II COVERS THOROUGHLY THE GOLD FIELDS of the EASTERN INVESTORS IN OREGON MINES Pay for AND READ IT INLAND EMPIRE J VISITS VALLEY QUEEN. Cnblo Core district. " Superintendent Gray is carrying out a well planned development 'policy and late reports from the Banker GOSS Thinks This a Property state that the main lead 'will doubtless be encountered In a short time. Washington, returned from their wedding trip. last week Promising Property. Presldont A. P. Gosh, of tho Hank of Humptor, spout Sunday at tho Valley Queen mine. While Mr. Oohh doH not poite as a'mining expert and attachuH very little improtanco to IiIh opinions relative to a proposi tion of IIiIh kind, yet ho Iihh ho heHltaucy in saying that this property looks mighty good to him. He siiys: "I spent the day very pleasantly looking through the in I no with Superintendent Gray, and while I do not speak from the standpoint of an experienced milling man, and my opinions in rouarj to such matters probably carry little weight, but I do not hesitate to say that the Valley Queen Impress me as a very promis ing property. Indeed I look upon It as one of tho coming mines of the TALK OF THE TOWN. L. P. Ostlund left Monday for Tho Dalles to spend the summer there. William Godfrey, of the Red Boy, was a business visitor in Sumpter this week. Miss Carrie Spalding has accepted a place in the office of Neil J. Soreuseu & Co. Roy Waters and Zob Ray, known to fame as champion doublo drillers left Monday for Idaho. Mrs. W. II. Ileppe, who has been confined to hor room for tho past month, "on account of sickness, Is improving. Mr. and Mrs. C. K. DoNolfe, who were recently married at Prossrr, Claude W. Roe, of the Whitney Lumber company, operating at Lawton, spent several days In the city this week. , Mrs. W. B. Schwackhamer returned from Union last Sunday, where she has been visiting relatives for three weeks. She was a coompanied home by Miss Mabel Eaton. T. T. Restiegen and N. C. Peter son, of Grand Forks, North Dakota, were at the Highland this week to make an examination with a view to investment. Mrs R. W. Oakes and children, of Caldwell, Idaho, who have been visiting Rev. and Mrs. J. M. Wilder, left Monday to visit at Portland and Grant's Pass before returning home. To MARR. 6r DAVIDSON, Sumpter, Oregon. Gentlemen: Please place my name upon your mailing list for regular copy of "Mining Topics," which tells all about the mines of Eastern Oregon and which you agree to send at no cost to me, whatever. Signed. Street No City State m ; B mr Wt mT wt mt mt mt mT mT f T f kf m kf t B B B B B mt 'B SWORN EVIDENCE W o i Pn s E3 WE TOLD YOU POSITIVELY that the priii of Gold Bug Stock would advance on July 15th. Wi hivi midi our word good and it has advanced to 12 cents per share. Only a limited amount will be sacrificed at this price. Recent sales of stock, together with the showing at the mine, warrants this conclusion. THE GOLD BUG MINE IS NO LONGER AN EXPERIMENT. WE DESIRE TO STATE that we are practical mining men, are right here ou the ground, and have watched the progress or development of the GOLD HUG MINK from the time that tho first "location work" was done. Therefore we are In position to know all the facts about this mine. NOTICE THE FOLLOWINB: Wo have opened out one of tho prettiest and richest SHOOTS OF ORB that ouo coujd. wish to see. For over 'J 00 feet there Is not a break in tho ore nor u blauk in tho values in tho ore. Wo began the drift lu rich ore aud the faco of the drift shows tho bost or encountered. ThiB ore shoot opens up on the surface for over tlOO feet', 'and wo have demonstrated that tho volu widous aud the values grow richer with depth. The values in this FRBB MILLING ORB ruu from $110 to 81,700 per toil in GOLD Mauy samp les run up Into the thousands, and much of the ore shows freo gold to tho naked eyo. But this oro shoot is only it small part of the GOLD HUG MINK. The management is composed of experienced mining men who have made a success of their other mines, and tho Circumstances wero not as favorable as they are at this time. TO ANY ONE WHO DESIRES TO VISIT THIS MINE WE MAKE THE FOLLOWING OFFER: If, after you have thoroughly Inspected it, you are not ablo to duplicate the values as, stated or find auy misrepresentations whatever about this mine, we will pay all expouses of tho trip. Peel your interests aud send a representative, for we mean exactly what wo say. Wo want you to see this mlue. Wo waut you to seo what 1ms been done aud what Is being done. Wl Hint YOU tO SM IIHl HlMlIt tlW Oil lltf SH UW Md ill it With Your Olfl EjIS. We ( INSIST on your investigating this proposition, becauso, if you do not, it is not fair to us, to the mlue or to yourself. If this miiio Is just as represented you well kuow that we are offering you an except ioual investment. If It is not, we will take the.blame and you are out uothl'ug for your trouble. We invite visitors because every VISITOR means au INVESTOR. This has been true without exceptlou. We have published several reports from visitors who aro now Investors. Wo have agreed to raise a certain amount of money for the further development and equipment of this in I no, aud we are going to make our woid good. It you can not come and see this mine for yourself you can send for our large, illustrated prospectus and a sample of this rich ore (which you cau have tested for your own satisfaction). If you are not then satisfied you cau hnve a block of the stock resorved for a reasonable time until you make further in vestigations, unless the present allotment is over subscribed iu tho meau time. There is a very brisk move ment in this stock, so take our advlco aud write or wire TODAY. It will meau a great deal to you no' matter whether you are a poor man or a capitalist. THE GOLD BUG MINE IS FAR PAST THE EXPERIMENTAL STAGE. ONLY A LIMITED AMOUNT IS OFFERED AT 12 CENTS PER SHARE w CO g i to VAN VLEET & WRIGHT Fiscal Agents For The Company. SUMPTER, OREGON. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 444444'44'4-4444 44 44 44! 4'