THE SUMPTER MINER Wednesday, August 5, 1903 WORK RESUMED AT GOLDEN RULE. Al Hillier Takes Charge This Well Known Property. Of Work wiiH ri'Hiiinoil on tho (lolrioii Kulo, which him lioiiii lillo for tho piiHt four yoiiiH, thin wook, with Al II i II lor, who Ih hiilf ownor or tho proporty. in (ilmrKii. Mr. Illllior rotiirnod from Portland tho lattor pnrt fo IiihI wook, whoro ho rnado ar raiiKomontii with hit partnor, Dr. J. .). KiHhor, for coiitliiiiliiK ilovolop lnotit work. Tho Modioli Ituln Ih ono of tho old prodiicorM of tho (,'ulilo Covu iliHtrict, haviiiK Hhippod hoimo vory IiIkIi Ki-iuln oro dnriiiK tho formor ymrn ot IIh oporaliou, hill nothing Iiiih hoon dono rocotitly oMiopl oiioiikIi woik to hold tho olaiiiiH. Mr. llllllor'M plan of dovolopmoiit Ih to iihandon tho old working, and inovo furl hor down tho mountain mid Htart 11 now oroHHOiit, which, in a dlHlancti of too foot, will tap tho voln at a dopth of ahoiit I HO IVot. Thin will roaoh tho rich oro hody, avoniK iliK from throo to llvo foot, iloinon Ht rat imI in tho uppor workiiiKH. Ampin HiipplioH havo hoon mint out to tho proporty. It Ih tho purpoxo to lnitiK tho miiio up to tho prodiii! Iiik hIiiko on tho now lino of dorolop- lllOIlt IIH HOOII IIH pOMrillllO. DEPARTMENT OF MINES. Great Induitry Should be 10 Recognized by National Government. tiotiH will direct tho untlriiiR prospector, unvo a rant amount of labor and expenditure now dovotcd to uhoIchh endrt hikI IcudiiiK only to diHiippoiutmciitH and heart Korea; and in 11 marked degree incronoo tho ox tout of valuublo diiicovory and dovol opmoiit, with wonderful financial Kain, and tho entire field of com merce, mannfactrue, trade and trutiH portatlou, iih well iih Hpcculatinn, pteadicd and rendered more stable and Hccurc. Journal for InveBtore. WORK AT THE EARL. (I4T) OF SUMPTER Eight Foot Ore Body Carrying Satisfactory Values. Morrin Sullivan, ono of tho ownorfl' or tlio ban, 111 tho UreenuortiH, wuh in the city thin wook and Htuton that tho proporty Ih making an exception ally lino hIiowIiik. ilo wiyH that tho vein Ih hIxIooii foot between wiiIIh with an eight foot laxly of oro currying highly Hiitinfactory iiverngOM. The drift tunnel Ih now in a din tanco of 'jno foot, and Htoady prog reHH Ih hoi iik made at tho proporty. Capital Stock $25,000 OFFICER! J. H. ROBBINS, J. W. SCRIBER, R. H. MILLER, H.S. DURGAN'- Safety Deposit Vaults President - Vlo-Prldnt CaahUr Assistant Cashlsr Gold Dust Bought Does a General Banking and Exchange Business BIG ORE BODY. Eighteen Feet In Crosscut At Adelene Group. Tho oHtabliHliiiiout fo an independ ent department of milieu and mining, mid tho creation of govoruinnntnl Hdloutllhi hcIiooIh devoted altogether to mining and mntiilliirgy In all itn varioiiH branohoH would not only be a proper recognition of tho importauco and luiignltiiiln of thin grout national iudiiHtry, but would havo an Innplr Ing, pnuitical eirect in Htlmiiluting Invention and all IiiiIhiiI riiil advance meiit, and tho development of ronour cch now doimaut and uhoIohh. Tho preitiiiUHiuotal profit ably to extract tho oron, Ih every where tho moHt important uentlon to gold iiilueiH, Tho many tonn of oro lejecled and tho few accepted, bo caiiHo of low grade or refractory charaotor, Ih of all universal applica tion. In fact, porliapH not one- foil! Ih of tho valuable gold liciirlng HiibHtanco Ih utllled. 