The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, July 22, 1903, Page 2, Image 2

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    Wednesday, July 22, 190?
tiikon caro of with but littlu trouble
Tho Sound iu cronseut Ih now iu a
rllntatico of oror 2. .'100 foot. and will
lirtvn 11 rlnnili mi Hin rnlli nf 1 'JTifl nf
tho point of IntorHcetlon. On tbo
mirfaco tbo 1cIko hIiowh ii width of
hutwoon oi(ht and ton foot with good
; Mr. Goss, Of St. Paul, Visits
Property And Invests.
. M. N. (Iohh, of St. I'iiiiI, viHllod tho
Htatitlard liiHt wook to Invoritlmitii
tbo property with 11 vlow to Inventing
In atoolc bluiHoIf mid to roport on
tbn propOHlllon for Ht. Paul frlondn
and ImikIiiohh iiHMocluleH. Ho wan
blKbly plouHod wtih tho Standard
mid tblukH It Iiiih tbo making of otio
of tbo hlKKoxt Milium In tbo dintrlut.
Hi) HHyH!
"1 wiih all through tho varloiiri
tuunolk, HbaflH, atopic, olc. It doori
not tako an oxporioiicod minliiK
man to moo that tho .Standard Ik
bound to bnooiuo a Knmt nil no.
Thorn In Hiiuply a not work of vidua;
tbo mountain U Itorally rlbod with
tboin, It Ih a proporty that can bo
wurkod on a vaxt wait), and with
dovlopiiiont will certainly provo all
mid moro than Ih iilaimed for It by
I(h oporatorH. It Kroatly exceeded
my oxpmitatluiiH.
"1 Invented porHonally and I hIiiiII
certainly iuIvIho my frlendn to do
IlkowlHo. "
Mr. (Inxn loft Sunday to vhdt old
iu!iiialntauoori at Pond lot on boforo
returning oiiHt.
j Greater Demand For Property
i Than For Some Time.
President Moody, of Wiscon
sin, Here To Inspect
I Tho pant fow wockri Iiuh wUiiohhwI
a vory markol activity in roiil eatato
traiiHactloiiH according to tbo
varliiiiH doalorri. L. M. WoIhIi, nf
MaiiuiiiK it Wolrtb, hart tbiH to nay
about tbo Hltuatien:
"Hon I oiitato Ih moro aetivo, moro
traiiHforri aro bolux recorded now
than thoro bavo boon within a porlod
of two or throo mouth. Thoro
appear to bo a dhpoHltou on tho
part of our hiiiuoritt pooplo to acquire
thoir own bomoH, and a ureat many
of tbo wiled bavo recently boon
inailo to UiIh cIiihh of pcrMoiiH. Thoro
Iiiih boon a vory decided picking up
in tho roal entitle IiiihIiiohh lately,
and it h boKiuuiiiK to look vory much
iih if tbo fall and wlntor oporatioiiH In
thiri lino will bo e.xcedlntfly brink.
Thoro Ih a Khutor domiuid now
than thoro ban been for' novoral
A. V. Moody, of (Iroou Hay,
WIhooiihIii, prortldout of tbo St.
Loula ooiiipauy, mih iu tho city bint
week and in company wtitli Mauaucr
Anthony Mohr viidted thlx proporty,
UtHldoH iiiakliiK trlpH to Horcral othor
iiiIiioh in tbo diMrlct. It wan Mr.
Mooily'M Urn I vlnlt to Suiuptor.
Ho Hitltl :
"1 am Kroatly mirprlned at tbo
miiKiiiludo of tbo miiiiiiK piiHrtibill'
tie iu Iho Sumpter camp. 1 wont
over tho Krouud an thoroughly an
my limited timo would pormit, and
takiiiK into'V'iiiiHldoiatiou tbo fact
that tbo roHldout iniiioral renoureeii
aro practically uutouohod, ouo iiiuhI
coiiiu to tlio ooiu'luitlon that hero aro
tho uoooHHiiry condition for ouo of
tbo Kttm'tortt Kuld' ouniprt ill tbo world.
"1 iimdo a thorough oxamiuatloti
of our' own proporty, tbo St. LouIk,
and 1 hiii Kroatly ploaHed with tbo
outlook. It h our purpoHo to con
tinue dovolopmoiit operation on a
Itrcator hohIo than ovor obforo. "
Work whh xturted today oil tbo
properly, ami will bo vlnorounly
puntied nboad.
IaAcalloe Arc That the Vln U Bciog
V. Wade, Kenerml uianatfur of tho
Bomidlii Tuuuol company, 0eratluK
tbo So ud I niluo, tatt that the
formation Iu the cromicut U becom
Iuk decidedly Moftor, and thoro is
ovory ludicatlou Miat the veil' Is bo
lK approached. Hoceutly bo has
bad moro or lex dltlicutly with Mater
lu tbo level but this is uow bvlutt
Reduced Summer Excursion Rates.
Tho Denver k Hit) (Iraudo, pope
larly known iih tho "Scenic Lino of
tho World," Iiiih announced Kroatly
reduced round-trip rat on from Pad lie
Count polutH for tho lionotlt of teach
orn who will npoud thoir vacation In
the cant, and of delegate to all tho
prominent convention X. E. A., at
HoHton; A. (). U. W., at St. Paul;
II. P. (). E., at llaltlmoro; Wooduiou
of America at IudlauapollH; KiikIoh,
at Now Vork; Mystic Shrine, at Sara
toga SpriiiKH; K. of P., at LouIhvIHo,
and T. P. A., at IndlauapollH.
TIckotH at tho reduco,-) rat oh will bo
I Mined upon ouo faro for tho round
trip, but will bo nob! only on certain
day. ThoHo tickets will carry atop-
ovor privilouoH on tho uoIiik trip,
KlviiiK pasHOUKorH an opportunity! to
vUlt Salt Lake City, (ilonwood
SpriiiKH, Colorado Spring and Den
ver; and will I to ood to return any
timo within ninety (DO) days. Pas
nenneiH k1K via tbo Denver & Klo
(iraudo aro kIvoii tho prlviloKo of
returuliiK via a ditrerout route.
For tho rate to tbo point you wish
to Ki mid for dates of sale and other
particular, iih well as for illustrated
pamplets, write
W. C. McllitlDK, General Aneiit,
VU Third St.. Portland, Ore.
E In Cable Cove District 3
Will Be Sold Cheap.
I Three Well Defined
E Ledges. Surface Val- 3
E ues Ranging from $20 3
p Up. Assessment Work
B for This Year Com- 3
E pleted. A Good Prop-
osition. of & &
t For Particulars, Terms, &, Address 3
LockBox78,Sumpter,Or. 3
Investors desiring to place $20 or more, can learn
of an excellent opportunity to become interested in the
purchase of a mining property, situated in a good min
ing district in Oregon. Full particulurs, address,
E. A. CLEM & CO.
RsfsrsRcs k Ptrmlulon
MsrchsMs Nation! link, Putlind, Onion.
411 Chimbtr of Commoteo,
Mining $&
Quartand Placer Loca- -rue:
tions, Tunnel Claim and THE
Waler Right Locations, C .rD-T-t-D
Proof of Labor, Affidavit 2AJy I tK
of Discovery Work PVHMPID
(Mining Deed, Option to I MlNLIX
Purchase, Quit Claim I
Deed, Lease j j j i