8 THE SUMPTER MINER Wednesday, August ?, 190? OFFICIAL RECORDS. Tho following liiHtnimentH were II led nt tlio llnkur county court Iioiihu (luring thu week ending A nt;. -I, 111011. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. IIKKIIM. Receiver to Alex llulilmnl, rocolpt in full for N. K. i Soo. Tp. 7 It. 4 IK.; 8100. July 15 A. Hiihlmril mid wife to T. R Miitmilller, X. K. U Sou. III! Tp. 7 11, 14 K; 8!!5. Inly 1H Receiver to Jennie Tleljen, in full for 101 iiuroH hi Hoc. 7 Tp. 10 It. 117 K; a 102. Inly lift Jennie Tiotjen iind IiiihIiiiiiiI lo Huiiiptnr Lninher Co., 101 ucrori In Sou. 7 Tp. 10 It. .'17 K; 1,(100. Miiroh l!l, '71 Htiitn of Oregon lo I. I). llmiHtock, two ileoiltt to .'110 iicrox in Hi(i. 1 Tp. H It. :iH 10., ami Kit. 0 Tp. H It. :i K; 8100. Inly ill -Ihiiiiii Mnwitt mill wlfo to K. A. IIiiIhi.. 10 acres in K. K. '.( Sec. 'Jilt: Tp. 7 It. 10 K; 6:100. Inly IH Receiver lo I vim .lulfrliw, receipt for 100 ncrcH In Kith. 7 ami lHTp. 10 It. II K; 8100. Inly -Tt- -Ivan Icirrlim lo Hiunpter I.iiiulim- Co., hiiiiio iih IiihI; 8500. Inly 'Jfi -Itnhort MitAiihiy ami wlfo to CliiiH. i. Lowe, tract In lot II lilock '-', CiiiplmirH mill to linker Oily; S'JOO. .limit '2 I). K. Mttloflllehl nml wifo lo W. I). Ilollnwiiy, IoIh 'J7 nml 28 lilock 1 :i Wllovulo; 81. Inly '27 -Receiver lo Krmik K. Sou. 28 Tp. 10 It. 35 E;8 100. Jan. 211 John V. Clurk to John D. Uohh Jj lntroHt in Mngplo quurtz claim; 81. July 22 JmiiftH T. lirury anil wlfo to A. P. Penrco, one-third interest in CruHuut ami two quartz oIiiIiiih; 81. July .'10 C. J. Duiry ot ux to Kdw. E. La Hrie, Und. two-thlrdo of Allen Quartz mining claim; 8175. DiivIh, receipt in full lor H. W. '.j Seen. 2!) Tp. 11 It. 10 E; 8100. Oct. i:i, '02 -Ixiiuo WlllimiiHon ami wlfo lo Al DIhUH, lot 5 lilock 1, Mill uiln (o Sampler; 850. July !t Itlou Crgn to (lotto. It. Urgo, liilent-it in S. W. i H. W. ,'4 Sou. 22 Tp. 7 It. 10 K; 81. July IH .M. K. Voting und wlfo to CIiiih. !'. Scplitr, 'u IiiIicmI In lot 15 lillock 15, U'lilliioy; 8000. Sept. 10, '02- J. P. Ilnlley mid wlfo to Nellie II. WIIhoii, jot 5 lilock H P.mkor'H 111I11 to linker City; 81,100. JiiIiiii-17 -Nellie II. WIIhoii mid liiirtliaiid to Miiiulo A. Hughe, hiiiiio iih IiihI; 81,100. Jiimt 20 U. S. A. to J. II. Hunt ington, imtoiit to K. K. 4 S. 10. 4 So. HTp. l.'l It. CI 10 April 15, 'lilt .1. II. Huntington and wife lo V. I'ei imlil, huhio iih IiihI; 81. July 18 Receiver to .. S. (lard, receipt in full for 101 iiitoh in See. 7 Tp. 10 It. 117 10; 8 UCI. July 2:i.. S. Card to Sampler Lamlter Co., 101 nuren in Sou. 7 Tp. 10 It. :i7 10; 8025. Auk. H, '02 Carl O. Pettermin to Win. .1. Cluimt, lot II block .'I, Itlelilaud; 800. July 20 J. II. Ciilluni and wlfo to John S. l.ivlngHton, tract in X. W. ,'4 Sou. 28 Tp. 11 It. Ill K; 81. Auk. 1 Win. A. HoiihIoii to linker City, lotn .'I, I, 0, 7 and 8 lilock T, PIiicii'h 111I11 to linker City; 88,500. Juno 0 S. drier to M. (Srior, wife, loU 1, 2, mid II lilock 8, towiittite linker Oily;, Auk. 1 S. SoimuerH and wife to Laura Ackcriimn, lot 5 and 0 lilock I lliiHkiill'H mid lo linker City; 81125. Jully 0 W. II. McCnrty mid wife to Fred It. Link, X. ' lot Xo. 7 lock 2 in Cracker, iiltto lot 0 lilock 1), ltoiirno; 8250. A UK. 1 J. It. CnrtwrlKlit et mix to Win. II. Itonuli, lot 2 block 0, Sampler HelghtH mid; 8800. MINING MATTEltS. OKKII4. Juno 0 Ed Smith to Con. MORTGAGES. July 12 Eu HuIho to Kd Wilkin Hiin, X. ,' S. W. )i S. E. H Sec. 21) Tp. 7 It. 01 E; 8150. July 2!) W. W. Lucas and wlfo to Kind National Dank, .'120 ncrcH In Seen. 11, i:i and 11 Tp. 10 It. :i7 E; 82,722. July .'10 Welder mid Tbroahor to 10. T. CraiiHtou, 500 luiiihn mid wool crop; 82,o;iO. July .'II CIiiih. II. Aiiioh and wlfo lo Matt Stuber, lots 17 to 20 block 17, Pimlllu adu to linker City; 8200. July 15 -Ceo. O. Hyde and Fred Mealy lo National HoiucHcokor'H AHHociation, W. 50 hxIh of S. W. H S. 10. !4' See. 10 Tp. ! It. 10 E; 81,100. July 28 - Mary J. Malum and huubiiml lo JoHitph Schlml er, 00x222 foul In S. 10. 