The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, August 12, 1903, Page 10, Image 10

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Wednesday, August 12, 1903
President Saylor States That
Property Is Making
Good Showing.
Professor .1. F. Saylor, of Spokane,
president of the Old Arastra Mining
company, operating In tliu (intuitu creek
diHt riet, spent come timu at the property
recently, looking after development
work. C M. I-Wutt, a well known
mining engineer, recently examined the
property, and bin report was not only
extremely, favorable but he decided to
.! 1 I.. .1 !
Hint; mi iiiicirni ill illi: llliuc.
The crosscut now being driven in in
15(1 feel, having cut seven ledges, in 1 1 1 i h
distance, all carrying good valueH, Six
sacks, of ore taken at random from L'OO,
nave exi Ilngly catinfactorv awr-1
iiKt'Ct Professor Saylor Mutes,. It is a I
smelting ore that will yield good ri"
turiiH. The average of all the assays, '
taken from the ledges, in from f.'l'i.
There are several blind ledges on the I
property anil il in thought that in all I
ten will he encnuulered, counting the
H-vcii already cut. The format ion
In granite, whicli, contrary to precedent,
it Ih Hinted Ih heavily iniiierali.ed. The
veiiiH are widening and growiugdecided-
ly richer with depth
I, . ,, , . ,
rofi'Hior Saylor wan. formerly super-
. . - , . . , . i i .1 '
iinviiwi-iii. in iiiii iininiiiir pi'iiiiiiin. iiiil nil i
, i .. I ., ...
U llfltL ll.t.ltllli Illu ..llltr.a Him lit lilu '
. , . ... ii i f. .i i ,
mining interests, llo eft ih week
..,.,, . i ..
in inn rnnv mi iiiiniurnn ciiiuiecitMi Willi
IiIh company.
U. S. Geological Report For 190?, Now
la Preu.
The rcH.rt for HK)l! to the United
KtiiteH Liiiiliiifli'iil Hiirviie mi tin timilni.
ti d 1.1.1111111111 iii 11KI-' Ih i.i.w In nr..HH. !
Tint ri'iHirtiH in two purtH, the llrnt In- j
lug the reMirt proper, by Dr. .loneph
StrutlierH, und the necoud being a impel"
by I'rof. J. F. Kemp on platinum in the I
Itaiuliler mine, Wyoming.
The production of platinum from do-
mcHtic ort'H in the 1'uited Staten de
creased from l,40S ouiicch, valued at
fL'7,il'(l, in 1IHM the largeHi output re
corded by the geological mirvcy hIiicu
1HH0 to til ouuceH, valued at f 1,814, the
Hiiuilli'Hl production hIiico IHiCI. In con
nection with the plrttiiiuin there wan
alno nbtaiiitsl from the oren 'M Hue
ouiictm of Iridium, iih auainnt LTill ounceii
in I1K1I. The domi'Htic nupply of plat
inum in recent yearn ban been obtained
an a Heeoiidary product chlelly from gold
placer deponitH In Trinity and Shasta
couutii'H, California. It in reported that
the metal occurs, though not in com-,
niercially rich deHisitH, in many other i "olved away leaving a beautiful Htruc
gold placers of California, iih well an in turn of leafy and apparently crystalline
Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana,
Colorado and Alaska. The Humbler
mint', Wyoming, continues to attract at
tention, and during the year ti consider
able iiiautity of the metal was collected
but not marketed by the Waratah Min
erals company, at Kerby, near Grant'H
runs, Josephine county, Oregon
The Itusslan sources of platinum sup-
ply, which furnish about IH) per cent ol i
the total consumption of the world, are
comparatively limited. The platinum
bearing ores extend along the eastern
watershed of the Ural mountains in
eastern I'erm and along the watershed '
farther south.
The iuiKrtM of platinum into the
United Statea during UK):' were valutd
at 11,187,1)80, nh compared with $l,oU.V
81)5 In 11HU.
I'rof. Kemp's paper contains a brief
description of the situation, toiograpliy
' "'"' fwlnisy of the Rambler mine, which I
' !h in Albany county, Wyoming, about 4H ,
miles nouthuest of Laramie, near the
headwater (if Douglas creek, in the
M.Miicins jtow nioimtiiitiH ; n dft-criptiou I
ol the Kamnler dike, antl an account of
( the oru body itK'lf. Great interest was
1 excited late in 11)01 anil early in 11)02 by '
tliu finding of the, platinum group of
i tnutalH in tlit' copper ore of tliu initio and (
by the Reparation from the oru of sper- I
r.vliu'. Ilrsernle of platinum. I he
' lc,l ! "t yet been extracted on
tliu commercial scale. The paper Ih il-
liiHtratctl by a mapof the Humbler mine,
( MiniiiK World,
Diicovtry of Helium Proves That He
I - I
Wat More Than Poet.
The discovery of the metal helium
i proven beyond ijucHtirm tlmt F.dgar Allan I
I'oe wan more than a poet u genuine .
prophet. The application of sulphuric!
lucid to the mineral cleveitu ciuihch hel-1
; ium to form, and helium Ih lighter than
hydrogen. i
I'oe, in IiIh story of "Hans i'faal," de
scribes jiint such a metal iih helium.
ITllllI II lll I... r..........l...r.,.l iu ...i.s....
llml. . .. ..... .
