Wednesday, July 22, 1903 THE SUMPTER MINER ALASKA'S OUTPUT. Increased From Two And Half To Eight Millions Since J 897. The gold output of Alaska increas ed from 12,000,000 lu 1807 to about 98,000,000 iu 1002. Most of the Alaskan gold comes from placer dig gings. Few quartz mines outside the older mines, such as tho famous Troadwell, near Juneau, are producing any metal. The quartz mines of Southern Alaska are bolng opened, aud within the next few years will add materially to the mineral production of the territory. At present, bowovor, at least thre fourths of the gold obtained in Alaska is coming from tho placer mines. They produced 10,000,000 or more in 1002, about $5,GOO,000 coming from the Seward peninsula gold fields. As is mentinouod above, about oloven-twolftha of tho placer gold mined last year came from the Seward peninsula, on whose southwest coast the famous Nome beach is situated. Though the yield of this district was about 15,500,000, the year was not favorablo for the largest gold output. The months of July aud August, the height of the mining year, were dry, and hence little sluicing could be done. The output would have been much larger if water had been available earlier iu tho season. The socalled tundra placers baok of the beaoh still continue to be worked, but their development has not been commeusurato with their probable importance. During the four years since tho discovery of the Nome placers the gold seeker has gradually worked bis way inland, so that some prospecting has beou douo over nearly ttierSintlro Seward peninsula. During the last season gold mining was going on in the Nome region proper in the region of the Solomon and Eldorado rivers and along other streams tributary to Behring Sea, mainly, as the map shows, in the south part of te peninsula. The large, inorease in the output of Ophir Creek, a northern tributary of the Niukluk, Is of special interest. Its production last year was over 91,000,000, and there is no reason to doubt that other streams may have similar development. The new diggings in the Copper River region produced about 925,000. Gold in commercial quantity has been found at widely separated places in the Copper River basin. The Chistochlna gold fields, from which nearly all the gold of this region has been obtained, is in the basin of river of that name which joins the Copper about 200 miles from the coast. The district con tains several gold producing creeks which are reached by trail from Valdes. Miller Gulch in this district supplied about 9175,000 of last year's yield. Gold placers known to exist In other parts of the Copper River territory have not yet been developed. The Cook Inlet region and the Porcupine district produced about 9100,000. No very rich placers bave been found in the Cook Inlet region, though it has long been a small gold produceer In the district around the headVof the Inlet and Turuagain Arm. Tho Porcupine district is a small placer gold Hold about thirty miles from Pyramid harbor on Lynn Canal. Tho placers occur largely In tho stream bed of Porcupine Creek, aud to work them it has boon uecenmiry to divert tho WHtor of the stream by means of sluices to giro access to tho gravels iu tho creek bed. This development was iu progress last year, aud tho district has not yet reached a largo pro ductive stage. Tho remainder of tho placer gold produced last year, about 9175,000, came from tbho Yukon basin, chiefly from tho now diggings ou Glen Creek. This creek is a small tributary of Baker Crook, which enters the Tauaua from tho uorth about eighty miles from tho Yukon. Tho Glen Creek mining camp is on the site of the most important discovery of placer gold made lu the Interior of Alaska during tho seasons of 1001 aud 1002. Tho camp is about twenty-eight miles nearly duo south of tho town of Rampart ou tho Yukon River. Iu somo places tho pay streak has a width of from twenty to sixty foot, and iu one place a pay streak sovou foot thick Is reported. Tho Nome gold placers aro confined to tho little streams aud benches within an area of about one mile wide aud two to threo miles long. Cousidorablo gold was ulso taken out of the Upper Koyukuk basin, the large northern tributary of tho Yukon. The metal Is chiefly derived from a half dozen creeks tributary to the river aud about 000 miles from its mouth. The Birch Creek region tributary to the Yukon near tho Arctic Circle, is also producing somo gold. At various other places also a little placer being done on small creeks tributary lo the Yukou. American Alining News. ?? HENRY HEWITT. JB, I'rcilJtnt . L. KENNON vice Ptr & (ifn'l Mgr. seymour ii.nmi. Src. anj Trn. OFF ON VACATION. Hon. I H. Rcbbins Left Yatcrday v s Will Return in Stptcmbcr. But Hon. J.r II. Robbins loft yesterday to speud bis vacation at Priest's Lake, Idaho. Mrs. Robbins and their sons left Saturday for Pendleton, where they will be joined by Mr. Robbins, who will spend a day or so in Baker City on business matters before leaving. A number of Pendleton people will be in the party. Mr. Robbins will go to Spokane about September 1, where he will spend a short time arranging business affairs returning here durng the early part of the month. Mr. Robbins will open an office lu the First National Bank building, where he will transact business relating to his interests in the district. Mrs. Robbins will go with her sons to Portland or wherever it is definitely decided for them to attend school. Some reports have it that Mr. Robbins is going to make his headquarters lu Spokane, others state Seattle, and so on. He says: "My Interests are here and it is natural for me to come baok to Sumpter to look after tbem. I will open an office here after my vaoation and attend to my busniess affairs. Dr. Greenlee, dentist, over Basche Hardware store. All the latest novelties in hats a) Neill Mercantile company's. Use Giant Powder, Fuo and Caps. Sumpter Lumber Co. Lumber, Lath and Shingles OAR LOADS AND RETAIL SUMPTER OREGON P BEST BUY IN EASTERN OREGON Shares of Gilt Edge Mining is absolutely necessary money. It is in the Grizzly Gold Mining Co. You can have it in one bunch for j cents, I have 1 0,000 Stock, on which it that l raise some in broken blocks 4 cents, j Address BERNARD FLYNN SUMPTER, OREGON J. H. CONNORS. J. L. HS.RVCY. ...The Bar... High Grade Wines, Liquors and Cigars Club Rooms in Connection Headquarters for Miners SUMPTER - OREGON The New Olympia E.E. HAUSER, PROP. FINK OLD (1114) HERMITAGE WHISKEY FINEST BRANOS OF WINES, ALES AND PORTERS. OLYMPIA BEER, BOTTLED OR ORAUQHT. FINE CIOARS. CLUB ROOM IN CONNECTION, CENTER STREET, OPPOSITE P. O. WMflMlMtMattMilttmttti SUMPTER, OREGON TWO WAYS To get best results from your engine use "EUREKA" or some other PACKING. ONE SAFE WAY always use "EUREKA". YOUR ENGINE will work more economically with a ROBERTSON-THOMPSON the valves. A-HINE ELIMINATOR cylinder and oil out of boiler, Jus. L. Robertson and Sons, Fulton Street, N. Y. INDICATOR to adjust keeps water out of the t w