The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, July 29, 1903, Page 15, Image 15

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    Wednesday, July 29, 190$
a triumph, but be is a captain of all
industry who can supply the means
through the forces of nature to pay
for all this wonderful advancement
of American enterprise, and tho
Black Hills and their surroundings,
of the great commonwealth of South
Dakota, can honestly lay claim to
being at least ouo of theso great
Americau captains of industry.
The hour for earnest, sober second
thought is here, and, In the light of
positive faots as we seo them, is it
not time, in tho interest of tho
people, to treat this great question
of mining from a statesman's and
cot a politician's point of view?
Is it not wise, especially at this time
when so muob depends upon the
protection of the rights of the many
as against the selfish demands of
a few, that our nation's great
industry, mining, should bo rcog
nized, not as tho tar bucket hauging
to the tail end of a wagon, but as
the wagon Itself, and our ropresenta-'
tlves at Washington bo advised not
by a fow, but by all tho people, that
It Is thoir wish that a federal
departmment of mines and mining
bo at onco created by them, with a
secretary who shall bo a mombor of
tho president's cabinet?
In a short tlmo from now tho
American Mining Congress will con
vene in the cities of Deadwood and
Lead. This organization Is aiming
to do for the mining industry of tho
entire country what the agricultural
department at Washington has done
for agriculture, the commercial
museum of Philadelphia for com
merce, trade and manufacture, the
Southern Industrial association for
the progress of southern advancement;
and again, what the manufacturing
interests of America will shortly do
to strengthen and Incroaso thoir
industry by establishing In the city
of New York a great permanent
exhibition of all the manufactured
products of the United States.
Think of it, through the products of
our mines, strengthened by the
enthusiastic Interest of the man
ufacturer in bis Industry, has the
American manufacturer been already
enabled to establish an industry pro
ducing a revenue nearly ten times
greater than the authorized capitaliza
tion of the greatest corporation on
earth, the United States Steel
corporation, and it represents the
actual value of the states of New
York and Pennsylvania combined.
Don't you believe It is time for the
producers of raw material to manifest
some little enthusiasm for this in
dustry? Here In South Dakota there Is
ample room for the safe and most
profitable investment of millions of
dollars. There are acres upon acres
of virgin mineral and agriculture, as
well as timber and grazing lands, but
before the good people of the state
can realize fully what nature has
done for them, or enjoy upon the
broad plain of prosperity, as Qod
Intended they should do, the yet
untold blessings with which they are
surrounded on every side. It is true
they must work for it, aud each one
must do a man's work, aud united,
harmonious actiou must be the
watchword. Tho good things of this
life are not gathered in without a
prlco. It is seldom we ever honestly
secure anything of real value
without paying for it. Wo may think
mo do, but wait, nature's laws nre
never disregarded with Impunity.
Tho deslro for metalic wealth is
the one great iucontlvo to all prog
ress, and no mau, I caro not what
his profession, business or calllug
in life may be, can truthfully say,
"I am not engaged In mining, and
am therefore not Interested in its
success," or the success of any
Institution organized in its interests.
You are interested, vitally interested.
Was it not the discovery aud de
velopment of tho wonderful niiuoral
wealth of tho Mack Hills of South
Dakota that established erery busi
ness houso, every bank, every hotol
aud evory railroad now located in
Deadwood aud Load? What would
bocomo of theso industries, aud what
would become of muny of you, if
those hills woro to rofuso longer to
produce thoir mineral wealth?
Iu thU twoutloth century wo must
respoud, and rospoud actively aud
cherfullly, to tho government of
truth in all tho activities of life,
and unless wo do, our bewildered
souses and indifforoncos may causo
us to linger long, gazing at lost
oportunltles, with nothing before us
but a gathering darknoss, with tho
light of truth shining full iu our
faces. We must live in tho now,
and live in it at our very host;
the work of tho world Is done by a
It was the discovery of iron and
its uses that made an advauco iu
civilization practicable for our
ancestors thousands of years ago. It
was the discovery of the precious
metals in America that drove the
oloud of the dark ages from Europe
by the impulse it ga7e to commerce
and industry, and, still later, it was
the discovery of gold In California
and Australia that saved the civiliza
tion of Europe and the United States
from sinking into a lethargy like
that which preceded the decline
and fall of. the Roman empire.
