The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, August 05, 1903, Page 10, Image 10

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Wednesday, August ?, 190
Interview From Judge Rich
ards, President of Organization.
Ih from
following iiilurvluvv
.). II. ItiiiluirilH, of
president of tin) American
"Till) SeSsloll ()f till) COtlgrCHH
pi'Ollllsl'H to III) till' lllllst Interesting
ami eventful mooting willed IIiIh or
giinlntlnu Iiiih yot Imlil. JIh session
two yearn UK" ill llnlso Ih fresh in tlin
recollection Of our citizens, lint since
t In L tiiiin tlin association Iiiih greatly
nviianded in power, liilliioiire
IIIIHItlH Of IISoflllllOHH llllll IllUl'll 011 a
pfrmiiuout existence liy being incur-
with tlio n if 11 who have niado them.
"Tho L'.xi'cutlvo committee of tho
congresn, with tho substantial uud
hearty eo-opurtaion of tho mining
men of Deadwnod ti rid ItH Hlider towu
of Load, Ih preparing for this session i
of tho congress, on a sculo uovor
lioforo attempted, and all tho I lid lea
tiotm point to 11 meeting of represen
tiitivo mining mon from all over tho
country of sueh magnitude that It1
will iittraut national attention, j
From tho Pad lie const u round trip j
ralo Iiiih been xvourod of ono faro pliiH .
8'J, and it Ih hond that tho attend
ance of Idaho mining mon may ho
hiicIi iih to jiiHtify tho chartering of
a numhor of I'iiIIiiiiiiih, which will j
both red 1 1 ce tho oos.t of tho journey i
and add to its comfort and attrac
tiveness. Milling mull from all over
tho Mate, prominent, in t licit respec
tive localities, havo slgnllled their
(1(j 1 liileiitlou of joining tho Idaho deloga-1
lion, and It ih felt unit the advan-
I aye of making thin trip anil taking
If in want of clothing, see Neill Mer
cantile company.
T. C. Harrison, agent (or Giant pow
der company.
pointed under tho lawn of Unlnruilii. ' '" ,I,L" l',--"K" ""'J'
00 muni) Known in inn average '
I Ih hi i.Hitii t illreetoi'iiln emiliilim lint
u ..r u....... ..r 11... 1... 1, .1.1...,. 1 (progressive mining innn to wi niniiu wi 11117 iMiiuuni. iiiih
hmlnosl minim; mon in tin. wimitry, i,,,H l","r,,"t '"", 1,"",, roprmioiitH.
and tlm program and p.neoe.llngH iitM ,f ",,r H,,l,,,, """
Deadwood urn going (o h.Mi.veoedingly wlH '"' w,,r,,,J "f ,holr -'"Porlanco
worth whlln for every limn who Ih I1" ,,,,,H ln,U''
I..I.,i..hI...I In inliiliu. ,F.m...-..llv. ,1 ' Connection it Ollghtto
" " " 1
IiIh living out of it pnrlioiilarly. I
Specialists: of world-wide reputation,
Hindi as .lohn llnyH lliiiiimoud and
.Indue Parker, of tho coal commis
sion, Walter Harvey Weed, of U. H.
ticolnglciil Survey, and many otherH,
will read papers, and take an active
part In discussion, and it Ih planned
tint every seslsou hIiiiII omhriicn at
leant one tuple, which will lie of
Hpeolul Interest to every milling mini
"Tliomi who are fauilllar with
Deadwood-Lead and tho mining!
country around iiiiout It Hay that the
congress Ih certainly to ho enngrntu-
luted upon the place selected for its
meet! iik. There Ih no uiIiiIuk center
in tho whole country that Ih con
trolled liy at niiire iutelllKeiit,
progressive, big. hearted lot of men
than Deadwnod Lend. Their iiiIiiIuk
in liistritw are exceptionally prnxper
oiih and havo attracted In their
miiuiigomcut and development tho
best class or executive ahlllty and
t-cleiitillii kuowleilKe from every part
of tho United HtntcH. In the Home
htake, Deadwood-Lead possesson tho
second largest Kold mine In tho
world, with I(h 1100 HlanipH and
eiioruiouH ore liody, where tho vlnlt
ItiK miner may nee the cyanide process
applle.l to tnllliKH at n cent of 115
ceutH per ton, TIiIh Ih only one of
the polntH of iutercHt hi thin section,
which Iiiih distinguished Itself for
he liorne In mind that tho nieetlliK
of the congress will alforil a Hplouillil
opporuiiity to the nioinl;crs of tho
Idaho delegations and other visiting
IdahiiaiiH to advertise tho mining
resources of their ntato. Not only
minliiK men from all over tho country,
hut tho representative of ml no in
vent orn and liuyiiiK from all over tho
country, will ho present at this.
hchhIoii, eager to pick up any in-
I formation which may ho available iih
i to tho dlHtiuctlvo advantages of
particular mluliiK dlHtrictH. Idaho
miiHt keep up with tho procoHHloii in
(IiIh roHpcut, and tho very fact that
mIio Iiiih only to make her iKkautiiKOH
known to attract attention to the
minliiK world lunpireH tho hope that
her mining InotorstH will receive
a marked iiupotiiH from t IiIh meet i iik
of tho American .MinliiK Congretw."
Reduced Summer Excursion Rates.
