The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, July 15, 1903, Page 8, Image 8

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Wednesday, July iy, 1903
A. B. Browne Returns From
East And Confirms Report
Of Transaction.
A. II. llrowno, of llrowno A Hmith,
returned Hiiniliiy from tho eiiHt,
nflor lutvliiK, in conjunction with T.
W. I)iivI(Ihoii, coinplotod tho hiiIo of
tlio Don Juan mill tho (jiiohou,
looiitod roHpootlvoly in tlio (Iroon
liorn mill Alnino (llHtrlctn. Doth
proportion wuro hoIi! to MIoIiIkhii
pooplo, tlio forinor koIiik to liny City
iiiiltnllHtH iuiiI tho hitler to Detroit.
In both iiiHtaticort tlio ilualri hiivo
lioou porfootod mid tlio puporH plowed.
No llKuroH iiro mentioned, howovor,
for pulilleutlon.
Tlio Don .limn iiuil tlio Quolioo iiro
old Mini woll known iiiIiioh. It Ih
umlnrHtooil from Mr. llrowno tiuit
tlio now pooplo uro to tiikn hold mid
Hturt opnriitioiiH nt 0111:11. MrH.
llrowno iicuioiiipiinlod lior hiiHlmnd
on tho trip, mid npont hoiiiii tiino
vIhUIiik IiIh pooplii in liortton. Mr.
DiivIiIhoii Ih oxpoutod to rot urn next
ItoKHrillnx condltloiiH In thu oiiHt,
Mr. Ilrowii ntutoM that hoavy InvimtorH
uro coiiHiirvntivo on iiccnunt of liilior
trouliloH, whllo it Ih eimier to do
IiuhIiihhh with Hiimllor oiipitullHtH.
Monied Men Turning Their
Attention In This
Tlioro in Hood rimmm to holiovo
tlmt tho luolc of Hpooiiliitivo ui'tivity
on tlio Stock FacIiiiiiki', which Iiiih
liociiino ho niiirkt'd rci'ontly, will
oonliniio for tho romiilndi'r of tho
pruHoiit your, at leant. It Ih iiIho
upparont that tho Intororit In In
iltiHtrial ontrprUcrt Iiiih wan oil of Into,
on account of tho fact that many an
Inventor who wiih expecting IiIh
"hIiIp to ciiiiio homo," Iiiih found
that voxhoI water-IokkiI; in fact,
to iihii auothor hIiiiIIk, a kmhI many
onorttotlo Kent lemon found tho
Krouud Moor inundated before tlio
elevator jjot into riiunini! order.
Howovor theno t lit iih lie, (hero in a
tendoncy now umontt nioneyoil men
to look aHkance at tho Mock mark-
otn, which have hitherto
nion haro acted like fools and old
experienced linndu haro played the
part of novlcoH. It would ho a pity
not to prollt by tho oxperionco of
othorH, and to roallo that milling
rcqulrcH all tho judgment, caro ami
nyntom which lo vol-head cd men glvo
to tholr ordinary 1iib1uohh and
more. To tho couriiKOoiiH Investor
it alfordrt 11 h much profit uh any othor
form of human activity and more.
If, therefore, tho uowly awakened
Interont In mining ovlticed by mou of
high character in tempered with tlio
procautlotiH which uro umial to such
mou, then wo feol mini thoro will
bo a mutual gnln to tho industry
and to tho participator In it. Ouo
word of advico will not bo rerouted
from a journal which Iiiih at heart
tho boHt IntoroHtH of mining. Whoa
11 biiHiucBH man niakca a contract, ho
oinpIoj'H a lawyer; let him, when ho
ongiigoH in a mining enterprise, iiho
tho profeHHlonul advico needed for
thin particiialr biiHinoHH; In othor
wordH, lot him roalizo that you got
nothliiK for nothing, and very llttlo
fur ten contH; thoroforo, advico
which Ih gratuitous Ih worth what la
paid for it, and tho sorvices of a
capable engineer uro cheap at tho
comparatively high llguro which thoy
bring. Vim cannot go. mining with
a shoestring. hugluooriiig and
Mining Journal.
Nellie Thomti and Two Male Compic
loot Held up Mooday Night.