'l'here are districts, and many of them, Hituiitcd iiiiiiiihi every lacuuy lor cueiip anil i ,, HiiccoKHful work.ilemouHtratml to con-1 rt J, f f . tain from ouoiiinrter to one ounce of gold, and oven more, which have never yielded anything commercially. Mining M'ctioiiH everywhere are tilled with uiouumeutH of ruined hopen of owiioi-h by tho failure to profitably work their urea. There imiHt '.o a reuuHly for nil thin lout waste. The proHpeutor Iiiih proved the value of IiIh energy ami ability In dlncoverlnn the nrori, the miner in producing them, and it now only remains for the Hclentitlo man to oolve tho proper economic method by .which they bhall lie (routed at a profit by the pro ducer. Ily Nj'HteiiiHtlc exploration of the mountains and other portions of tho public domain vast bodies of metals and minerals will be brought to llht, which otherwise would remain unknown. (ioologlrul Invention- Warren Cable, superintendent of the Adelene group iu the Cracker Creek district, wan in from the prop orty lant Saturday, and reports eight een feet of pay oro in tho crosscut, and the work Ih yet remote from tho opposite wull. The ledge ho states Ih 100 feet ill width. It Ih said to be the same loud on which tho Cracker Oregon and the Sampson are situated, and also on which (lleason and Doau recently made tho rich strike. After urosscutting tho vein, Mr. Cable MutcH that ho will drift south west on tho lead and thoroughly explore the oro bodies. The board ing and bunk houses and blacksmith shop have been completed and tho company in in a pusiton to carry on continuous dvelopmeut work. Tho property is operated by the Oregon (lold Mining company, which wbh recently llnauced by Newcastle peo ple through tho elforts of Mr. Cublo. Dr. (Ireenlee, dentist, over llascho Hardware store. Shoes of all kinds ut Neill Mercantile company's. ELECTRIC LOCATING COMPANY Hereby Gives Netice: That it Ih the excluslvo owner In the United States of patents on what Ih known as tho TKKKKOIIMKTKK fur locating metals iu the earth by creat ing a ground circuit and measuring their depth. We are informed tho samo 1b being used by a person or persous iu or near Sumpter, and horoby give notice that such persons have no patent right to use the same ami are lufriugers. And that we shall hold all persons using the same or procuring tho sumo to be used on their property strictly responsible at law for the Mime. KKXKST DALK OWKN, Treat. MINES PROSPECTS STOCKS Investors desiring to place 20 or more, can learn of an excellent opportunity to become interested in the purchase of a mining property, situated in a good min ing district in Oregon. Full particulurs, address, E. A. CLEM & CO. Rottrinco by Pormluion MtrchinU National link, Portland, Ortion. 416 Chimbor ot Commtrct, PORTLAND, OREGON 'W&&'WV, A. P. (JOSS, President GEO. H. TRACY, Cashier & Bank of Sumpter 3 TriMieU Oiaoril luklit laou Interest Allowed on Time Deposits Drafts diawu on al pulls of the auiIJ Special attention to lOllectlons. Safety Deposit boxes for rent. SUMPTER, OREGON Br r jlh 1 . r r.c.u ixourKecxo. f2MG&RX&8Q&m RIGHT I EVERYTHING FRESH prices! IN GROCERIES 8tf8aS5ff38&8&9 Granite St. Sumpter, Ore. w) G iCULl flfl rb American Brewing and Crystal Ice Co, E. SIBER, General Manager. Manufacturers of First Class Draught and Bottled Also Ice Made of Distilled Water. The most modern equipped plant in the state. All orders promptly attended to. Telephone, Main ij. BAKER CITY, OREGON. BEER t t 0 0