The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, July 29, 1903, Page 10, Image 10

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Wednesday, July 20, 190?
OX E.LE.1 K1C1 II.
Judge Owen And Engineer
Lee, Of Chicago, Operating
In District.
formation, all the characteristic)) until he has educated himself as to
and conditioiiH of the mining nee- the formatiou, ores, combinations
tion in which he contemplates Invest- and conditions in the now district.
lng; and also, what the surfaco ! What is the remedy? I answer it
conditions are and what has been tho is easy and plain to those who have
result of development, he has notli- observed and exeprienced the things
ItiK upon which to safely rely as a , before enumerated. It follows, let
justification for making an in- tho intending investor take all tho
vestment on his own judgment, time necessary to investigate, and
Nearly all make tho same mistake. , llud an honest, honorable and com
If they invest or do not invest at potent man who has spent his own
this point. J time aud money to cxamiuo said
Hut if they do not invest on their district and who has mined therein,
own judgment they nearly all make who knows from persouiil extiminn-
the mistake of overlooking the tion what tho formatiou of oro is in
practical mining man who is familiar various sections lu said disricrt,
with tho section they are seeking what tho surface conditions and
and they send to Montana, Colorado, . values are aud what results have
Arizona aud perhaps to South 'been obtained by development aud
Africa or Mexico for some noted the character of tho development
mineralogist of whom they have read in each case. When such a ninn
or personally know, aud in time is found employ him to ex
ile Is brought to the district to make amino and report on tho district
1111 examination. Now without any , by sections and pay him a fair price
Judge F.rncst Dale Owen of Chi
cago, president of the Klectrtc Metal
Local Iiik cmiipimy, and Ot-car J. Lee,
chief electric and terreohmetriti en
glncr for the company, were In t lie city
Saturday looking after reported in
fringements of palontH covering tho
devices for locating ore bodies which
I he company controls.
The Metal Local Iiik company, of
Chicago, is (ho main owner of the
Cyclone property In tho Virtue
district, near linker City, In
the Instance of this property the I reflection on the noted mineralogist ; therefor. Then tho investor has
vein, whose exael siliiut ion liml not
been detei mllie.l, was (prated by
Flighted- Lee, and development woik
Is now pruccdiug in accordance
with Hie (tut ji furnished by him.
The ledge pniveil to be ten feel
wide and carries nf isf'iii'lnry
when he reaches tho district ft something reliable and thou when a
does mil take him long to see that It property has been selected for ex
is entirely dilferut from anything ho , aiuiuatiou is time enough to send
ever saw before on earth, that It is ' for a mineralogist to examine the
not ns he had pictured it and hopiil workings and the value of the
to see it ami it dues not look good ' mineral therein. This is nil the
to him. If honest with hiun-olf use tho investor has for the
than a bog is to run a music store.
Hut after tho aforesaid prelimin
ary work by tho competent and
honorablo miner who hna
spent his own tlnio aud money to
learn those things, requisite to aud
preceding the examination aud
purcahso, will bo abundant timo for
tho intending purchaser to call to
his aid the mineralogist and mining
export. This course if adhered to
by investors would result lu much
less expense to them and tho
purchaso and development of valu
able mines whore, as now conducted
it ouy results in heavy expense
for tho opinion of a minerlaogist
who knows nothing of tho district
and a failure to purchaso what
might bo a good nilno.
Tho point most to bo emphasized
is: That intending investors lu
this or any other district, thnt
securo a compotont man who
has educated himself, instead of
bringing a mineralogist from Suoth
Africa or elsewhero aud paying his
expenses, and a good salary whllo
he is being educated.
values, Tim riiiiiuuy will rapidly i anil others he inilht admit that ho ' mineralogist up lo this stage, fur
ibnelup 'lie pnipeity, mid, it Is
staled ill install machinery ul no
distant day.
