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About The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (July 29, 1903)
- ( V THE SUMPTUR MINER Wednesday, July 29, 190? . II' ' I V The Sumoter Miner huhlismeI) eveer Wednesday by JAMES LOOIE T. O. fiWVNNI:. - EDITOR f-ntttrii at the piittofflce In Sumpter. Oregon, for IranimUvlon through the malli at second clati matter SUIISCHII'NON MATES One Yir . . Sli Month .S.oo i AlWAVS IN ADVANCE. OIIK.IAI. I'ALI Ol HIE CITVOP SUMPTER 'I'n 1111 nun ill hi Ih viini'liHiifnd name miiotloiiH that hMi' III" liuart of it minor. Ho with IiIh own liuudn :iiii liriiiK to' Hunt that which wo work for, pray for, hcIioiiio for "wIiohii Houmt proHoueo throiiKli cruutioim vein niiuiiiiK iiielinllvor Illru uliifliia imp iiiiIiim " Muriilv tu him miiHt enmo koonont trulllll( a.m. ........... ..... , ,. ... ,, -",,, hlttortmt diHappoliitiiieiit, iliiya fiiiHpiiiiHi) and liourH of victory and with it all, hopi). It Ih (ho duty of every man In- lorimted in mining, intuniHl lit) direct or whether bin Indirect, to concent rale ti Ih olfortH In the til roc- t i 011 of calling tho attention of emigres lo tho nocoHHity of creating a national department of inlniiiK, with ptiworn eoexteiiHlvo with other executive dopiirtmoutH. Wo already havo doparliuoiilH of agriculture and eomiuoreiK which urtv of vast imptirtaiico to tho IndiiHlrliil growth of tho nation, anil hIiico mining Ih one of tho IiiihIo hoiiiciih of wealth, It followH that thin in- liiHlry hIiimiIiI receive tho hiiiiio iittentitiii, tho hiiiiio ut tho Imndx of tho national govern innnl iih any other which Ih engaged In tho production of wealth. In tho varloiiH IjiiiiioIioh of thin IndiiHtry, tho United .Static today Ih llrnt among tho nutltuiH of tho worltl, and Jt HeeniH nt inline It Iiiih not been rtcognl7ed liy emigres before thin. It Ih to lio hoped that at tho coin ing meet I UK of tho American Mining 4ioiiKroHH tho mattor will lie taken up in 1111 uncertain way, autl tho atten tion of coiikii'hh called to thin cry Inn need. HOIST FOR PSYCHE Judge Fwctt Suits That Machinery Will b Ordrd at Oocc. Iiiilgi ). Kawcott, of Omaha, prcsi lent ami inanimlnir owner of the l'syoho company, came in from the i ' ' r " to tho iiHHiiy olllco. properly thfn week. Ho Htaten that 1 1 '" ponniblo In this way to samplo tho company Ih making preparatloiiH twenty ton lot in ono day. to iiiHtall a IiiiIhI with a depth! The llrm Ih ill tho markot for ores capacity of 000 feet, together with' ' bullion of all kliidn and ill any puuipH autl other accompanying jlitUy, whether largo or small, machinery. paying canh for tho sumo. It expects .lodge Kuufott Hityrt that tho mine , thereby to hoof considerable uso to Ih making an exceptionally good , be iiihii who Ih opening up a pro howlng. Ton stampH of tho twenty I'erty or mining on a small scalo, as Included In the plant are now in , bo can bring in his small lot of ore, coiiiiiiIhhIou. The order for tho hoist " It sampled beforo his eyes, and Ih to bo placed at once. Ho will I receive cash for It on tho same day, Humid a week or so In Omaha soon thereby enabling him to coutlnuo but the main part of tho time will a a tt i 11 I.. ... i ' bo spent at tho mine. Superintend' out Kluier was also iu the city. Occupy New Oillce. The real estate llrm of Manning A Welsh lias moved itn otllce from tho Hotel Sumpter building to the front office formerly occupied by Hon. J. II, Itobbins Mill aud Oranlto streets. Dr. K. W. Mueller, who lias tho building rented, will occupy tho rear olllco. SAMPLING WORKS IN OPERATION. McEwen, Arthur & McEwen's Plant Now In Full Blast. I Tliu Sumpter Sampling and Tenting WorkH Iiiih opened ltn doorn for IiiihIiiohh, and Ih now prepared to iihhIhI in tlio dovolopinotit of tho Sumpter mining dlHlrlct in ways ll1()Wiiinn win no niRiuy appreciated "" ail mono ongageti in mining oporatloiiH in KitHturn Oregon. It Iiiih liorotofore been a very difficult mattor to critahliidi ho youd a doulit tho nioritn of a mill iiiK property; iih tho well known defocta of hand hhiiiiiIIiik ro ituch jtimi many noi leoi jiiHiinea . .,.. .... f III pilll'lUg Kill CUIHIIIUIICU III lllf iiHHiiy roHiiltH obtained, it will now, liowever, ho pntodblo for anyone owning u initio or pronpoct to compel recognition of merit, by tueaiiH of a Hamnlinu cortlllcato which taken ,,,,, ,,H,.n f t In. Miiltiiilna record of 11 f..iiv devoloned mine. ruin .,rliiilnlnM nf Hiiinnllliir urn familar to mont mining mou, anil tho method of procedure at tho Similiter Workn tiiiri convinced thntto who havo neon it in operation that tho reHiiltn olitainetl cannot ho othorwlHo than a true