I -.' "
the pannage where the prophecy of hel-
iumV discovery appears.
"I then took opportuuitii'H of convoy-
ing by night to a retired situation east
of Uotterdum live iron-bound casks, to
. JK.Ilflll.l I. I I. .lit ft f t l.l.lljll... lulitli til ......
Miriiiiiin iii'hiii fill, tlliwiin I'm II, llllll iiiiu
.., , , . . , ., , ,
" uie "irgcr si.e , six nines, wircc iiiciich
, ,. . , . .
in diameter, properlv shaped, and ten
.11 II
li'iit in length; a iiuantity of a part culir
. ,.. ., . ' . . ', . ',
metallic substance which I shit not
name, and u dozen demiiohiiH of u verv
I !.l M'l ... I... I I
i minium iii:iii i iiu Klin in uu luriucu
from these latter materials iHiigiiH never
yet generated by any other iiernon than
niyelf. I can only venture to nay that
thin h a t'oiiHtitueut of azote, ho long
coiiHidered irreducible, and that itn
deunity Ih icliotit .'17.4 tiinen less than that
of hydrogen. It in tasteless, but not
o'lorli'HH ; buniH when pure with a green
Ml tlmw' H'"1 '8 "Htniitaiieiuly fatal
u"i""11 "."-Nw York Coinmer-
Mr. Hubbell Cilet Other Inilancei Than
the One Here,
Frederick N. HubU'll, secretary of the
Miut'M K(uipnient company, San Fran
cisco, in a recent letter to The Miner,
nayw :
"Noting the article in ii recent issue
of your hht of the occurrence of gold
in limestone, it recalls a sK'cimen of
cr.Vhtallireil limestone (calc spar) some
yearn ago, iH'longing to Mr. Coryell, of
thin city.
"There wan no doubt of the character
of the gangue, it being pure rarbonate
"i lime, an the gangue wan entirely din
Kd, the acid lined being dilute hydro-
"This occurrence has also liven noted
in the ort'H from the Gleenon mine (King
of Arizona) if my memory is not at
"The verilled report of the occurrence
of gold in a pure granite outcrop and in
payable iuautitiin, verifying what I
l"'e personally seen in t-eyenite, in
Mexico, makes us sometinus wonder
with the senator, 'Where we are at.' "
For Sale.
A hotel with forty-one rooms fur
niahed, situatid In a live town, will be
Hold for '-',700, halt down. For informa
tion call at Hoom 2, Colorado House,
Sunipter, Ore.
Only the oest brand ol liquors ami
cigars at Dunphv'a "The Club."
If in want of clothing, see Neill Mer
cantile company.
T. C. Harrison, agent for Giant pow
der company.
...J. W. COWDEN...
FIELDS 322222252
Address. I. V. Cowden, Sunipter, Or.
Do you deHiro to sell ntock in your
Gold, Copper, Mining or other In
dustrial companies? If no, you can
not flnda better advertininguiedium
' 'the dixie manufacturer
It in the leading industrial and
financial paper published in the
South. It readies that class of read
ers who are interested in financial
and industrial affairs. It Ih old and
established. Published semi-monthly.
Guaranteed circulation 10,000.
Subscription price fL'.OO per year.
Advertising rate reasonable. Send
for sample copy and advertising
rates. Address,
Rountree Publishing Company
Birmingham, Alabama.
84 and 86 La Salle St.
A journal of national circulation.
Ih read by bankers, capitalists, in
ventors, retired merchants. If you
want to reach a good china of buyers
and the moneyed and investing pub
lic, advertise in the National Banker.
Thousands of copies of each issue of
the National Hanker kim-b to investors
throughout the Middle West, Kastern
and New Kuglaud Mates. The best
journal in the country in which to
reach investors. Sample copies free.
Advertising rates on application.
Tickets at Low Rates to the
The Chicigo,
Milwaukee and
St. Paul Railway
Will lie on sale at all ticket
olllces on June 4th and 5th, June
24th to 30th, inclusive; July 15th
and KUli, and August 25th and
Tickets good for going passage
(or ten days from date of Bale,
with final return limit of 00 days,
from date of sale.
For further information, ad
dress, H. S. Rows,
General Agent.
Portland, Oregon.
Only transcontinental line
; 't assing directly through
: : Salt Lake City
:: Colorado Springs
and Denver
Three splendidly equipped tra ns I
Through .Sleeping and Dining Cars f
and free Hcclintng Chair Cars. I
The most Magnificent scenery in f
America by daylight. J
Stop overs allowed on all classes X
of tickets. t
t For cheapest rates and descriptive ',
. iiinrniiirM. niifirfRfi
.,,, ........ VHH
: W. C. MoBRIDE, - General Agint
Oregon J
Shot line
and union Pacific
Salt lake,
Denver, Kansas City.
Ocean steamers between Portland
and San Francisco every live days.
Low Rto I
Tickets to and from all parta of
the United States, Canada and
Through Pullman Standard and
TourlBt Sleeping Cars daily to Omaha,
Chicago, Spokane; Tounit Sleeping
car daily to Kansas City ; through
Pullman tourist sleeping cars (per
sonally conducted) weekly to Chi
cago, Kansas City; reclining chair
cars (seats free) to the East dally.
For particulars, call on or address
H. C. Bowus,
Agent, Baker City, Ore