Wednesday, July 29, 190$ THE SUMPTER MINER IF YOU ACT PROMPTLY There Still Remains an Opportunity to GetSome of the Gold that is in thisTunnel .000 Worth of Gold in Sight tc? 1,700 feet of Work ings on the Vein. Mine is quipped al $50,000 Expended on Improvements. The Magnolia Company Being Strictly a Gold Mining Enterprise, in Contradistinction from a Stock Jobbing Proposition, the Sale of Stock Will Naturally be Discontinued when Sufficient Money is raised to Complete Certain Additions Neces sary for the More Economic Ttreatment of the Ores. That Time is Rapidly Approaching, and when the Stamps Again Begin to Drop Magnolia Stock will be Withdrawn from the Market. These are Plain Facts in the Case. Write at Once for Illustrated Prospectus to Magnolia Consolidated Gold Mines Co. Reference: First' National Bank of Sumpter. Sumpter, Oregon.