8 THE SUMPTER MINER Wednesday, July 29, 1905 l h i 11 IM THE TITLE OF E. & E. CLEARED. Famous Property Passes To The Control Of Jonathan Bourne. Thii ftiinoiiH 10. anil K. in I no, owned iniiliily ly .Jniiulluili Hoiiruo, of Portland, wuh Hold Tliurmliiy, in Jlakor (Jlty hy Wiillueo McCiimmut, tiuiHtiir of chiiiicury of the United Ktatim uirctilt court, pnrMiiint to u (litcroi) IhhiiikI tit tlio Oregon Juno toriu. Fred II. lloliniin, of Portland, roproriiintiiiK tint lloiirnu (Joltl Mining ooiiipuny, nnil tlio Joniitlmii Hoiiruo IntnrimtH, hid In tlio property lit If 115,000. Tlio hIo wan 111111I0 to nutinfy certain bondholder) iindiir a i-ortiilii mortgage which liiul boon foroeloHud. Tlio Hiilo oirootually dears tlio lltlo, mill tlio control of tlio proporty piihhoh Imck to Jonathan liniirnii, It Ih uiiilorHtooil. Tlio initio Iiiih not boon operated for Hovoral yearn on account of litigation. It Ih stated that work at tlio mini) will Htart hooii. Tlio llaknr City llnralil published tlio following Intorrlow from Mr. llolnian, tlio HiiccoKHful bidder: "Tlio condition of tlio machinery Ih, of 0011 mo, discouraging. It will probably cost 100,000 to got tlio liroporty Imck Into a producing state ngalu. Tlio intnori art), of cnurso flooded with water and tlio several Ineffectual iittoinptH to operate thorn hIiico 1HHH, whim tlio mortgage IioiiiIh woro issued Iiiih ilono considerable liurm to tint proporty. In taking IiohhohhIoii of tlio mliioH tlio now partlim Imvo nlwayH attempted to iiho mothoilH to got tholr money out iih quickly itH pohhIIiIo ami without any vlow am to tlio future working of the HliNftH. It Ih altogether likely that now shafts will I to begun Hiid the old workingH abandoned entirely. Now nmchlnery will, of course, Imj HtipplilMl." Wyoming. Mr. Shlpmau averaged from 810 to 812 a day and bin befit record wan 247 shcop sheared in a day of nine bourn. This was uccompllHhcd whllo working iu Idaho. The best record so far as known ia .'IC5 Hbeop Hhoarod by ono inau in olovou bourn. Mr. Shipman left Sumptcr In March and Iiiih boon engaged on sheep ranchoH iu the states named over hIiico. He says that thoro are over 0,000,000 whoop iilouo iu Montana, and that over 8,000 men aro employed in shearing. TAHOMA GROUP. Owners Doing Extensive De velopment Work. WORK STARTED. Colontl Topping tad W. E. Sndm Beg a Op rations at Oreolc. Colonel 10. 8. Topping and W. K. Sunders, who recently took a bond on tlio Oroolo claim uear Susaurillc, left Hundiiy for the property to Htart it crew to work Monday. Two shifts will lie worked. The Oroolo Ih h rich tellurlde propoHltlou nnd the new owuerH will develop it us rapidly hh possible. The ore encountered during Uh prevloua niHiiageiiieut carriiMl exceedingly good values. HIS RECORD. Gtorf Sblpaun, of Sampler, Stusri 247 Sheep la Dy. (ieorgo Shipman returned last wtH)k from a sheep Hhearlug expedi tion through Idaho, Montana and A. (Iron and V. I). Ilalluy, muuag lug owners of tho Tahoma group of ulalma in tho I box dlHtrlct woro Iu tho city yostorday and report Htcady progroHH at tho proporty. Tho abaft on tho lodgo whore tho main de velopment work Ih bolng douo la now down fifty feet with drlfta fifteen feet In both directions. Iu tho faco of the drift Iwing carried wont thoro aro three and a half foot of ore hav ing good values. Tho custom drift hIiowh a ledgo bovou foot wldo with mi ore shoot olghtoon iuohoa carrying valuoa which avorage botwoon 911 mid 824. A lowor drift which la bolng drlvou on tho lead in tho direction of tho Hhaft la now In 120 foot with 1(10 foot yot to drive. Thla will give a dopth of 120 foot or Bovonty feet below tho abaft. Thla ahowa in tho face aix and n half feet of good free milling oro. Messrs. (irou and Ha Hoy atato that they Intend shipping aovoral tone of ore from tho abaft, which ahowa avoragoa from viu to ju, to doterniluo tho boat method of treatment. Healdea the vein mentioned on which moat of the work up to this time haa been doue, there ia another vein located from forty to 200 foot distant. On this thore ia a thirty foot abaft with considerable proapoot work. It carries good aurfaoo values. Doth ledges hare boon traced for a distance of over 2,000 foot. ROYAL WORCESTER CORSETS ALL STYLES WE SELL THEM HAWLEY'S EVERY INVESTOR SHOULD KNOW That the West is the place to buv Western stocks, I don't care if it's Golconda, Red Boy, Cracker Jack, Cracker Oregon, or what is it it stands to reason that I, being right in the heart of the Northwest Mining Dis trict, should be able to supply you with any stock desired. This business is done through my brokerage department, which, by the way, handles more stock than any other firm in the West. 1 want to place the name of every reader of this paper on my mailing list. A postal card will do, requesting my market letter regularly. YOU HAVE READ Of the development of the Victor Group, in the Cracker Creek Distiict, in the recent issues of this paper. Same has been bought by a strong Eastern company, and the stock will shortly be put on the market by the CRACKER CREEK GOLD MINES COMPANY An elaborate prospectus in now in the hands of its printers. As soon as it is off the press you should re ceive a copy. Drop a postal to me today, and I'll mail you one in due course of time. I shall act as the Company's Fiscal Agent. ADRIAN G. HANAUER BANKER AND BROKER p. o. Drawer 1726 Spokane, Washington I-1!) TT'C A. Beautifully Illustrated J7IVP A 4 Pamphlet of 6 Pages Showing at OREGON'S Great Dividend Paying Mines Any person contemplating a mining investment should not be without the information contained In this valuable oamphlet. WRITE TODAY (Mention No. 60 and it will lie promptly mailed you.) WHEELER & CO. 32 IROADWAY, Jt. Y. IF YOU WISH TO ifEST "in -iSn5Jg 3 Either to buvGilt Edge Stocks, a Prospect that is "the Making of a Mine," or one that is already made, write me what you want and permit me to submit a proposition. ADDRESS rE.'sAjfSERSONsiTH'l SUMPTER, MINES AND MINING STOCKS OREGON r "nm