The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, July 29, 1903, Page 6, Image 6

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Wednesday, July 29, 1905
Dr. Smith, Dean Of Medical
Faculty, Has High Opinion
Of Sumpter. '
Dr. II. K. .Smith, dean of tho
mod Iciil fiicully of Vnli) College
mill piofi'HHor of chemistry, spent
HOVOIIll lIll.VH ill till) district llri I ho
KihihI of Hid (iiiiHor-Hoiiiliyx In
vestment company, lust week, leaving
for tlin oust Friday afternoon. Dr.
Hinltli visited tho (.'nicker Crook,
Hod liny and llonuiiii districts. Ho
Ih inlorHotod in llio Victor croup in
Cracker Ciook, and was well pIoiihoiI
with tlin progress IioIiik uiado at tho
property. Ho Hiiid
"(lonoially speaking I liavo licoii
through llio woh) protty extensively,
lull UiIh is my llrst Irip to tlin Hold
fields of Kmitern Orcn. I am Kieutly wllli tho iiiiikiiIIiiiIii of IIiIh
inliioriil deposits of IIiIh region.
WI1II0 I do not speak from tlio
Htiiiidpolnt of an oxporioncod iiiIiiIhk
man, tlioro Ih Hiilllclont ovidonco to
convince tint merest novico of llio
tihuuduut resources lioio.
"Tint thing noodod moHt Ih
4'iipltnl to dovolop llio mines. They
4iro hcio lioyond ipioHlion, and it Ih
only 11 nmttor of ttnio until capital
will take liold on 11 nioro extensive
scale. It Ih truo tlioro am ureal
uuiiiy producing miucH, and a ureal
many more in process of ilorlopmnut,
liut hIioii oiiii taken Into consilient
tluti tho miiKiiitudo of tho mineral
zone and tho richness of the depoMts,
It Ih jnnt to Hay tluit a nlnrt Iiiih only
Loon nitido. Tho district cortalnlliy
Iiiih nn oxcodiiiKly bright future. "
Federal Laws In Regard To
Locating Metal Bearing
When the mineral in a tract of
laud oil tho public domain Ih sulllo
loutly valuable to entitle the tract to
be ulHsslllcd hh mineral ami it Ih of
ten h iteridQxinic (iioiitlou in the mind
of n would-lsi locator. Tho Federal
statutes of July 'Jt!, lHtitl, provided
for tho acquisition of titles to "vein
of tmrtr. or other rock in place hear
lug Kohl nllver, cinnabar or cop
tr. " The placer law, passed July
!), 1870, extended thU right to In
elude placer deposits, under the laws
governing (ho location of placers,
which Includes all forniM of mineral
deposit, except veins of quarts or
other mineral-bearing rock in place.
Later in 187 'J the law wan further
amended, and provided for the ap
propriation of lauds containing
veins or lodes of quart, or other rock
Will Surt Sinking m the Ltdg at Oac
and Continue Work,
Klias Hair, left last week to work
on his claim kuowu hh the Three
Cent, In the llonanza dint riot. lie
hart done cnndsiderable surface work
in detlnlug the ledge, aud states
that tho ore ho far shown au average
of about lift.
Tho ledge appears to be between
eight and teu feet in width. Mr.
Hair states that ho iuteuds staking
on tho vein at once.
in place ben ri ug gold, nllver. cinna
bar, lend, tin, copper or other valu
able deposits. In tho inutterH of de
termining tho cliiiuictcr of IiiiiiIh,'
clnimed by locatorH tho Laud Depart
ment Ih tho nolo judKo of tho charac
ter of tho laud, and Hh decision la
llniil. That department in a circular
of instructions Issued Home tlmo
since, paid substantially that what
conHtittitcri a valuablo mineral do
poHit Ih, whatovor Ih recognized an a
tn 1 nor ill iy Htauuard authorities on
the Hiibject, where tho hiiiiio Ih found
In (iniiiitlticH and quality to render
the laud sought to bo patented more
valuablo on HiIh account than for
agriculture, hIiiiII bo treated hh min
eral. No court would sustain a claim
bused on the mere occurrence of mill-
ereal in hiiiiiII quautltlert. For in
hIiiiico, in many plnccH, copper, lead
and ipiicksllvcr orcn occur in Hiuall
quant ItlcH, ami are coiiHldered more
11 h a curloriity tliiiu an a valuablo
mineral depoHlt. Such an these
would not bo coiiHldered "valuablo"
in tho sense of tho law. On the other
blind, a depoHlt ho low gtndo lu mill
oral conteutH that it could not bo
worked at a profit at tho picsent tlmo
by reason of location, price of the
product of tho mine, or for other
Kooil aud Hiilllclont reason, in a year
or two may become very valuablo by
a clmiiKo In tho coudltinnH which
today render it practically valueless.
It Ih unlikely, however, that tho
court h and the Laud Department
would condemn a largo mineral de
posit because It wan nt tho time be
ing too low grade to pay, for tho
reasons auovo given. Hut Imllcii
tioim or traces of mineral, mich ax
copper HtaliiH, hiiiiiII bunches of Hakes
of cltiuabar, or occasional colors of
gold, would not bo Hiifllcient to
render tho laud Hiibject to classifica
tion hh mineral. Nor will tho re
cording of a cortitlcato of location
render it mineral land, for tho claim
must bo HiiHCoptiblo to proof. A
tract cannot bo assumed to bo nioro
valuable for mineral ror too reasou
that it Ih situated iu a mineral ro
glou or twit, for in such regions
(hero is usually much laud wholly
without mineral values. On tho
whole It may lm said that laud may
bo deemed sulllcleutly valuablo to bo
classed ns mineral when tho deposit
Ih actually mineral regardless of its
present worth, and ou the othor baud
tho occurrence of small bunches aud
streaks of mineral, in fact more indi
cations, would not stand tho test of
courts. Mining aud Scieutlllo Press.
Capital Stock
Assistant Cashier
Safety Deposit Vaults
Gold Dust Bought
Does a General Banking and Exchange Business
Books and Stationery
I have added to my stock of Cigars and Tobaccoes a large number of
popular novels, tho leading erlodlcalgand a complete line of stationery
....The Elite Cigar Store...
L. HARRIS, Proprietor
A. P. GOSS, President
GEO. H. TRACY, Cashier
& Bank of Sumpter 3
Interest Allowed on Time Deposits
Urjfis diawu on al
putts of the auiIJ Special attention to .ollecllons.
Safety Deposit boxes for rent.
Prr vjit 1 r
r.c.u ixourKeao.
Granite St. Sumpter, Ore.
jn g3
S3 ai
American Brewing and Crystal Ice Co.
E. SIBER, General Manager.
Manufacturers of
First Class Draught and Bottled
Also Ice Made of
Distilled Water.
The most modern equipped plant in the state.
All orders promptly attended to.
Telephone, Main 19. BAKER CITY, OREGON.
,ma 'i'i " " 1