The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, July 22, 1903, Page 8, Image 8

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Wednesday, July 22, 190?
sixty horse power boiler. The
iniinlillinrv Ih nvnwtwl in nrrlrn utiv
IN LIMESTONE? duy and will l.o iiiHtnllod ut once.
It Ih underHtood that tho Uaby
IMcKo people aro iiIho tlgiirltiK on a
mill for tho near future, hut
nothing dcllnlto Iiiih boon auuoiincod
yot rcKiinliiiK thU mutter.
Expert Say That the Gold in in Siliceous
Matter and Not in the Lime It'
There All Right, and Appears in
Commercial Quantities Crosscut Be
ing Driven to Explore Ledge.
Name For Terminus of Whitney Extension
of S. V. R. R.
Iho liiHOovory of froo oll in
IliniiHtonit at Hoar (Julcli,
liiHt week, Iiiih iittructod wlilo atlon
tlon aitioiiK mining uiiKinoorri anil
mining mmi In UiIh miction Konorally,
no iimiHUiil U tlm occurronco.
Hevornl prominent enuJncoiH linvu
vIhIUmI tlm prnpnrty ami aro
Hoinowliiit at a loHri to account for it.
TI10 formation Ih ordinary liluo
HtnoHtoiin IntorHporHod with calo
Hpar, and having a rortalu amount of
hIIIuooiih mat tor promint in the hoiiiiih.
II Ih urgitd that tlm gold iIooh not real
ly onotir In tlm llmoHtono proper, lint
in tlm iiarl. dopoHlnt. U'lillo thlH
may Im trim, to the ciihiiiiI oliHorvor
the gold appearH plainly enough in
the limn rook, anil Ih clearly vIhIIiIo
without the aid of a gIatH. It Ih
Htatixl, however, by oxporlonuod pro
foHHloiml mining men that when
Hulijeottxl to mi auiil tont, the por
tlotiH of the rook whore free gold Ih
proHonl will not olforvoiu'o, while
the ordltmry hydrouhlurlu aoid tont
readily hiiowh the rout of the rook to
he true HmeHtoue.
Whntovor may lm hiiIiI, however,
iih 10 now 1 mi goni K"i timre, or
whether it really ocourtt In tho llmo
propor or only In the hIIIcooiix hoiiiiih,
Uh proHonoo Ih very evident and in
(uan(illoH Hiillliiiont to make the
properly tx'oodiuuly valiiihle, if it
oontlnuoH throughout the ledgo.
The property, iih wtatoil hint week,
wan bonded by the Humpter Valley
company to Holomou Camp, who Ih
iiHMooUtod with V. Wade, gonoral
muusgnr of the Hcandia Tunnel com
pany.the latter owning a half Interent.'
A croHMCiit U liolug driven with a
view to determining If tbeno high
valuoH continue, and it U tho
purpoHii of the operator to make a
thorough exploration. It Ih
peculiar proportion for thin dnltrlct
Hud Iihh excited a great deal of (li
ferent. The Hoft material and dobrU from
the lodge Ih being Hackood and will
ho Hhlpped for treatment. Thin U
nald t Hvorago 152 a ton.
.Summit Iiuh boon Hiiggofltod bh an
appropriate name for tho terminus of
the Whltnoy extension of tho Sump
tor Valley railroad which would
Hoom Hiiltable enough woro it not
for tho fact that thoro Ih already one
reported i8'"ill " tiu Htuto Hituuted in Bon-
lift, uuiiu, liuni lliu .UIIJ-JUIU UUMUiy
lino. If the tormiutiH woro named
Hiimmlt, the poHtofllco which will
doubtluHH bo oHtablUhod thoro later
on would have to tako a different
name, iih thoro Ih alroudy ono by this
name In the ntato, and would load
to coufuHiou.
Work is progressing Tory rapidly
on tho oxtotiHiou, and It will bo no
dlHtaut day whou it Ih completed.
Announced That The Sale
Of The Red Boy Is
Itiimorn regarding tho transfer of
tho Hod Iloy coutinuo to circulate.
There Ih no olllcial continuation
relating to tho poudiug nale and
nothing dollulto can bo glvon out.
Speaking of tho mattor tho Uakor
City Democrat nayn:
"It can bo auuoiinced on the
highot authority that tho Itod Hoy
mine will probably chango bauds
iiiHido of thirty days. Au option la
oit on tho property at a lump sum
HiippoHod to reprotiout tho capitaliza
tion of tho company sluoe Its mower
with tho Concord, well up lu tho
mllllouH, and this bond la bolus
mauipiilatd by a well kuowu local
firm of promoters. When soon
yesterday, Secretary J. T. Donnelly
of tho company said that he had
nothing to add to tho information
given above and could not toll
whether tho option would be takou
up or not."
Baby McKee People Will In
stall Plant Soon.
Tho hoMIng plant for the Last
Chance, oerated by the Haby
MoKeo company, L. (1, Lilly, Hiiper
luteiideut, has been ordered and is
now ouroute. It Ih a tixl'i hoist
with a depth capacity of :i(iu feet.
John 8. Laid law, millwright and
mill architect, baa already Mulshed
the plans for the framing and work
la to lie started ou it at once.
Already the timbers for the gallows
frame have boon hewed, and the other
lumber Is being prepared. The
motive power will lie furnished by it
Special Round Trip Rates,
Hetweeu June 4th and August 20th
Tho Illinois Central will sell round
trip tickets from Oregon and Wash
ingtou points to Chicago, Cairo,
Memphis and New Orleans at Oreatly
Reduced KatoH.
Tickets good for throe months.
Going limit ten days. Returning
limit ten days after starting woat.
Stop over privileges either way, woat
of the Missouri Hlver.
Sale dates are arranged to be con
venient for delegates to conventions
of National Educational Association
at Hoston; Klks at Haltlmoro; Wood
men at Iudlauapolis; Kagloa at New
York; Hl.rii.ern at Saratoga; Knights'
of Pvthlas at Louisville and Com- I
meroial Travelers at Iudlauapolis.
You can take your choice of Six
teen ditfereut routes. Wrtto us,
We will cheerfully give yr ti any do
tailed information you waut.
11. II. TKU.M1IULL, Com'l Ageut,
14 'J Third St., Portland, Ore,
That the West is the place to buy Western stocks,
I don't care if it's Golconda, Red Boy, Cracker Jack,
Cracker Oregon, or what is it it stands to reason that
I, being right in the heart of the Northwest Mining Dis
trict, should be able to supply you with any stock
desired. This business is done through my brokerage
department, which, by the way, handles more stock
than any other firm in the West. I want to place the
name of every reader of this paper on my mailing list.
A postal card will do, requesting my market letter
Of the development of the Victor Group, in the Cracker
Creek Distiict, in the recent issues of this paper. Same
has been bought by a strong Eastern company, and the
stock will shortly be put on the market by the
An elaborate prospectus in now in the hands of its
printers. As soon as it is off the press you should re
ceive a copy. Drop a postal to me today, and I'll mail
you one in due course of time. I shall act as the
Company's Fiscal Agent.
p. o. Drawer 1726 Spokane, Washington
I LAI i1 1 Beautifully Illustrated
llvXZiO Pamphlet of J 6 Pages
Great Dividend Paying Mines,
Any person contemplating a mining investment should not be
without the information contained in this valuable oamphlet.
(Mention No. 60 and it will be promptly mailed you.)
32 llllilWIY, N. Y.
Either to buy Gilt Edge Stocks, e Prospect
that is "the Making of e Mine," or one that
is already made, write me what you want
and permit me to submit a proposition.