The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, August 05, 1903, Page 6, Image 6

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Wednesday, August 5, 1903
Main Level Being Ironed This
Mom. Gray and Wrrn, Superintendent
and Foreman of Property Entertain
Party Saturday and Sunday Every
thing Systematic and Splendid De
velopment Work Being Done at the
A reproHontiitlve (if The Minor mill
party vIhIIihI tint Valley Queen, In
the ('altln Cove (llHtrlct Hiittinliiy
and Si4ii(liiy,un tho kiiohIh of Huporiii
tnmlniil TI1011111H C. (irnytiiid l'Yirotiiiin
CliHrloM Wurron, Jr., who urn iiIho
largely iutorottted in tint property.
Tim drive wiih iiiiiiIo to u point
uliout n uillo lioyoud Culilovillo,
whoro Mommt. (Iruy mill Wurron mot
thoir kuhhIh with homo ami tho trip
'whh ooiitinuod tho rent of tho way on
lloforo coiiiiuoiitiiiK upon tho
projMirty, 11 will porhupH not lio out
of plmm to Hpoak hrlolly uliout tho
aoHoiiiiiiodatioiiH, mode of liviiiK
antl Konoriil HurrouuditiKH of tho
Vulloy Queen. Tho mon employed
at tho mine liuil loft for Humptor to
nook tho onjoynmntri whleh tho
motropollH of tho illrttrlut otrorn,
mid tho vlnitorH hail thing to them
HolvttH. There tiro comuindlnuri eiiMiiH,
anil wliilo 0110 would naturally not
expout to find all tho coinforlH of
olvilixution in a mining imiup, ho 1h
xurprifiod Iohoo ho many oouvonioin'OH
anil a imiIhIiio that would put to
hIihiiio the nvoriigo Humptor rextiutr-1
ant. Mr. (Jruy In hiuiHolf the chief I
oook. Mr. Warrou in head liutlor
anil nHxlHtaut cook. HohIiIkh being
mining mon of experience and
ability, thoy aro iiIhii aiTomplirihod
in thlH lino. Tho familiarity which
Mr. (Iray evince In tho kitchen, and
tho (iiality of tho ill when ho propuroH
Ih caloulatod to tirnuxo tho envy of
tho mortt IIiiIhIiciI 1'Youcli chef, whilo
tho excellent tatdo which Mr. Wurron
Iiiih diHplayod in Htockiug tho collur,
and tho froo and eiwy maunor ho
nIiowh in tho proHout'o of old and
hiicri'd liruuilH, load ouo to conclude
that ho Ih it cnuuniiNOur of rare ability.
Ono thiiiK which Mr. llray InaMn
upon In a placo fur everything and
everything in ltn placo. If a gueat
liiadvorloutly Imngii a drinking cup
on tho wroiiK nail, ho Ih promt ly
told whoro it belong and rentieiited '
to make tho change. Kveu tho inotit
iiiHiguitlciint pi wo of nllvlorwaro ha
Itw acoiiHtomod receptacle, If thin Ih
only a chink in tho wall. Doth
uontloinoii oxerolxed duo vlirllanco
oyer tho pinto during tho vUit Ah'
culinary nrtlHtx, thoy are deserving
of fame. Noithor Ih married.
The calilnH aro HiilMtautlal lu
character, liuilt with a vlow to with
ataudhiK tho heaviest nuowfall, and
provided with all tho neceiwary
equipments of camp life. They are
three lu uunibor, the kitcheu and
din tug room, the sleeping apartment
for the meu and tho "hrldal cham
ber." ThU last 1 reserved for
yinltorl who always tlnd a hearty
weloome and tho Iwxt that's going.
The property itself is worthy of
extended comment. Work on tho
No. 1! level Iiiih been tcmpunirily
miHpended wliilo a winze in being
Hiiuk from tho upper level on tho
vein at a dirttanco of forty feet from
tho enhance of tho level. Tho winze
Ih being put down at a cntiHldcruhle
angle art tho vein at thirt point hurt a
ntroiiK pitch. Tho oro collecting
on tho dump from tho winze Ih lively
looking quartz, and carrien ox
tromuly Hiitlnfiictory viiIiich. Tim
lowor level Ih in now a diHtiiiico of
'275 fcot, mid it Ih estimated that it
will haro to lio carried hoiiio forty or
fifty foot further, dopondiiiK upon
tho pitch, lioforo tho voin Ih encoun
tered. A depth of '2 1() foot will lie
obtained whoro tho lodgo Ih tapped.
