THE SUMPTER MINER Wednesday, July 15,1903 $J00 IN COBALT I. At STANDARD. Recent ' Assays Show Value To Ton. This PROPERTY ALL RIGHT. Mr. Heath, Representing Chicago People, Advises Invetmer.t in Thii Property Copper Ridge Beats Cripple Creek From Victor to Bull Hill Ruby and Juniper Alone Big Propositions Ore Cheaply Handled. Germany it aolla nt 82.25. Tho tnangoment of tho company aaaumos, atrlklng a low avorugo, that tho cobalt will run at leant flvo per cent, which will glvo a raluo in this motel ulouo of 8100 a ton. On tho baals of thorough and ayatomtalo aaaaya, tho gold, copper and platinum valuoa will perhaps doublo tho average. Conporvatlvoly, howovor, It aeoma to be at leant 8ir0. Whilo no estimate linn bcou placod on tho platinum rccontly oucountored in tho Kuby vein, It Ih stated boyoud any ucation tills raro motal oxIhIh in commercial quantities. SEWER ELECTION. Vote Tho Called (or Monday, July 20. to Issuing Bonds. election to voto on tho pro portion of iaatiing 815,000 worth of municipal IioikIh to conatruct a aowor ayatom, naa lioon called for . Monday, July 20. Tho call apoclfloa N. l Heath, of Denver, an old I tho following voting placea: Cripple (Jrook mining Minn in thoj City Hall, for ward No. 1; aamplo Intoroat of Chicago capital, viallod room on Mill atroet, oppoaito Hotel tho Htaudurd laat week to luvoatlgato j Kiimptor, ward No. 2; Mra. A moll 'a tho property rulatlvo to edvialug Ida 1 building, Mill atroet, corner of people whether or not to invent. Hiimptor, ward No. .'I; Chemical No Mr. Heath ia very aaiigiiluo icgardlug tho Htandard, and aaya ho haa ad viced hla people to double the ainoiiuta originally contemplated in Htandard atock. In an Interview with a Miner reproanntatlvo, Mr. Heath atated tho follewing: "I m udo a thorough iuvcatlgatlou of tho property, and from tho objective point of a man who ia by no meana a tenderfoot in tho mining liualneaa, I atato that tho Standard la one of tho higgoat propoaltioua in tho camp. I am familiar with the 1, (Iraiilto atreet, ward No. 4. There la very little oppoaition expreaaeil toward the movement, and it la generally conceded that tho IioikIh will bo voted almoat tiiiani-nioualy. PROVIDENCE GROUP. Crosscut Both Being Driven to Catch Ledges ol Property. (1. II. Lucko, of Portland, and II. V. Coiiaor, of Chicago, ownera of Hi.. 1'riit'liliiiiim ifinmt Ifi llui frimtrn. Cripple Creek dlatrlot, and I have i rillw .n.,.,.,., ,.. i i, u i. Haying that tlieroj ,..,..., ,.,. .,,. ,ln.i ttrt, , property. The group haa live clalma in It, and la aituatcd near tho St. loe. A croaxcut, now In 15.'l feet, ia no liealtauoy In Haying that there la more ore in Copper Itldgo than there ia from Victor to' Hull Hill in Cripple Creek. Thla , may aooiu like a wild atatement, bull I think I know what I am talking' about. Tho proposition la vitally i larger than haa over boon represented by tho maniigomoiit. Kor iiiHtiiuce, ..l... II... IN. I I I. ...I. ....!... Hint' t.iii i.iiiij- flllll IIIIIIMM It'llltS Theae in thomxolvca are big thlnga ' not to mention tho other veiua. All item of vaal importauco in favor of Nebrl,ka PtopU Said to be at Head ol lie nioriy ih iiiiii u can ne worKCii very cheaply, and the rich ore of varioua kinda being driven to catch both ledgea of the property. One of theao la llvo feet and tho other eight. Hot Is allow good valucri. aimwmmmmmiwimmmmmmw A GROUP OF FIVE CLAIMS In Cable Cove District 3 p Will Be Sold Cheap. Three Well Defined E Ledges. Surface Val- 3 E ues Ranging from $20 2 Up. Assessment Work for This Year Com- 2 pleted. A Good Prop- osition. ,j & & E For Particulars, Terms, &, Address 3 LockBox78,Sumpter,Or. 3 SAWMILL IN BURNT RIVER. will certainly luaiiro rich dlvideiida. "It ia not a one metal proportion. Theio la gold In paying ipiautitiea, copper, cobalt and leceut dovlcop meiita have revealed platinum in the Kuby vein in commeicial iMiautiliea. I came heie to inveatlgate. I have done ao, and advlaed my people to carry all tho Htandard atock they can pocalbly alford to." A dellnile ciiucluaiou mih i cached laat week in rgeanl to the cobalt tallica encountered in the Staiidaid veiua. Tho aaaayer on the property, Mr. Irvine, atatea that theao range from two to forty per cent. Thla metal la worth commercially 81 a pound. In the protoxide form In I Enterprise. I It la underatood that a company I made up of Nebraaku people will build a aawmill in tho lluriit ltiver valley at an early date. Tho dolluito location waa not learned, but It ia atated that the mill will bo thoroughly up-to-date with a daily capacity or 50,000 fyct. Tlicao people are aaid to have a good body of timber in tho Hurnt Hlvor legion, and that they mean to begin operatioua in a abort time. Ice Cream! Ice Cream! On, and each day after May 1st the renowned Ilazolwood Ico Cream and Ice Cream Soda will bo had at Sturglll'a. 10 centa a dish, 25 ceuta per pint. Mining Blanks a FOR SALE BY Quarts and Placer Loca-' tih- tions, Tunnel Claim and T HE Water Right Locations, C nyo-pr-o Proof of Labor, Affidavit bUI lr I tK of Discovery Work IVIIMCO mining Deed, Option to I IIINOx Purchase, Quit Claim Deed, Lease j j j j New Merchant Tailor MILL STREET, OPPOSITE BANK OF SUMPTER I Have Received a Large and Elegant Line of Suitings and Trouserings for Coming Season, Which You are Kindly Invited to Inspect. Truly Vours, . i 41 CHARLES GEE ..