The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, July 29, 1903, Page 2, Image 2

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Wednesday, July 29, igoj
President Lee And Director
Gibson Inspect Property.
Sawmill Being IottalUd ind Quartz Plant
Now Enroute Comprtttor and Elcc
trie Light Plant Orderrd Alto Othrr
Supplies Exttntive Development Pol
icy Outlined.
Thomas Loo, of Cluulnuntl, prosl
ilntit of thi) Alpitio CotiHolldatod
Mining company, and VV. II. OIImoii,
iiIho of Ciuuluuiiti, 0110 of tlio
tllrootorH of tlio oompiiuy, iieoom
puiilod liy (. W. Hloiin, Jr., of Nnw
Vork, urriviMl in tint city IiihI wuok,
mill wnru unit lioro liy Colouul John
'i'omplo (Iriiymiii, of I'ortlaiiil,
Kitnoriil iiiiuiaKor of tlio proptirty.
Tlio KiiHlorn olllcurri wuro takun out
to tlio inliii) liy Colonnl (JrnyHon,
whom I hoy Mpont hdiiid tlmi) with
Hiiporllitoiulolit J(. V. Nolcon,
fiimiliariziiiK tliniiiHulruH with tlio
details of tlio work. It was thu II rut
ViHlt Of tlltlHI) olllnliillri to tlio vamp
11111I thoy express thoiiiHttlvoH iih woll
doused with tho property and ltd
Tim Alpine people iiro rapidly not
tilitf tliliiKH 111 Hhapo for tho Installa
tion of thulr twenty Htitiup mill.
Tho inaohlnory for tho wiwiuill,
whluli Ih to out tho lumber for tho
bulldiiiK Ih IioIiik traiiHforri'd, and
tho plmit will ho In operation within
a vory short tlino. All thu
iiiuohiuory for tho quartz mill, which
wiih ordorod hoiiio tlmo ao from
tho Klsdou Iron Works, of Shu
Krauooisoo, Ih now In Portland,
mill Ih exootod to arrive hero at an
tmrljr date.
HosIiIoh tho Improvement stated,
varloiiH others ar to tto luauKUratod,
mid u extensive development policy
carried out. A (loop croiwout to tap
tho reserves known to ox lot on that
level U to lo Htartod immediately,
and n compressor anil olcctrlo
llKhtliiK plaut will ho ordered lit
once. In addition law supplies of
explosives, caudles, irou and steel
hav Ihhiii purchased and arc now
on route. Tho Inking contract has
already lioou awarded, tho road
over which tho machinery Ih to bo
convoyed ha licou built, aud tho
contmot will bo lot thin week for
ml ut tut timber, cord wood aud
Tho inanajiPUioiit states that uo
expense will be spared to make the
Alpine lit polut of equipment second
to none in Kastoru Oregon. The
executive oitlcera are efficient
business men, ami aro devoting
almost their entire time to making
tho proporty a dlvldoud payer.
Tho company Ih running on a cash
basis, and is said to be In an ex
cellent condition financially. All
machinery and tho various Huppllea
recently purchased bavo been paid
for. Doth Colonol Grayson, tho
Kouoral manager, and Superintend
ent Nelson aro experienced and
practical mining mon, and well
known iih such, which fact assures tin
economic and conservative, manago
monl of tho proporty.
TostH of tho various grades of ore
have boon made. Suttlcloui quantities
liavo already been blocked out to
warrant cheap treatment aud an
uvoriigo production of 100 tons a day
for years to conio. Owing to tho
unusual facilities obtaining, tho
company will bo ablo to haudlo with
prollt all its oro assaying 5 a ton,
although tho battery Hampton will
avorago much hlgbor than this.
Colonel (J ray son aud tho eastern
olllcors, accompanied by Superintend
ent Nelson, ciimo In from the pro
perty Sunday morning. President
Lee and Director Gibson left for tho
oast in tho afternoon and Colonel
Grayson returned to Portiilud.
by tho
Ih a
Old Spanith Mints.
The famous mines of
liolivia, were discovered
Spaniards in IMG. It
mountainous district, about olghtoou
miles In circuit and three miles
above tho sea lovol. During tho
llrst tun years the workings wore
small aud desultory. Systematic
working commenced in 1545. From
1545 to 1547 it was considered a bad
month when tho mines failed to yield
91,500,000; from 1548 to 1551 tho
product foil below 11,000,000 a
mouth. Krm 1550 to 1578 tho
avorago annual product was $2,000,
000; from 1570 to 1730 tho avorago
annual product roso to about 3,-
000,000; from 17.17 to 1780 It foil
to 2,500,000; from 15115 to 1780
tho estimated product was 788,000,
000. Thin enormous total records
one of tho greatest productions ever
mado by a single district. Mining
aud Kuglnerlng Rovlew.
i JOHN M6EM, Pnpr. i
S Jobbers In ,
J Wines, Liquors and Cigars j
Sumpter Bottlinj Works
VII Kinds oi LurlmnutiHl Drinks j
Hooks are now open for sutaerlptiont
to the Pacitlu Lumtier ami Live Stork
Companv, an industrial of unusual
merit. I-ook into it.
A group of mint's with 000 (et of de
velopment work done, demonstrating
value will be cold as a whole or will sell
one-half interest and work the property
in connection with purchaser. Best
chance in the district.
In Cable Cove District 3
p Will Be Sold Cheap.
i Three Well Defined 3
zE. Ledges. Surface Val-
EE ues Ranging from $20 3
Up. Assessment Work
& for This Year Com 3
pleted. A Good Prop-
osition. & & & & & 2
For Particulars, Terms, &, Address
LockBox78rSumpter,On 3
Investors desiring to place 20 or more, can learn
of an excellent opportunity to become interested in the
purchase of a mining property, situated in a good min
ing district in Oregon. Full particulurs, address,
E. A. CLEM & CO.
RtfifOM fci 'trait!
Nrkt NttltMl , rtl 0f.
ill CkiMktr tf Ctaairt,
Quarts and Pcer Loca
tions, Tunnel Claim and
Water Right Locations,
Proof of Labor, Affidavit
of Discovery Work
Mining Deed, Option to
Purchase, Quit Claim
Deed, Lease j j i .