I have more than once proclaimed,
and now I repeat, there Is not a
mountain tunneled nor a river bridg
ed, nor a highway on the plains, there
Is no't a sail specks the sea, nor a
oloud of smoke that seeks ;
there is not a motion of a wheel,
nor the clatter of a spindle, nor the
stroke of a hammer; there is not
a book that gladdens and instructs,
nor a dome that lifts Its beauty to
the sky, but is the outspeaking of
the mining industry, and when we
become Indifferent to the success of
this Industry, refuse to give it our
best allegiance, we defile our nest,
are retrograding and not advancing
In the paths of a greater and nobler
United States Land Office, )
La Grande, Oregon, July , 1001 1
v Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the
provisions of the act of Congress of June j, itrf, en-
titled "An act for the salt of timber lands In tht
Statu of California, Ore Ron, NevaJa anJ Washing
ton Territory," as extenJe J to alt the Public Land
States by act of August 4, 1841,'
of Sumpter, county of Maker, State of Oregon,
has this Jay Med In this office his sworn state
ment so ,k, for the purchase of the s H nw X anJ
lots 1 and 4, of section No. 4 In township No. 11
South, range No it U w m; anJ will offer proof
to show that the land sought is more valuable for
Its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes,
anJ to establish his claim to said land before Chas.
It, Chance, U. S. Commissioner at Sumpter, Ore
gon, on MnnJay the nth Jay of October, 1001.
He names as witnesses: William A. Green,
Van Rensselaer Mead. S'ephen Jackson anJ Ralph
MeaJ, all nf Sumpter, Oregon.
Any anJ all persons claiming adversely the above
JescrlbeJ lanJs are requested to file their claims In
this office on or before salj nth Jay of October, too.
E W lUtmtrrr. Register
for Publication.
United States Land Office,
La Grande, Oregon, Julv 7. 1001. I
Notice Is hereby given thai In compliance with the
provisions of the act of congress of June t 1878, en
titled "An act for the sale of timber lands In the states
of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter
ritory," as extended to all the Public Land Mates by
act of August , 189s,
of Farmlngton, county of Van lluren, state of Iowa,
has this Jay Med In this ofhee his sworn statement
No. 6Po, for the purchase of the wM nwV of
section No. n In township No. it south, range No. 17
EVVM, and will offer proof to show that the land sought
Is more valuable for Its timber or stone than for agri
cultural purposes and to establish his claim to said
land before Charles II. Chance, U. S. commissioner
at Sumpter, Oregon, on Irlday, tht i8ih Jay of
September, iu.
She names as witnesses: Ole T. StraJnevs, FreJ
Molt, Mark C. Garvtr and Peter J. Soards, all of
Sumpter, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the above
described lands are requested to Me their claims In
this office on or before said 18th day of Sept., toot.
E. W. Uartlett, Register.
United Statu Land office, (
La Grande, Oiegon, June 10, 1901.
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the
provisions of the act of Congress of June 1, 1878,
entitled "An act tor the sale nt timber lands In the
states of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washing
ton Territory," as extenJeJ to all the Public Land
states by act of August 4, &).
of, Whitney, county of Maker, state of Oregon,
hat this day Med In this office his sworn state
ment No, tv)4 for the purchase of the wX ne Js
and n H s e W of section No, 7, in town
ship No. 10 south, rang No. b E W M,
and will offer proof 10 show that the land
sought Is more valuable for Its timber or stone than
for agricultural purposes, anJ to establish hit claim
to said land before Chat. H. Chance. U. S commis
sioner at Sumpter, Oregun, on Monday, the 14th day
of August, igoj.
he names as wltnesset: William II. MeaJ, of
Spokane, Washington; AlfreJ II. Huntington, of
Bakrr.City, Oregon; LeonarJ Slmt and James
Warren, of Whitney, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the above
described lands are requested 10 Me their claims In
thlt office on or before said t4th Jay of August,
,0,' E. W. Baruitt. Register.
Department of the Interior,
Land Office at La Grande, Oregon, June st, 190 i- I
Notice Is hereby given that the following-named
Miller has hleJ notice of his Intention to make final
Koof In support tl his claim, anJ that said proof will
made before the Register and Receiver at La
Grande, Oregon, on August 9, ioo vli: H. E. No.