The principle of eleeli lu locution
of nietnls has been lepeatedly
iIImMihm'i! 111 these columns. The
tbeoiy of measuring fhe leslslimce
ill an t'tii t h iMineiit thinugh nil oto
beailng stieulf between two points
of contact, Is well Known and
I does not know anything about It the competent miner who llrst
For the tiiilh is that he does not reported on tho district can inform
know anything mote about the new him. If the underground workings
conditions than n hog does about nio pioperly timbered and tho In
music and will not until he bus vest or can lely on his honest,
studied and Investigated the district houoiable and competent man aud
at his employer's cxpciii-c. So he his iutnriuatlou and it is much les
reports to his piiucipal thill it is no cxpcusiio anil fur better than to send
good and turns everything down. , to South Africa for a man who is
1 The investor Mil! thinks and Is now I no more iiuallfied to give an opinion
getieinlly accepted by scieutlllc men. Mile he was smart In getting this, as fo what the investor should do,
As the conductivity of oie Is gieafer expeit to keep fi mil being imposed i until has spent a largo amount
than oiiliiinry eiuth, the lesistauce upon and defrauiled out of his ' of the investor's money to find out,
theietoie less, bodies are thus money. Now what are the facts?
deleimiued. lu addition lo thin the The investor is paying this expert'
company Is also picpaicd by (lie use
of other electrical instruments to
give tin depth of the ore bodies.
The several devices lire the In
vention of Frederick II. Drown,
lately of Chicago, but now of
California. These lire thoroughly
protected by several patents which
the Klectriu Metal Locating company
lluth Judge Owen aud F.ugiucer
Lee are spending some time In linker
City looking after their Interests.
The company also has extensive min
ing properties In Idaho,
Judge Newbury Expresses Hk View lo
Regard to (he Matter.
The hanker, railroad president
or owner of large business enterprises
is very much like other people when
surrounded by like conditions, and
Is apt to assume that he Is pretty
smart and knows how to Invest in
mines or mining properties without
being told by anyone. Hut such is
not the case, for it makes no differ
ence how well ami succssful a man
may bo in tho management of his
banking, railroad or other line of
business, if ho has not spent his
own timo ami money to study the
big money ns a salary and very
heavy expenses. In fact paying him
while lie Is educating himself to
that ho may bo of service to some
one later on, when ho is fully In
formed as to the district. This
course of procedure Is tho solo cause
why all the old producing mines of
this section have been turned
down by examiners (strangers to
the district) more times than the
investor has lingers and toes.
And the Intending investor
congratulated himself on his wisdom
but it is of the idiotic type. For
Instance, the llouan.a mine has lieeuj
turned down after examiutiiiou by
people who knew nothing of that
district, more thiiu u dozen times,
but n miner got hold of It and
without Mittlclcut capital showed It I
up so It sold for $760,000, which he
and his co-owners received for a I
good property which cost them only
.VKI0. Tort laud pocketed the
loss of $110,000 for development. I
This is only one instance. There,
are many more very much like it
in this district. It is no sign that
because u man can wisely operate
a lead mine in Missouri where he 1b
familiar with tho formatiou aud
ore that he can mine gold or tell
when ho has a good mine in Oregon,
Timber and Homestead Filings.
Timber and hnmctciid tilings, us well
us final proofs, can be miide before
Charles 11. Chance, United States Com
utlssioiicr, ollice lu First National Bunk
of Sumpter building, Suinpter, thus sav
ing applicants expense of a trip to La
Ice Creaml lee Cream I
On, and each day after May 1st
the renowned Hazelwood Ice Cream
and Ice Cream Soda will bo had at
SturgillV. 10 cents u dish, 25
cunts per pint.
Only the nest brands ot liquors and
cigars nt Dunpliv's The Club."
Mining deeds for sale at thlsofllco.
K. O. McF.WKN, li. Sc, K. M.
A. L. McKWKN, M. K.
McEwen 8c McEwen
Having purchased the Plant and Outfit of
Messrs. 'Browne Sr Smith, we are prepared
to do General Assaying and Complete
Analysis of Ores. Also Concentrating,
Amalgamation and Cyanide Tests. j
Through Salt Lake City, I.eadville, Pueblo, Colorado Springe and Denver,
and the Famous Hockv Mountain Scenery by Daylight to till points Fast.
For rates, folders and other M. C. M'BRIDE, Gen. Agent,
information, address 124 Third St., PORTLAND, ORE.