Nellie ThonuiH, a niombor of tho
linn of Hunt !fc ThonuiH, proprietors
of tho Louvre, ami Fred CavouaiiKh
and Lynn Mntson, woro hold up
Monday night about 1 o'clock and
relieved of tholr ensh and dianiondH.
Nellie lont a bur pin and u pair of
diamond earring valued at $1,100.
Ciivomitigh wiih touched for IiIh
roll to tho extent of GT, and
Mntson giivo up 31H. Nolllo had
Home ciihIi about her person, but hIio
wiih not nuked to deliver further than
her jewelry.
Tho party wiih taking a stroll in
tho went Hide of the city iiuroHH the
river when tho hold up occurred.
IteportH regarding tlio matter d lifer
somewhat. Nellie nuyH that there
wiih only one bud bold man with n
Kim who figured lu tlio trnusnutlon,
while the men nay there were two.
The police have their HiiHpicioiiH.
Cnvomtugh and Matmiu wero arrested
Into vent onlay afternoon an accoin-
pllcoH in tho crime.
A Pioneer Operator.
Harvey llnhhliis, of Spokane, father
of Hon. J. II. Knhhlns, Ih visiting
Itho family of the latter. Mr.
occupied ItnhhiiiH Ih ouo of the pioneer placer
diHtrict, huviuK
interested hero
tholr attention, and to turn to an . operators in the
iudiiHtry the yield of which Is one licon extensively
of tho Hiiro fouudatloiiH of our j during tho curly activity. Mr.
national proHpority. It Ih ii fact ltobbiiiH at one time controlled tho
that men, who are regarded uh J majority of the trading pouts in the
lendern In lliiance, and who have Ih vicinity, and operated tho II rut
hitherto kept clear of mining, are .saw mill In thin region. Tho mill
now turning tholr attention to hiicIi
matters. It Ih ii good omen. Apart
from the tho capital which they will
iutrodotice, for the development of
natural resources, their training in
hiicIi tlmt the biiHineHH of mining Ih
certain to bo Improved by their
In tho pant it Iiiih Ihioii ii not
uncommon spoctnolo to hod hankers,
merchants ami lluuuclerH, whone
namori wort) HynouyiiiH for good
sense and careful biiHiiu)H mothoda,
tuko part In the direction of minliiK
enterprises only to lay aiddo all tho
precaution to which they wero
aucustomoJ. lu thin way shrewd
wiih an old fashioued water power
plant located at Lawtou
C. K. DoNelfe, member of the
city council, and of tho tlrin of Do
Nelfe A Muzzy, and Mian Kdna Hrowu,
of l'rosser, Washington, wero married
at Prouder, July 8, and will bo at
homo in Sumpter after September 1.
Miss llrown la a nleco of Mra. Cato
Johiia, and well known lu tho city,
having spout some time hero with her
All tlio latent uoveltiea in
Neill Mercnutile company's.
liHta at
That the West is the place to buy Western stocks,
I don't care if it's Golconda, Red Boy, Cracker Jack,
Cracker Oregon, or what is it it stands to reason that
I, being right in the heart of the Northwest Mining Dis
trict, should be able to supply you with any stock
desired. This business is done through my brokerage
department, which, by the way, handles more stock
than any other firm in the West. I want to place the
name of every reader of this paper on my mailing list.
A postal card will do, requesting my market letter
Of the development of the Victor Group, in the Cracker
Creek Distiict, in the recent issues of this paper. Same
has been bought by a strong Eastern company, and the
stock will shortly be put on the market by the
An elaborate prospectus in now in the hands of its
printers. As soon as it is off the press you should re
ceive a copy. Drop a postal to me today, and I'll mail
you one in due course of time. I shall act as the
Company's Fiscal Agent.
p. o. Drawer 1726 Spokane, Washington
Mli T7E7 A Beautifully Illustrated
1 KmH Pamphlet of 6 Pages
Great Dividend Paying Mines
Any person contemplating a mining investment should not be
without the information contained in this valuable oamphlet.
(Mention No. CO and it will bo promptly mailed you.)
f. INVEST "iN 'SSlNG-i
Either to buy Gilt Edge Stocks, a Prospect
that is "the Making of a Mine," or one that
is already made, write me what you want
and permit me to submit a proposition.