The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, August 12, 1903, Image 1

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    MSt"t "Wimacaai .
NO. 49.
Eastern Investors Greatly Pleased and Largely
Increase Their Holdings in This
Well Known Property.
Secretary J. F. Sholton, of the
Highland Gold Mines company,
operated by the Noil J. Soreusen
compauy, returned thin morning from
the property with Judge N .T. Moon,
of Ada, Miuuesota, and Lars Hoi
burg, of Uraud Falls, North Dakota.
'Both gentlemen wero interested in
the Highland before their visit, and
they authorize tho statemont that
they havo increased tliolr holdings.
Mr. Heiburg says, and Mr. Moon
concurs in tho interview:
"I visited this property to look
after my formor investments, and I
am pleased to stato that I found it
very much boyoud what it has Ihsou
ropreseuted. I am thoroughly satis
fied with my investment, insomuch
so that I havo largoly increased my
holdings, and tho samo is truo of
Judge Moon, who also visited tho
property with mo."
Secretary Sholton states that tho
streak of ore in tho Ilauuockburti
drift shows good mineralization wl.'h
indication that tho Glasgow or Shol
ton shoot may bo brokon Into at any
time. Tho distance botwoou tho two
Is estimated at thirty foot.
Tho visiting gentlemen uroatlv mi.
joyod tho trip and are moro than
pleased with (ho district.
Eastern Officers Visit The
Old Abe.
President Schultz, of tho Old Abo
compauy, of Milwaukee, operating
in tho Mluersvillo district, nccom
panied by his fathor, Houry F.
Schultz, a director and a heavy
stockholder iu tho company, Daniel
Simpson, a prominent mining en
gineer of Dulfalo, and A. L. Harris,
a capitalist, of Recdsburg, Wisconsin,
returned from a visit to tho property
this morning.
Mr. Simpsou says that without
exception the Old Abo has tho best
showiug for a big miuo of any prop
erty ho over oxamiued. Mr. Houry
Schultz, who is au old irou operator
iu Wisconsin, is highly pleased over
the prospects of the Old Abo.
Anthony Mohr, treasurer of tho com
pauy, and local manager, accom
panied tho party to .the mine.
Finished Work.
George E. Hoos, special agont
from tho Interior Department to col
lect mining data, who has boon horo
Hovoral days, completed his work and
left this afternoon.
Mr. Mcllls Here to Get Matter in Hand
for Coming Exposition.
Prod It. Mollis, of Uakor City,
sueriutoudout of tho stato mineral
exhibit at tho St. Louis exposition,
was in tho city today. Mr. Mollis says
ho will leavo for Portland tomorrow
to look aftor this matter. Ho states
that without ho Is convinced thut
ho can make a good showiug at St.
Louis, ho will notmako any attempt.
Mr. Mollis Is experienced iu these
matters, having hud chargo of tho
Stato miuoral exhibit at Huflalo, and
was also a rotfosoutativo to tho Paris
at once.
A- L. MoEwen, of McEwen.Artbur
and McEwen, oxamiued the
property for the eastern people, and
la there now conducting operations.
Sampling Works.
Tho Sumpter Sampling aud Test
ing Works will Install a cyauldlug
plant In a short time. Iu addition
to this tho Elmoro oil concentration
process will bo put In at au early
date Tho plant Is now In full
dixieTgroup mill.
Machinery Purchased For Im
mediate Shipment.
Opinion Of a Prominent En
gineer Regarding Prop
erty.' '
Nelson Mooro, ot Pittsburg, part
owner of tho Dixie group, arrived in
tho city Sunday, aud iu compauy
with Frank Itay,mauagornnd also part
ownor, loft at onco for tho property.
Tho Klncudo mill mentioned in a
formor issue lias been purchased in
San Francisco and will bo shipped at
au early date. The plant will bo
provided with one Woodbury con
centrator, and will handle twenty
tons of oro a day.
The sawmill recently installed on
tho property will bo ready to run as
soou as tho boiler arrives. It is ex
pected today or tomourow. Tho
sawmill will bo started up as soon as
possible to cut lumber for the con
centrating plant.
A. L. McEwen Will Have Charge cf
Tho possession of tho Forty-Nino
Jimmio has passed 'to Virginia,
Minnesota, people. All litigation
regarding the titlo has been cleared,
aud development work is to proceed
Is Practically Completed and Ore Com-
ing In.
Tho side track to tho Smelter Is
now practically completed, and the
company will bo in a position to re
ceive oro by rail iu u few
diiys. Two car loads are already
Iu and aro bolug unloaded today.
Wagon shipments, are satisfactory,
and oro aud concentrates aro being
daily received. No time has
boon sot for blowing iu, but if
oro receipts continue as at present,
aud with tho completion of the sid
ing, tho plant will probably be
started iu a few days.
Tho eamplor has beou going every
pay this week and will continue.
Tho recent developments in the
Greenhorns assures tho company of
good oro supplies when tho siding is
Vice President' H. L. Stewart, of
tho Killen, Warner, Stewart com
pany, Scott Germain, of Now York,
and J. W. Howard, consulting en
gineer, also of' Now. -York, returned
last night from tho Standard mine,
In the Quartzhurg district. Tho
party traversed the several tttuuols,
slopes aud uplifts, aud was thorough
ly satisfied with. tho development
work now going on.
From a professional standpoint,
Mr. Howard examined tho property,
and while ho does 'not euro to give out
any very definite ! Information, fiom
general conversation it was Inferred
that ho is greatly Impressed with Its
magnitude. Ho says:
"I examined the two vein systems,
one leprcM'iitnl by the Standard
on which there' aro several tun
nels, uplifts and stupes, well de
veloped and yielding good values Iu
gold, copper and cobalt. Paralleling
tho Standard aro several veins partly
developed. Among them arc tho
Juniper and liuby. .- The other veins
approaching add Intersecting tho
Standard are represented by tho long,
strong aud persistent Vein known as
tho Cleveland and' Willie Hoy. On
this there are tunnels and drifts con
nected with tlio. central valley
through the. property by means of
finished Intersecting tunnels. This
vein carries principally gold.
"Tho development In progress will
probably place the property among
tho big producers of the state."
Will Move.
Albert Goiter, who has I (en living
in the Taliafeio hoiit-e, will move
into tlio homo ownid by him on
Center aud North sttrets, and now
occupied by David Louis Killen,
In a short time.' Mr. Killen will
move to tho now residence across the
street now under coiistiiictlon.
Sold Engine.
Tho Goiter-Hcudryx Investment
compauy, repicuntlig the Holtoff
Machinery cumjiany, bus Mild a 1150
liorso power Nordburg-Corliss en
gine, to the Ilaker City Gas aud
Electric company. This makes tho
second engine told to the liaker City