The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, August 05, 1903, Image 1

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    VOL. IV.
Plant Will Be Located In Block Twenty
Four, North And Magnolia Streets
West Of Riven
TI10 new power limine of the Sump
tor Light mid Water company, will
be located on North and Magnolia
Streets, block twon'.'-four, went of
Powder Hirer. Pioi dent Robert K.
Strahorn arrlred in the city lattt
week, and a conclusion in the mutter
Iiiih just Iwon reached. The con
Htruotlou of tho building Iiuh boon
delayed by Mr. Stnihorn'H HioknoHH
in Spokano. Ho 1h Homowhat Im
proved, however, and states that
work will proceed on tho building an
soon as the material can 1k iih
ttembled. The plans aro in prepara-
tion, and wliilo tho definite dimen
sions can not bo given out, Mr.
Strahoru says the building will
probably bo 00x80 or 00 foot with an
addition for boiler rooms. Thero
will bo concrete floors, and while
the kiud of material for tho bulldiiiK
has uot Iwon docidod upon, it will
probably bo Htono and brick.
Tho plant will develop from 200
to r00 horse power depending upon
the stago of tho wator. The enginea
from tho old power Iiouho will lo
moved to tho now Iiouho to bo lined
in cudo a water shortage should occur.
Tho machinery will begin to arrive in
u short timo, and President Strahoru
states that ho oxpecta to hare tho
Property Provided With Sup
plies For Continuous
President T. 8. Van Vleet, of the
Gold Bug, has increased the working
force at the property, and has made
preparations for a large amount of
development work. Last week he
sent out three wagon loads of tools
and supplies, and is making arrange
ments to complete several more
buildings for the accommodation of
plant in operation before cold
Work Iiiih already lioon sturtcd on
tho reconstruction of tho Kills
Highliuo ditch which la to furnish
power to run the machinery. A
twenty inch pipe line will convey
tho wator for part of tho distance
from tho lluino and a sixteen inch
plo will bo used for tho last 1,000
foot. Two miles of tho lluino will
Iw cut out and a siphon put in this
slclo of the Half Way Iiouho opposite
Polo creek. Sain boxes aro to lie
used at tho head of tho pipe lino for
clearing tho wator, delivered to tho
turban wheels for ninnliiK tho
machinery and better adapting it
to Howor and street purposes.
In addition u nix inch pipe will
bo laid from tho power Iiouho through
tho business sections of tho city to
furnish auxiliary tiro protection and
also for (lushing tho sewers and
sprinkling tho Htreets. Additional
hydrants will also bo put in at such
points as thought beat. This will
greatly economize tho domestic sup
ply. Inasmuch iih there la a 400
foot prosHuro ample fire protection
la assured.
A. U. Smith, of Spokane, will
have charge of all the construction
his then within the next thirty days.
President Vau Vloet was ut tho Gold
liug himsolf last week, returning
Sunday. Whllo there bo put a shot
into a pocket of rich ore showing
sixteen luetics in the face of tho
drift. This ho states revealed a
bettor quality of ore than has over
yet boeu encountered. In tho
samples exhibited tho free gold Is
plainly vlslblo to the naked eye, and
the values are doubtless very high.
The drift is now In cousidorably
over 200 feet and has opened up an
ore shoot tho permanency of which
seems evident
From the fact that depth .is not
gained rapidly euougb in the drift,
the plan now is to concentrate work
on the crosscut which will catch the
rein at a depth of 300 feet. The
distance yet to drlvo is about 050
foot. Superintendent Crone esti
mates that ho will accomplish llfty
feet within tho next thirty days.
President Vau Vleet states that it
Ih his Intention to develop the
property us rapidly iih possible.
Shad in Ore (he Full Width, Says Superin
tendent Moilet.
Thomas Moltet, superintendent
of the Oregon Monarch, in the Iteil
Hoy district, operated by tho Killeii,
Warner, Stewart company, came in
from tho property yesterday. Ho
states that the shaft recently started
on the ledge is in ore the full width,
or six feet. The walls are peifeet
ami the rock carries good values.
Work is also being prosecuted oil
tho crosscut which is now in a
distance of 1,100 feet. From tho
appearance of tho formation, Mr.
Mnffet says ho thinks tho vein Ih
loing approached. Tho Monarch
Iiiih tho Hed Hoy lead.
Will Start Operations The
Latter Part Of Week.
Superintendent Towuwoud, of tho
California, stated to a Miner repre
sentative, who visited tho initio
Sunday, that tho now milt will
probably begin operations tho latter
part of this week. Ah stated in last
week's issue steam was turned ou
several days ago to test tho machin
ery, and a small run of ore put
through. It was found, however,
that several minor changes had to
bo made before starting up perman
ently. The foundation for tho
engines had to Iw reconstructed, aud
a few other parts remodeled. These
matters will bo completed iu a day
or so and operations started.
Tho California bus one of the most
complete and modern reduction
plants to bo found iu tho district.
Tho capacity, as heretofore stated,
will Iks 100 toils a day. Superin
tendent Townsoud thinks, however,
that wheu everything Ih in working
order this capacity will probably lie
exceeded. The building aud machinery
wero arrauged with a viow to increas
ing the capacity should conditions
.demand. Tno California has tons
aud tous of ore blocked out aud there
will be no dlttlculty iu tho matter
of oro supplies wheu the mill is
Takes New Olfice.
T. S. Vau Vleet, president of the
(old Hug, moved his office today
from the Hotel Sumpter to the office
adjoining Juesseu k Clarke in tho
Wilsou block, on Granite and Mill
NO. 48.
Directors Select Him To Take
Charge Of The High
land Mine.
At a lecent meetihg of the board
of directors of the Highland (lold
Mines company, Otto Herlocker was
selected as manager of the Highland
mine to assume his duties at once.
Mr. Herlocker has long been with
Nell .1. Sorenseii ,V company, aud
has done a great deal to build
up this successful llriu of mine
The selection of Mr Herlocker as
tho manager of Hie Highland Ih con
sidered by all who know his ability
to bo a very clever move. The prop
erty Ih assured of efficient superin
tendence. Mr. Jlorlnckcr refused to giro out
any statement as to his plans. He
staled, however that it will be his
policy to develop the Highland to
the best of his ability and as rapidly
as possible.
If is known that the Highland has
a great deal of rich ore from tho
(Slasgow shoot, and it is stated that
the management will probably begin
shipping at an early date. Tho
Highland has been it recotd breaker
In point of the rapidity with which
it has been developed.
Mr. Herlocker left today to as
sume active charge of (he property.
Three Strong Veins Cut And
a Fourth Being Entered.
A big strike is reported ou tho
lilaek Jack Iu the Hed Hoy district.
Throe veins carryiutr high averages
wero cut a few days ago, and a fourth
Ih being entered. The strongest Ih
tuenty-flvo feet wide, and thero Ih
one four feet and another eighteen
indies. Judge ltoeso, of Lincoln, Ih
president of tho company, aud tho
property Ih ono of the Klllen, War
ner, Stowart flotations. '
Heretofore tho force employed at
the Hlack Jack has found accommo
dations at the Oregon Monarch,
adjoining, another Ktllen, Warner,
Stewart property. A camp Ih uow
being constructed, however, and will
bo ready for occiipaucy In a short