The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, August 05, 1903, Page 7, Image 7

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Wednesday, August .;, 1903
Sumpter District
Sumpter District
1 The Pulaski J
Gold Mining and Milling
I Company
Full Paid and Non
Assessable. PAR VALUE 10 CTS.
1,500,000 Shares. 1,000,
000 Shares Pooled and
will not come on Market
in Competition with
Treasury Stock.
Nine Claims, Lead Traced Over 3,000 Feet Across the Claims. One and
a Half Miles From Smelter One Mile From Railway. Water Power on
the Property. Plenty of Timber. 70 Per Cent Free Gold. Magnificent
Mill Site. Property Opened up by Open Cuts, Shafts and Tunnels. s-
rE have all the Requisites of a Magnificent Property. The Investor has the Money. We have the
Investment. You want a Straight, Legitimate Business Proposition. We have it. We require
funds to continue development. You have the funds. We need them. You can Purchase our First
issue of Treasury Stock at
Can we not exchange? Remember our expenses are veiy low and that your dollar Brows uh we continue Development. Our Intent assnyrt
of average Hock, made by Robbing & Itobblns and McKwen & McKwen of Humptur, tmvo from 2,'M to $3).H0. Picked sample Kvel54.H),
IKIS.00 and $100.00, Hiid we are mill 200 feet (estimated) from the ledge. J Write for our "Kpltomo of Facts." Stock muy be purchased
on the Installment Plan, 30 per cent down, balance in two monthly payments. Remit by Hunk Draft, l'ostofllce Orderor Registered letter.
Bankers The First National Bank of Sumpter.
Address all communications to
J. H. MacCallunn, Secy.
Prest. Stott Reports That Face
Of Drift Shows Good
Gold Sulphides.
A letter from Sam R. Stott,
prosideut of the. Groouboru Mines
and Development company, of Groou
boru City, operating tbo Lucy group
in tbo Greenhorn district, to Morris
Sullivan, vice president of tbo com
pany, who is now in the city, yester
day, states that the ledge is getting
moro solid and is carrying good
values in gold sulpbldeB. He roasted
some of the ore and panned some,
and while no assays have been made,
be says that it will doubtless yield
high values. Mr. Stott further
stated in bis letter that all the logs
for the cabins have been out and
peeled, and that arrangements .are
being made for continuous develop
ment work.
The property of the company con
sists of three claims, the Lucy, the
Muslo and the O. K., situated near
the Morning, Earl and Psyche, and
containing a continuation of the
Morning ledge. There Is an excel
lent mill site adjoining the Muslo
claim and an abundance of water and
wood for all purposes. The claims
Ho ou the h oad wators'of Illg Crook
in tbo vicinity of tho well known
properties mentioned. Tho main
ledge la a contact betweou slato and
serpentiuo, the aerpentiue forming a
reef about a hundred feet higher than
the slate lying alongside. The vein
parallels Big Creek which flows
through all tbo claims.
The presout work consists of a
drift on the ledgo. It was in the
face of tbo drift that Mr. Stott
encountered tho high values reported.
It is a blind lead and us yot has
not been crospout, but It is thought
that it will averago botwoon eighteen
and twenty foot in width. It is
regarded as ono of tho vory promising
properties of the Greenhorn district.
Mr. Sullivan, who is familiar with
tho group and the character of tbo
ore It produces, states that in bis
opinion with ninety days of well
directed development work the
property will rank equally with the
Earl, Morning and Big Johnnie.
Timber sad Homestead Filings.
Timber and homestead filings, as well
as final proofs, can be made before
Charles H. Chance,. United States Com'
missioner, office in First National Bank
of Sumpter building, Sumpter, thus sav
ing applicants expense of a trip to La
The celebrated Gund's "the beer of
good cheer" always on draught at Dun
phy's The Club.
Giant Powder Is the beat by test in
the world. T. G. Harrison agent.
Interior Department Officer
Here For This Purpose.
George E. Doss, a special ugont
sout out by tho Interior Department
to gather cortiiln data rolativo to tho
mining Industry for tho United States
Geological Survoy, division of mining
and minora! resources, arrived in tho
city Mouday, und will occupy the
office of VV. C. Caldor at tbo Hotol
Sumpter whllo hero. Genorally
speaking tho Information which he
seeks iuoludos the character of tho
mining firm or organization, tbo
location of its property, the amouut
of its capital stock, dividends or
assessments, tbo number of mou
employed abovo and underground
with the total salaries paid, and the
total amount of ore, with its value,
mined, sold or treated during the
year 1002. Mr. Boss will bo In the
city several days and be states that
it would greatly facilitate matters
If mine operators would call at bis
office and furnish him the necessary
data. He has spent some time in
Baker City gathering information
regradlng the mines tributary to that
While Mr. Boss, does not wish to
give out au extended interview about
tho minus of Eustoru Oregon, hu
status that ho rogards tho Sumpter
district ill a most favorablo light and
bolioves that It Is ono of tho most
promising mining region in the
JOHN 6AGEN. Propr.
Jobbers In
Wines, Liquors and Cigars J
!' Siimntnr Rnttlinor Wnrlrs !
till JYlliun ill jiiruiiiiuicu irmnn m
Books axa.naw.opan for subscriptions
to the Pacific Lumber and Live Stock
Company, an industrial of unusual
merit. Look into it.
A group of mines with WW feet of do
velopment work done, demonstrating
value will be sold as a whole or will sell
one-half interest and work the property
in connection with purchaser. Best
chance in the district.