Tho fiico of tho tunnel Ih now In
extremely hard rock, and progeria Ih
iiocoRrtarily rondorod hIow. In driv
ing tho dirttanco motitiouod several
rich HtrluKCTrt were cut. Ono, au oro
rthoot four foot in widh, wan drifted
on hoiiio dirttanco and nhowod good
.Superintendent (Iray Ih getting lu
1,000 feot of rail thlH week, and de
velopment oporatloiiH propor will
lio temporarily Hiinpended whllo tho
miiiii level in being ironed.
Tho Valley Quoen in cortainly a
promirtitiK property, and with tho
excellent niauugormoul and tho
Hyrttomatic development work now
being done, ltn future Ih Indood
Karly Sunday MeHsrn. (iray and
Warrou loaded thoir Htimptor mule,
Nlggor, with gum, Uniting tackle,
goodly Hiipply of food and other
rofrurthmontH, and took tho party
over to Lake llaldy, a diRtauco of
twenty-live minute from the Valloy
Queen, whoro tho day wan npeut in
tlrthliiK and HhoottiiR.
Special Round Trip Rates.
Iletneen Juno 4th and AiiKunt 'JOth
Tho Illiiioirt Central will noil round
trip tlckotn from Oregon and WiihIi
liiKtou polutH to Chicago, Cairo,
Memplilrt and Now OrleaiiH at (Ireatly
ltedticed Haten.
Tlckotn good for throe moutliH.
doing limit ten layn. Hoturnlng
limit ten dayn after ntarting went.
Stop ovor privilege either way, wont
of tho Mlrtrioiir! Klver.
Halo da ten aro arranged to Iw con
venient for delegate to conventions
of National Kducational AHHociatlou
at Itontou; Elkrt at Ilaltlmoro; WoikI
men at Indinnapollrt; Kaglen at Now
York; Shrinon at Saratoga; Knlghtrt
of I'ythiiiH at LouUvlllo and Com
mercial Traveler at IndiauapollH.
Von can take your choice of Six
teen dilforciit route. Write uh.
Wo will cheerfully give y u any de
tailed information you want.
II. II. THUMHULL, Com'l Agont,
112 Third St., Portland, Ore.
Ice Crcaml Ice Cream!
On, and each day after May 1st
the renowned Hazel wood Ico Cream
and Ico Cream Soda will ho had at
Sturglll'. 10 ceutH a dUh, '!!
coutH per pint.
Agontd wauled ot sell rtharon of
Htock In tho Aalxka Oil compauy.
Write for Information to C. C.
HKOWN A CO., K. 505 100 East
Lake St., Chicago, III.
Only the Deal branda ot liquors and
cigar at Dunphv'i "The Club."
rprl Elimination. Rf po'H on Mlnlnf Proptrlltt.
Pttlgnlnc nj Intulllng Mill ini Power Plant.
II. S. Mineral anJ UnJet erounJ Survey.
Mtnanment ot Mlnlnr. IVopertle.
That the West is the place to buv Western stocks,
I don't care if it's Golconda, Red Boy, Cracker Jack,
Cracker Oregon, or what is it it stands to reason that
I, being right "in the heart of the Northwest Mining Dis
trict, should be able to supply you with any stock
desired. This business is done through my brokerage
department, which, by the way, handles more stock
than any other firm in the West. I want to place the
name of every reader of this paper on my mailing list.
A postal card will do, requesting my market letter'
Of the development of the Victor Group, in the Cracker
Creek Distiict, in the recent issues of this paper. Same
has been bought by a strong Eastern company, and the
stock will shortly be put on the market by the
An elaborate prospectus in now in the hands of its
printers. As soon as it is off the press you should re
ceive a copy. Drop a postal to me today, and I'll mail
you one in due course of time. I shall act as the
Company's Fiscal Agent.
p. o. Drawer 1726 Spokane, Washington
L' rTF? A Beautifully Illustrated
1 JLVJZJZj Pamphlet of 16 Pages
Great Dividend Paying Mines
Any person contemplating a mining investment should not be
without the information contained in this valuable uamphlet.
(Mention No. 00 and it will lie promptly mailed you.)
(Successor to Snyde & Stlnson)
Only the Bist Brands of Liquors Strvtd Ovr tht Bir
Books and Stationery
I have added to my stock of Cigars and Tobaccoea a large number of
popular novels, the leading periodicals and a complete line of stationery
....The Elite Cigar Store...
L. HARRIS, Proprietor