The Denver Ac Kin (iraiide, pope
larly known iih the "Scenic Lino of
the World," Iiiih announced greatly
reduced round-trip rate from Pacltlo
Count polntH for tho Iwnollt of teach-ei-H
who will Hpeud their vacation in
the cant, and of delcKiiteH to nil tho
prominent conventloiiH N. H. A., at
HoHton; A. (). U. W., ut St. Paul;
li. P. O. K., at llaltimore; Woodmen
of America at IndlamipoliH; KukIoh,
at New Vork; Mystic Shrine, at Sara
toga Springs; K. of P., ut Louisville,
mineral production. Koine 110 iiiIIuh "d T. P. A., ut IndlanapollH.
dlHtiiut from Deiidwnod Ih tlm fiiinii4 1 Ticket m ut the reduce 1 rates will bo
SpcarllHli dlntrlct, with Its peculiar-hwi' l "' fare for round I
lint vehiH, where tho cyanide proceHH l. " will lie xoiu only on certain
Ih iikuIii employed to much advantage, . '' Tliw' tickets will curry stop
and to which It Ih planned to run mi i "'- Privilege on tho going trip,
excursion of uiIiiIuk men durliiK tho ( KvIiik paHHeiiKerx an opportunity to
hchhIoii of the coiikichh. . vUlt Salt Uiko City, (ilenwood
"It Ih well known that the cyanide Spring, Colorado Spring and Dou
proceHH Ih particularly adapted to u ver; uud will bo itowl to return any
laruo cIiihh of Idaho orcH. and when " within ninety (00) days. Pus.
tho IiIkIi development that thin
proceHH has reached in the Dead wood
dlntrlct Ih considered, It may readily
be iiuderHtood what an opportunity
Ih presented to Idaho nilnerH to
U'coiue familiar with Itn working
throtiKli the facllltlcH olfensl on
thlH occanlou. Hut the practical
devolopmonta In the very latent appli
cation of HcleutlOo diiwoverleH to
HetiKern iioliiK via the Denver & Hio
(Jraiule are Klven the privilege of
ret u ru I iik via a different route.
For the rate to the point you wish
to go, and for dutes of wile and other
particulars, as well as for illustrated
pamplets, write
W. C. McliltlDH, (ieueral Asent,
Vii Third St.. Portland, Ore.
Mllbtr can nrotectora. T. G. Ilmrriaon
iiili.liiK .roowi will constitute only ' ... for .,,,,. aiui .Union
ono department of interest, si iiq, It counties.
will be possible for the visitors from
other miuluK sectlous uot only to All the latest novelties in hats a
see for themselves tho workings of '" Mercantile company's.
these now iiivoutlous, but to associate
Use Giant Powder, Fue ami Caps.
...J. W. COWDEN...
FIELDS 222222H3
Address J. W. Cowdon, Sumpter, Or.
84 and 86 La Salle St.
A journal of national circulation.
Is read by bankers, capitalists, in
veHtors, retired merchants. If you
want to reach a good class of buyers
uud the moneyed and investing pub
lic, udvertiHo in tho National Hanker.
Thousands of copies of each issue of
the National Hanker kx.'h to investors
throughout the Middle West, Kaetem
and New Kntdiiud states. The best
journal in the country in which to
reach investors. Sample copies free.
Advertising rates on application.
Tickets at Low Rates to the
The Chicago,
Milwaukee and
St. Paul Railway
Will be on sale at all ticket
o Dices on June 4th and 5th, June
LMtli to IWtli, Inclusive; July 15th
and UUh, and August 25th and
Tickets good for going passage
for ten days from date of sale,
with tlnal return limit of 90 days,
from date of sale.
For further information, ad
H. S. Rowt,
General Agent.
.Portland, Oregon.
Do you desire to sell stock in your
Gold, Copper, Mining or other In
duitriul cnmpunicH? If ho, you can
not Hud a better advertising medium
It is the leading industrial and
financial paper published in tho
.South. It reaches that class of read
ers who are interested in llnaiicial
and industrial affairs. It is old uud
established. Published seini-montli-ly.
(iuarauteed circulation 10,000.
hiibsuriptiou price fL'.OO per year.
Advertising rate reasonable. Send
(or sample copy and advertising
rates. Address,
Rountree Publishing Company
Birmingham, Alabama.
Onlv transcontinental line
asslng directly through
Salt Lake City
Colorado Springs
and Denver
Three splendidly eoliinned tra ns '.
Tlirmlirti Klutinftu nnil ntnf ntyParfi '
and free Reclining Chair Cara. !
The most Magnificent scenery in
America by daylight.
Stop overs allowed on all classes
of tickets.
;For cheapest rates and descriptive
. llterntllre. nililrpRH
... .....v n-...vw
W. C. MoBRIDE, General Agent
Portland, Orcoon
Shout line
and union Pacific
Salt Lake,
Denver, Kansas City.
Ocean steamers between Portland
anil San Francisco every five days.
L-ow Rati
Tickets to and from all parts of
the United States, Canada and
Through Pullman Standard and
Tourist Sleeping Cars dally to Omaha,
Chicago, Spokane ; Tourut Sleeping
car dally to Kansas City ; through
Pullman tourist sleeping cars (per
sonally conducted) weekly to Chi
cago, Kansas City; reclining chair
cars (seats free) to the East daily.
For particulars, call on or add;
H. C. Bowua,
Agent, Baker City, Ore