reprcHOiitatloii of tho oro vol lien, whether tho lot ho twenty toiiH or a hundred ton. While tho cuHtnmary mothod of taking every tenth hIiovoI of oro from the pile In many ciihoh given ..,1,1,1 riMiiltM. It ciiiiiiot Im comtiared fontorliiK care.,.,.. ..0,ir,icy with tho nraotleo which coiiHirttri lu tho iiho of a quartering Hcoop whlcli taken a tiuarter of every Hhovolful of oro in tho whole lot. TIiiih if a Hhlpmctit of ten (oiih con tuiiiH ton poiintlH of thoiiHunil dollar ore, tho correct proportion of tlila will eventually Hud IIh way through tho liroakerri and tho quartering into tho iiHHiiy Hiimplo itnolf. Ah tho HiicccHH of an eiiterpriho of thin kind dopeiitlH almoHt entirely upon tho degree of conlldeiico it Ih utile to iunpiro, tho management Iiiih thought It lient to admit the pulillo to tho HiimpliuK tloor, which given u man an opportunity to follow IiIh uhlpinont through the varloiiH hIiikoh until the pile Iiiih iieen uniduully worked tlown to a hiiiiiU hIzo, ropresentliiK tho true average of the whole, TIiIh in thou tllvlded Into two partn. Ho chooHOH one and taken It with him, W" development work. Wlm Inullitt lnurtli Tho testing department has Iieen designed with care, and cannot fail to prove of luestimable valuo to j anyone who Is contemplating the inrwtlmi nfHiiilll. lie will tie able jto kmm ,loH,toy before ho starts his construction, all tho details ', which are usually not brought out until the mill has been put in operation, aud when it Is too late to remedy defects or alter tho process, except at great expense. Ho cau Hud m,t exactly how his oro will Indiavo under certalu specific treatmeuta, what process la tho best and most economical, and what dotailfl imiitt he ohnerved to Rive tho lient rcHiiltn In tho application of tho process. Tho ettiipmout couslHts of a thro fitump battery with amalRamutiou plates, a Johneou concentrator and u tmiall cyauldo plant. An experi mental cliloriuatiou plant and tho Elmore oil proccea will bo intro duced later. Tho wholo constitutor one of tho most complete and elllclent plants of Hh kind in tho state, and it Is tho coiihl'Iihuh of opinion among mluitiR men that it will bo of tho greatest assistance in promoting tho development of tho Eastern Oregon district. MEETS DEVTH SUDDENLY. fack Zwanck. Owner of Big; Jonoolc. Found Dead in Mine. Jack Zwanck, owner of tho Dig Johnnie, near Oroonhorn City, was killed some time tho day before yesterday, it is supposed, by a cave lu. Ho was missed, and tho soarch instituted ycHtonlay morning result ed in Until ng IiIh manglod remains covered with dobrls in tho Dig Johnnie tuuiiol whoro ho had boon working. Ho wan woll known among tho mining people of this district. Ho n unmarried and about 50 years old. Tho remattiH woro buried in tho Similiter cemetery from tho Caso undertaking establishment today, under tho direct on of tho Minors' Union, of which tho dot-eased was a member. New Brick Yard. Tho Sumpter Smoltor company started up a brick yard last weok aud is turning out 1(1,000 brick a day for tho trade. Tho product is said to bo a very superior quality, in fact tho host to bo had lu this part of tho state. Good Value at Cougar. J. W. Larkiu, mauagor of tho Cougar, spent some timo in tho city this week. It is stated that very encouraging values are being encountered at tho property. It Ih not known when the mill will go into commission. QR. PEARCE A ANDERSON Physicians and Surgeons PROPRHTOHS 1UMPTIR OINERAL HOSPITAL SUMPTIR.ORIOON , . I OFPICB, Mln III. Tliphont I hospital. Main l. V. K. HOBSON. Civil and Mining; Engineer. U. S. Deputy Mineral Surveyor (or Oregon, glneer (or the City ol Sumpter. En- UnltriMn ! Ptteat lamtfi. i OraagktlRf. Hie rlalla CHAS. H. CHANCE ATTORNEY AT LAW City MUraif U. I. CtaaluUair Rooms 2 and ), First Bank of Sumpter Building, SUMPTER, OREGON Oflict Phone No. joi RetlJenc I'hone No. ? DR. L. T. BROCK Physician and Surgeon. Simpler, Oregon. I am now prepare,! to receive anj Ireal patient both medical anj aurglcal, In the test equlppd private anltarlun In the country, Nice quiet home, with trained anj eaperlenceJ nurte always In at eniance. Up-to-Jaie surgical work a specialty C A. E. STARR, Attorneyat-Law Center, cor. High St. Sumpter, Oregon Basche- Sage Hardware Co. . . Sumpter . GENERAL DEALERS IN Shelf and Heavy Hardware Iron and Steel Pipe Mining and Mill Machinery Agents for " HERCULES " Powder Fuse and Caps C.C. Basche MANAGER GOOD THINGS TO I AT E. P. Bergman & Compa'y GROCERS Mill Street, New Building. , , THE . SUMPTER MEAT MARKET AUSTIN MEAT CO. Props. Butcher and Packer Fresh and Cured Meats and Sausage of all Kinds SUMPTER, OREGON EAT U-i 1 Sipp