The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, August 12, 1903, Page 2, Image 2

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Wednesday, August 12, igoj
California Mill Pronounced a
Decided Success.
Tho Oillfornlii concKntratiiiK plant
' l)OKuu iiurniniioiit operations lust
.. Katunluy. Tho machinery whh Htiirt-
",?, ( up Hovural diiyH prior and a Hmull
run iiihiIo, hh Iiiih boon Htatod. Somu
rurnoiliillitiK witl roniljiitHtnuut, how.
tvor, whh rtiilrMl liuforu hoKluuiiiK
" portnaiiontly.
It 1h Htntud that tho niachinory Ih
.r, . now in porfoct riuinliiK ordor uud
" tho' plant h pro-oinitiontly a hiiccohh.
Fifty toim of oro urn ImiIiik handlod
it day, with a hiivIhk of nlnoty-llvo
pur ml of tho viiIiiim, .with not n
triiuo in tho tiillliiKH. Tho pluton
( i t4how.11 ooiiHldoralilo iiinonnt of fren
Kohl, t'ho oonciintrntoH, It in Htatod,
will avocado ovur $(!(). ity tho ad
dition of ooticontriitiiiK IiiMoh, (ho
oiipmilly of tho plant can ImlncroaHod
to ovur 1 00 ii day.
ArraiiKomonlH arc holng niiido to
iiiHtall n cyanldo plant in tho nonr
Plant Will Be Installed This
Fall, Says Treasurer
Anthony Mohr roturnod yoidorday
from n trip to tho Old A ho in (ho
MiiiurHvillo diHtrlct, wioro ho took n
party of viiHturu iiivontorn. Hi, Htattm
that tho miHtorii pooplo found tho
1roMirty nil that it had Iwuh ropro
nontd and worn luoro than ploancd
with Hh priiHpncU. Mr. Mohr Ih
trMHiiror of tho Old Aim company
and .1. '1'. MoWalty Iiiih tho iiuiuiiko
inont of tint work.
Tho company, Mr. Mohr nayn, Ih
KtUiiK thlliKH nhapixl up to IiiHtall a
HinkiiiK plant IIiIh fall. Tho depth
4'apaity of IIiIh will Imi (H)0 foot, and
urranKomoutH will Ihi uiado nhortly to
ordor tho inaohlnory. Tho Old Alio
Ih a oyanldliiK propoHltiou. It Iihh
tin Iiiiiiioiiho IimIho. Tlioro Ih a drift
in now over 5100 foot with oroHKcntn
ovory 100 foot to prove the hIzo of
the Hhoot. The vein Iiiih Ihoii itohh
cut 105 feet without roui'lilng the
oppoHlle wall, and the whole din
taueelH in oie of a ood ipiallty with
exeeodiiiKly rich HtrltiKuro. The
quiillty of the oro and Hh viiHt extent
places thin at once iiiiioiik the very
prouilNluK proportion of the dlntrlct.
A Kod force of men Ih UIiik workeil
and development carried forward iih
rapidly hh pohhIIiIo.
Mining Progrtu.
The (tiiceofxiiil Holutiou of dllllciilt
euKlneerliiK prohleuiH, which Ih ho
pronounced a feature of modern prog
roim, UliiHtrateH, hotter than atiythitiK
el ho, perhapH, the iiihhI of a thoroiiKh
education, without which the young
niau and youth of today will lie out
of tho race hi the very near future.
UuuhiihI problem are met daily iu
the ordinary uounio of tnliiiiiK and
metallurgical liimliieiM. Problems hi
enirineoriuir, In motallurKy, in client
Utry and physio are ImjIiik solved by
yoiiUK men with complete technical
education. The rapid onward march
of aoleutitlu proKress U led by men
of thin character. Old methods,
time-honored and triiHted, are over
thrown to mako place for innovation)!