10,041, by
of Whitney. Oregon, for tht w X n w H Sec. t Tp,
ion K. toe. w m.
I He names the following witnesses to prove his con
vlnuous residence upon and cultivation of said land.
Pit: Emory Protbsttl. Freeman Scott, Wendell N.
1 rotbsel. of Whitney, Oregon; and J. E. Stephen
on, of Haines, Oregon.
E. W. Baruitt. Register.
Department of tht Interior, i
Land Office at La Grandt. Ort , Junt ar, 1001.
Notice It hereby given that tht following-named
settler hat filed notlct of hit Intention to naltt Snal
proof In tupport of hit claim, and that said proof will
be made before tht Rtglster and Rectlvtr, at La)
Grandt, Oregon, on August 9. 1901, vlti H. E. No
11,009, by
of Whitney, Oregon, for tht tX netf Sec. 15,
sen sec. 10 1 p. 10 a, k 10 e. w. m,
Ht names the following witnesses 10 provt hit con
tinuous residence upon and cultivation of tald land,
vli: Charles M. Hlndman. Wendell N, ProebtUl
and Fretman Scolt. all of Whitney, Oregon, end J.
c, aiepnenson, 01 names, uregon.
E. W. Baruitt. Reglttar.
United States Land Office. )
La Grande, O tf on, I
June 6, 100 1. )
Notlct la hereby riven thai In comollanct with tht
provision t of tht act of congress of June 1. II78. en
tilled "An act for tht salt of tlmbtr lands In the auttt
of California Oregon Nevada and Washington Ter
ritory," at mended to all tht Public Land states by
act of Augutt 4, Hot.
of Spokane, county of Spokane, tlatt of Washington.
nat mit oay niea in initomctnit tworn traiemtni
No. tiro for tht purchase of tht lot 1 and iMt
and n w n t X of section No. if. In township No
lo south, rangt No. 6 1 w M, and will offer proof
to show that tht land sought It atort valu
able for lit tlmbtr or ttont than for agricultural
purposes, and to ettabllth hit claim to said land
before Chat. H. Chance. U. S. Commissioner, at
bumpier, Oregon, on Friday, tht ml day of Augutt.
Ha name as witnesses' Calvin bToontf. ol Soo-
pant, Washington; Samuel It. Rlael, Harry T.
Campbell, James Warren, of Whitney, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely tht above
described lands are requested lo Mt their claims la
this office on or before said aist dav of August, too,.
E, "v. HARTLRTT, Kefltltt,
United States LanJ Office, I
La GranJe. Oregon, June 8, 1001. (
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with tht
provisions of the act of congress of June 1, 1878, en
tltleJ "An act for the sale of timber lanJs In the states
of California, Oregon, NevaJa and Washington Ter
ritory," as extenJed to all the Public LanJ states by
act of August 4, i84,
nf Spokan', county of Spokane, state of Washington
has this Jay filed In this office his sworn statement
No. iiiS. for the purchase of lot 1 ande!jnwKnd
n e i swi of seillon No. 7 In township No. 10 south,
range No. 6 D vv M, and will offer proof to show that
the land sought Is more valuable for Its timber or
stone than tor agricultural purposes, and to establish
his claim to said land belore Chas. II. Chance. .U.
S. Commissioner, at Sumpter, Oregon, on Fri
day, the aist day of August, ioo.
He names as witnesses: William II. Mead, of
Spokane. Washington; Samuel II. Rishel, Henry T,
Campbell, James Warirn, of Whitney, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the above
described lands are requested to Me their claims In
this office on or belore salj tut Jav of August, 1001.
E. W. Harhutt, Register.
United States Land Office,
La Grande, Oregon, July 1, ioo. I
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the
provisions of the act of Congress of June 1. iSrS, en
titled "An act for the sale nf timber lands In the
states of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washing
Inglnn Territory." as extended to all the Public Land
stales by act of August 4, itqt,
nf Sumpter, county of Maker, state of Ongon, has
this day hied In this office his sworn statement No.