4 Sou. 10 Tp !) It. 10 E; 82250. I July 28 W. I). Holliiwny and wife to Eastern OrcKon II. ami L. Association, lots 27 mid 28 block IU Wlllovnleo; 8150. July 2 Mlniilu A. llnghcH and hiiHbmid to CIiiih. Xewimiu, lots 1 mid 5 north '.j lot II block I, i'arker'H adn to linker City; 8350. July 21111. Llnvlllo et al to W. Korniild, 700 head of sheep; 8800. July 27 V It. Link to Win. Wolgim, X. . '.. lot 7 block 2 mid lot 0 block I), llournu; 8250. Inly 28 -John Henderson mid wife to Slate Land Hoard, 200 acres in Sees. 27 mid 28 Tp. 0 It. :ii) E; 81,200. July 211 (!. K. Johnson mid wifo to State Land Hoard, 1 15 ncreoH in S. 10. '.j Sou. :il Tp. 7 ami 208 ncroo in Sou. 5 to 8 Tp. 8 It. 1 2 E; 81, 100. July 28- -M. J. letiuliiKH et vir to Slate Land Hoard, 80 acres in Seu. 21 Tp. 11 It. 1 :i and 100 acreH in Seu. 2:i Tp. 8 It. :t! E, mid lots 7 to 10 block 0, Hrnttiiln and McConins and to linker City; 82,000. A UK. !l (leeo. HronoiiKh et ux to Lizzie Iloir, tract in block 21 At wood's 2nd and to linker City; 81,000. Dee. 21, '02 P. J. Connolly to Hank of Ontnrln, 0,00 stock Hhoep; 807,000. Auk. !' K. JoliUHon to .las. Mitchell, 10 head of work horses, harness, wiikoiih, etc. ; 8500. MISCELLANEOUS. Lien 1' W. Morse vs.. Dunne (1. M. Co., oil Ida (iiirdner mid other quartz claims, labor; 8225. Injunction Lttti Andrew et ill vs. Jas. Pulton et al, to restrain defendants interferriiiK with plalntllfs use of water in North Powder Illver, to irriKute 2,200 acres In Tp. 0 It. Ill) 10; dniiiiiKCH and 82,000. Hill of Sale Julv 110 W. A. llalrd to M. llotr, frame liuildiiiK iu S. E. corner block, Hoyd's adn to linker City; 8700. ltelense of Lease July 110 W. A. llalrd to Hannah DoiiKherty, 25x100 feet iu S. E. corner block l, Hoyd's mid to linker City; 81. Option July 28 Clark Tabor to (ieUor-lIoudryx Inv. Co., on Consolidated Fraction uiiuiuK MOUNTING BOARD MOUNTING CARDS OFFICE SUPPLIES STATIONERY OF ALL KINDS fiercer. Drug Co. GRANITE STREET SUMPTER, OREGON Iloiiauza (. Mines Co., 170 acres in ground, one year; 85,000. THE SUMPTER SAMPLING AND 2 TESTING WORKS Phono Main (101 SUMPTEIt, OREGON P. O. Box V. McEWEN, ARTHUR 8t McEWEN PROPRIETORS Samplers and buyers of Ores and Bullion in any J Ouantities. Assaying and Milling Tests. Stamp T Mill Concentrators and Cyanide Plant in Con- t nection. Mail orders promptly attended to. WRITE FOR TERMS. 7" T The New Olympia E.E. HAUSER, PROP. FINE OLD (1884) HERMITAGE WHISKEY riNCST BRANDS OF WINES, ALES AND PORTERS. OLYMPIA BEER, BOTTLED OR DRAUGHT. FINE CIGARS. CLUB ROOM IN CONNECTION, CENTER STREET. OPPOSITE P. O. MlttlMllltoMtoMl SUMPTER, OREGON A. L. McEWEN, M. E. K. O. McEWEN, H. Sc, E. M. McEwen 8c McEwen MINING ENGINEERS IND ISSUERS Having purchased the Plant and Outfit of Messrs. 'Browne & Smith, we are prepared to do General Assaying and Complete Analysis of Ores. Also Concentrating, Amalgamation and Cyanide Tests. j OFFICE CENTER STREET PHONE 65 V 7SOipmiOMNIE Isa&Ea U Lll w " - tH P in Ki m MmWymz THE SCENIC LINE Through Salt Lake City, I.eadville, Pueblo, Colorado Springs and Denver, mid the Famous Rocky Mountain Scenery by Daylight to all points East. 3 FIST TRAINS DULY BETWEN OCDEN UD DENVER 3 MODERN EQUIPMENT, THROUGH PULLMAN AND TOUR 1ST SLEEPING CARS AND SUPERB DINING CAR SERVICE STOPOVERS ALLOWED For rates, folders and other M. C. M'BRIDE, Gen. Agent, information, address 124 Third St., PORTLAND, ORE.