COVERS THOROUGHLY THE GOLD FIELDS of the INLAND EMPIRE EASTERN INVESTORS IN OREGON MINES Pay for AND READ IT tl BRIDGES BROKE. Boiler for Midway Smashes Two on Bourne Road. The bridge near the Halfway Hoimo on tlio I Ion rm; road wan Rmaiihed yes terday by tho Hcotah marine boiler be ing transferred to the Midway. TIiIh manes the second bridge broken through. The engine in 126-horae Kiwer, furnished by the llolthoff Machinery company, and together with the truclcH on which it Ih being hutiled weigliH 24,000 pounds. The holMting mnchinory receqtly de livered has been net at the Midway and will be oeratcd hm noon an the boiler arrives. TIiIh Ih n mutter dependent Umiii the Htrvngth of the bridged inter veiling. WINTER SUPPLIES. TALK OF THE TOWN. the Valley Queen Management Sending Stuff For Contlououi Development. Arrangements are being made by the Valley (jueeti management to ship in supplies for the winter. Superintendent (irny and Foreman Warren are here siicrintcnillng the mutter. Along with tlio HiipplieM railH for the workings will Ini sent in. ContinuotiH develiipmitnl will be curried on during the winter. BLIND LEDGE. Shots Revealed Unknown Vein at McKic ley & Roosevelt. The I'nrest Mining company in getting in itN ciippliei for coiitiiiiimiH winter work. Two shifts are being worked on the .MeKiuley anil l(ootoclt clailiiH. SliotH broke turoiigli the fomwall of a blind ledge yenterday. TIiIh wiih uiihiik peeled. Itn width in yet unknown. It in estimated that tint main ledge in about UK) feel distant from the present work IngH. STRINGERS CUT, Vein Driving Crosscut For Main Pulaski About 200 Feet Distant. Foreman Itaven, of the Pulaski, re portH that several rich stringers have iK-t'ii cut during recent develo imeiit. The workings have been substantial ly timbered ami the croHHCttt Ih being driven for the main ledge of the proper ty iih rapidly an possible. It Ih esti mated that the vein will he encountered in considerably Ichh than '.'(H) feet. Left- For East. It. A. Marr, of Mnrre. Davidson, left thiH afternoon for Chicago and other eiiHteru miiuih on mining business con nected with the tlrm, to be gone three or four weeks. Well Pleased. II. U. Page, (3. II. Page and J. W. Klcitischmidl, of York, Nebraska, were here thiH week at the iiiHtauce of Man uiug WcInIi, looking for investments. They were well pleased with tho city. Hotel Sold. Mrs. Carrie Slurgill, through Judge Newbury, void the Union Hotel in Jtouruo to Mm. M. 1.. Swift, of Sumpter. No headaches from Giant powder. John Thomas, superintendent of K. A K., was in the city today. Mm. Walter Cronin returned yester day from a week's visit to Mrs. II. W. B. Smith, Baker City. Mayor McColIoob Hnd son re turned Sunday from Thompson Hot .prlngs, near Prairie City. liela Kadish, of Baker City, who recently returned from a trip to Europe, la In Sumpter today. Mr. Foster arrived In Sumpter some dayt nlnco and Iihh taken tho position of assistant cashier of the Ilauk of Sumpter. Mm. Brock, Mm. Miller and Miss J ess I o Brock returned several days since from Idaho, whore thoy had been visiting friends for n mouth. Mr. and Mm. Henry Spalding left yesterday to spend some time on tho oast. Mr. Spalding Ih in poor health, and ho goes to recuperate. Miss Callio Sheltou, book-keeper ror i no .ou .1. Horeiiscu company, left yesterday to take the teachers' examination in Baker City for it life cert I Heat e. Tho Klllen, Warner, Stewart com pany received a wire yesterday dat ing (hat 10. F. Warder, of the com pany, left Chicago yesterday and will ho hero in it few days. Mr. Warner Is accompanied by his wife. At Valley Queen. Anthony Mohr ami It. 1.. .Will spent a few (lays last week at the Valley Queen as the guests of Superintendent Thomas ('. Gray. They put in part of their tune at Lake Ilaldy, where they caught llsh galore. At lead the gentle men state ns much. Property Sold. Manning & Welsh sold lust week the George Allen property, lot 1, block III, Sumpter Townsite company's first ad dition, to Dudley Newton, and al ho lot :i, block 4, South Sumpter, Kills' addi tion, to II. W. II. Smith. Hotel Sumpter Dialog Ronm Opea, Tho dining room of Hotel Sumpter, after having been closed for about thirty days, was ncucd up again lust Sunday with largely increased patronage. ROYAL WORCESTER CORSETS ALL STYLES WE SELL THEM HAWLEYS To MARR & DAVIDSON, Sumpter, Oregon. Gentlemen: Please place my name upon your mailing list for regular copy of "Mining Topics," which tells all about the mines of Eastern Oregon and which you agree to send at no cost to me, whatever. Signed Street No City. State J. H. CONNORS. J. L. HMIVCY. ...The Bar... High Grade Wines, Liquors and Cigars Club Rooms in Connection Headquarters for Miners SUMPTER - OREGON A Large Stock Of Sash and Doors Red Cedar Shingles Sumpter Lumber Co. SUMPTER OREGON &- HOTEL SUMPTER &- .-$, ,--7-?----k;' 'wi. .--d&iv. r J (IK i v-.? m ks -.-u. : m ZVfc- :.4iat v-"kfe.0 L. J. HAZCLWOOO, MANAGER Dining Room In Connection. American Plan. Headquarters for Mining and Commercial Men. Sample Rooms. Stages for All Parts of Camp. Baggage 1 ransferred Free of Charge. Electric Light and Steam Heat. j Rates $2 to $3.50 a Day.