669, for the purchase of the nw(( of section No. it In
township No, 11 south, range No. 18 lwm, and will
offer proof to show that the land sought Is more val
uable lor Its timber or stone than lor agricultural pur
poses, and to establish his claim lo said land belore
Chas. II. Chance. U. S. commissioner at, Sumpter.
Oregon, All Mondav, the ulh day ol September, 1901.
He names as witnesses: Van Rennselarr Mead
Ralph Mead, William A. firrenand Samuel F. Hunt,
all nt Sumpter, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the above
described lands are requested lo Me Iheir claims In
this office on or before said ulh Jay of Sept., 1901.
E. W. IIartutt, Register,
United States Land Office, I
La Grande, Oregon, June ii, toot..
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with tht
provisions ot the act (it congress of June 1, 187I, en
titled n act for tht sale 01 limber lands In the states
ot California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter
ritory," as extended to all the Public Land states by
act of August 4, iv.
of McEwen, county ol Maker, stale of Oregon, hat
this day hied In this office his sworn statement No.
006, tor the purchase of the lot 4 t w X n w V,
Section No. 4 and lot 1 nt section No. s In township
No. in south, range No. tl E W M, and will
offer proof lo show that the land sought Is more
valuable for Its timber or slont than for agri
cultural purposes, and to establish his claim
to said land before Chas. II. Chance, U S. Commis
sioner, at Sumpter, Oregon, on Irlday, the tith
day of August, too .
He names at witnesses: Frank Warren, Charlet
Earlev. William A. Green, and Sidney Tlbbs, Jr.,
all of McLwen, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the above
described lands art requested to Me their claims in
mis omct on or oeiore said tain jay or nuausi, 1901.
E. W. BARTirrr, Register.
United Statet Land Office,
La Grande, Oregon, Junt t, 1901. 1
Notlct It hereby given that In compliance with tht
provisions of tht act of congress of Junt 1, 1878, ta
titled "An act for tht sale oftlmber lands In tht ttatta
of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter
ritory." at txttndtd to all tht Public Land states by
act of Augutt a, list,
of Baktr City, county of Baker, slate of Oregon, hat
thlt day Sled In thlt office hit tworn statement No
164 for the purchast of tht t X 1 t X Sec,
No. 19, n t X n t X of itcilon No. .
In township No. 7 south, rangt No. it C W
M, and will offer proof to thow that tht land
sought Is more valuable for lit timber or ttont than
lor agricultural purpotet.and to ettabllth hit claim to
said land before A. B. Combs Jr., County Clerk,
at Baker City, Oregon, on Tuesday, tht 18th day
of Augutt, igo.
Ht names as witnesses: Jat. Mitchell, of Baker
Cltv, Oregon; Orln Paint, Jot. Htnner, and John
O'Brtant, ol Halnet, Oiegon,
Any and all pertont claiming advtrtely tht above
described lands art requested to flit their claims In
thlt offict on or belore tald iHh day of August, 1901.
E. W. BARTLITT, Rtglster.
United Statet Land OSUt,
La Grandt, May S7th, 100 1. 1
Notlct It hereby given that In compllanct with tht
provlsloot ol tht act of congress of Junt 1, 1I78, en
titled "An act for tht sale of timber lands In tht states
of California, Oregon, Ntvada and Washington Ter
ritory," as extended to all the Public Lend Statet by
act ot August .iSaa,
of Sumpter. county ot Baker, ttatt of Oregen,
hat thlt day filed In thlt office hit tworn statement
No. sua, tor tht purchast ot tht nwV nwkj.
Sec. No. tl and n X neVJ of section No. to, In town
ship No. 9 S.. rangt No. 17, E. W M, and will
offer proof lo thow that tht land sought It
ort valuable for lit tlmbtr or ttont than, for
agricultural purposes, and to ttUbllsh hit claim
to tald land before Chat. H. Chanct, U. S. com
missioner, at Sumpter, Oregon, on Saturday, tht
is h day of Augutt, 1001.
Ht namet at witnesses: Thomas B. Taylor,
Elmer Taylor, Ghailes Rtichsleln, Myrttt Reich
tttln, all of Sumpter, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely tht above
described lands art requested 10 Me their claims In
thlt office on or belore said ijih dav ot August, 1901.
E. W. Bahubtt. Register.