and other similar bodice. He also made
mention of a few of the speculations as
to the possible gradual transformation
of the elements, suggested by the al
ready known properties possessed by
this wonderful substance.
Hereby Gives Netice:
That it ia the exclusive owner iu
the United States of patents on what la
known as the TKURKOHMKTKR for
loeatlug inotala iu the earth by creat
yet been discovered, is capable of cans- lug a ground circuit and measuring
ing these phenomena tor liiueUuue pe
riods, without any loss to itself or any
diminution of activity.
Another attribute possessed by this
element, or its compounds (or it was
with the chloride and bromide of radium
that Professor Curie was experimenting
is its ability to render air a conductor
of electricity. When brought near either
of the terminals of an induction coll,
between which sparks were passing, the
their depth
Wo are informed tbo same ia being
used by a person or porsous In or
uear Sumpter, aud hereby Rive uotico
that such persons have uo patout right
to uso the same aud are iufrlugers.
Ami that we shall hold all persons
using the same or procuring the same
to bo used ou their property strictly
responsible at law for the same.
That the West is the place to buv Western stocks,
I don't care if it's Golconda, Red Boy, Cracker Jack,
Cracker Oregon, or what is it it stands to reason that
I, being right in the heart of the Northwest Mining Dis
trict, should be able to supply you with any stock
desired. This business is done through my brokerage
department, which, by the way, handles more stock
than any other firm in the West. I want to place the
name of every reader of this paper on my mailing list.
A postal card will do, requesting my market letter
Of the development of the Victor Group, in the Cracker
Creek Distiict, in the recent issues of this paper. Same
has been bought by a strong Eastern company, and the
stock will shortly be put on the market by the
An elaborate prospectus in now in the hands of its
printers. As soon as it is off the press you should re
ceive a copy. Drop a postal to me today, and I'll mail
you one in due course of time. I shall act as the
Company's Fiscal Agent.
p. o. Drawer 1726 Spokane, Washington
Lli T7T7 A Beautifully Illustrated
rivlZJZi Pamphlet of 16 Pages
Great Dividend Paying Mines.
Any person contemplating a mining investment should not be
without tho information contained in this valuable uamphlot.
(Mention No. OU and it will lie promptly mailed yon.)
(Successor to Snyde & Stlnson)
Only the Best Brands of Liquors Served Over the Bar
Books and Stationery
I have added to my stock of Cigars and Tobaccoea a large number of
popular novels, the leading periodicals and a complete line of stationery
....The Elite Cigar Store...
L. HARRIS, Proprietor