In every department of science. Suc
cess overcomes failure or mediocre
accomplishment, and tho world is
being educated ho rapidly that one la
bewildered in tlio effort to keep up
with the Hwift movitiK procession of
achievement. That which was good
ouoiikIi a decade ugo in no longer
Kiveu a placo in thU onward march,
whoro a liettor method has been din
covered. Thoro are fow of the mod
ern scientific discoveries that are the
outcomo of cbauco. Tboy aro mostly
the rosuH of Jour and careful ro
search, pursued intolllKontly and
persistently, until hiiccohh rewards
tho effort of painstaking, methodical
Inquiry. It in the sclontillc man
who Ih loadiuK the world today, and
his valuo iih the most important fac
tor iu our commercial and mechanical
success Ih rapidly lielnif realized and
substantially rccoRuizod. Miuiug
and Scientific Press.
Report Stitei That Slonu Are of Rare
A reliable roport from the Stlces
(lulch placers states that opals have
been discovered at tho (UkkIukh.
They were found iu a sort of con
glomerate matrix and the Kerns are
Hald to be beautifully irrodoscout and
of considerable commercial value.
Mrs. Laura II. Hills, who examined
the stones, says that they aro In the
possession of a lady who resides near
the placers, and beyond any (piestlon
are koiiih of rare valuo.
Will Be Ready For Operation
By Spring.
II. II. Andrews, vice president of
the Oregon Klectrlo I'owor couipauy,
which in putting in tho power plant
at Sparta, was iu tho city thin week.
Ho Htatca that 1,000 feet of fluino baa
been completed from Kaglo Creek aud
that tho work Ih being pushed aa
rapidly aa possible. The length of
tho Hume la 18,050 foot and it will
tako all the water of tho creek at Its
lowest Htago. Abundant power can
be furnished from thin sourco at auy
season of the year. Tho capacity of
the Hume ia 10,000 cubic foot per
Work on the power houso Ih to bo
started within two weeks. This
structure will be built of stono aud
concrete 40x100 feet, with au ad
ditional transformer room. The
initial capacity ot the plant will bo
.'1,000 Iioiho power, and machinery to
thia extent Iiiih already boon orderod.
The company, however, proposes to
Increase the capacity to 10,000 horao
power when the business demauds.
Construction work la to bo proao
cutcd an rapidly aa possible, aud Mr.
Audrewa states that the company will
be ready to deliver power to the dif
ferent uiiuiug dlatricta by apring.
Shampooiog and Scalp Treatment.
Can atop the hair from falling in two
treatment. Call at Room S, Colorado
Houso. Will teach the builnena. St
Ageuts wauled ot sell shares of
atock iu the Aalska Oil company.
Write for information to C. C.
11IIOWX A CO., R. 505 100 East
Lake St., Chicago, 111.
Capital Stock
- Vice-President
Assistant Cashier
Safety Deposit Vaults Gold Dust Bought
Does' a General Banking and Exchange Business
Investors desiring to place $20 or more, can learn
of an excellent opportunity to become interested in the
purchase of a mining property, situated in a good min
ing district in Oregon. Full particulurs, address,
E. A. CLEM & CO.
tifinei by Ptrmlitlon
Mirehinti Natleml link, Portland, Onion.
416 Chimtir of Commtret,
A. P. GOSS, President
GEO. H. TRACY, Cashier
g, Bank of Sumpter 3
TmmiiU a OMinl likli IiiImm
Interest Allowed on Time Deposits
Oralis diawn on al parts of the uild Special attention to elections.
Safety Deposit boxes for rent.
fflrr vr i r
r.c.u iourKeoco.
w w iiiweBW Ws MiivvmiitiV f"n A A Ws
Granite St. Sumpter, Ore.
B - 1
American Brewing and Crystal Ice Co.
E. SIBER, General Manager.
Manufacturers of
First Class Draught and Bottled
Also Ioe Made of
Distilled Water.
The most modern equipped plant in the state.
All orders promptly attended to.
Telephone, Main i?. BAKER CITY, OREGON.