4 THE SUMPTER MINER Wednesday, July 15,190? GREAT CHUNKS OF THE YELLOW. Graves Brothers Exploring Ledge On Their Cracker Creek Property. II. A. (.Jruvos, who with IiIh lirotli- T, . L., Ih Interested in tlio (rout. Ainorleiin claim in tlni L'riiek er Creek tllstriet, on whieh tho rich Hlrikii wns niiiili) recently, ciiinii In from I ho properly .Siiltndiiy, with sovnrnl moil) samples of IhiH hijdh Ki'inln oil). Tlio (iiiirt. Ih simply studded with froo idold, mill whllo no iissnys hiivi) I (( 1 1 miidi) of this I hi it 1 tru 1 11 1 nrndo of II, llio rook hIiowii will doubtless run Into thn (IkiumiiiiIh of ilollni'H. Thn rie.h si nil' wiih tukitn Inmi 1111 oiitii (Hit, 11111I Mr. (iritvos stntes (hut tho lednit Ih over four feet I in wiill h, mill i.'onlniiiH ntniiorniis rililioiiH of (IiIh iiiulity of oro. It Iiiih heou trui'i'il IhroiiKliont, thn claim, for 11 illHtiini'ii of over 'J, 011(1 feet mid into thn lluttkoyo Kioii owned hy tileitson mid Dmiii, adjoining. Thn (rent American Ih on thn Cracker Creek hIiId of thn nioiintiiln, tihuttliiK on tho Crescent, of thn lluckoyo, Mime iIIhIiiih'o from llio Hiiimnit. Lust week tint (iriivi)H Mini hois moved down uhoiit sixty feet from tho oiiin out. whom thn rle.li oro wiih encountered, mid started a drift to explore thn Ii(Ik). Salnrday t hoy struck thn IikIko opening up a lino doily of koihI drift at tlio looking ipniit. TIiIh : end lino ol tho claim JoiniiiK tho Crescent will nlvo u vortical depth of over 100 feet. Outside of those rich strlliKers at any point from which samples have lieen taken, Mr. (! raven HtatoH that K'oimI values liavo been shown. One Hiiiniilii wlileli hIiiiu'imI no frim unlil tn the naked eye, wan assayed last week I and avo a value of 8151 in K in hIIvhi-. I'liiullellliiK the (ireat American on tho southwest Is tho Mountain hum to up, owned liy I'M I looser, who also owiih a small fraction of tho former. Mr. I looser was at IiIh pro perly Sunday, and ho states that beyond any iiisetiou his properly contains tho hiiiiio ledge. MAGNHSITE. Increasing Demand (or Metal. This Valuable With the consumption of nnigneslto, magnesium carliouato yearly Increas ing, it is notable that only one locality In the United States produces any of this not iiinoiiiiiioii mineral lor llio market. I lit iucictisiug demand for uiagncsilo for use as a I refractory lining for fuiuaces and as; a uiui-cniidncllug covering for boilers and steam pipes, and its line in the mauufaclure of "soda water" have exceeded the available supply from J. H. CONNORS. ...The Bar... High Grade Wines, Liquors and Cigars Club Rooms in Connection Headquarters for Miners suMirm - o'yiGON this country and from abroad. Tho only American locality now producing miiKncsito iih Alameda county, California. Tho supply from abroad comes from Austria and (iroeco. In 1002 tho California output wiih III, 172 toiiH,, valued at 8i:i,or.7. Tho Importation in tho hiiiiio year exceeded IlJl, 100 tons. TIiIh mineral Ih marketed either crude or calcined. The quoted prices of thee calcined miiKticsito ruiiKu from 818 to 8220 a ton. iManncHlto occiirH uudouhteilly in many places in the United States, hut it h value iih a uiarketalile mineral Iiiih not lieen generally known to tho mliiliiK men. Then, too, it resembles very much dolomite and hoiiio of tho other commoner mlneralH in physical appearaiici), which limy nccoiint for the scarcity of localitleH from which it Ih reported. In view of the continued demand for miiKiiesito the miner will do well to fnmilliirlzo himself with tlio mineral and Mirch for it in hlHKOiiornl ipiost. .Miiincsltn occurs In the miiKiicHlmi rocks of later L'tiolouical nue, uoucrally and Ih freipiutly associated with serpen tine or talcoHo hcIiIh). Dana wives tho American localitleH of miiKiicsito iih llolton, Mnssiichiistots; near llaltimore, Maryland; Chester county, l'eiiUHylvnula, and Alameda county, California;. It Ih iihIo found in tho St. Lawrence river in tho vicinity of the Thousand IhIiiikIh. MIiiIiik World. Dltd. Mrn. Kvolyn Whltesol died at hor homo on Mill Street, Friday nllit. She wiih hurled from tho residence Sunday afternoon under tho uuspleees of tho Odd FcIIowh, Her. M. J. (loodheart otllclatiiiK. Sho leaves a IiuhIiuihI. VlilUd The Standard. M. X. (Iohh, of St. Paul wiih in (ho city, hint week ne vera I dayH ,and I visited tho Standard in tho interst "f K!, '"l "" wl' '' " ""lltliiK Investment in this pro- I""y. Special Round Trip Rato. Iletween .lune Ith and August 2llth Tho Illinois Central will sell round url, tctH from Oregon and Wash Ingtnn points to Chicago, Cairo, Memphis and Now Orleans at (ireatly Iteduced Hates. Tickets good for threo months, (ining limit ten days. Upturning limit ten dayH after starting west. Stop over privileges either way, west of the Missouri Itlver. Sale dates are arranged to be con venient for delegates to conventions of National Kducatloual Association at Huston; Klks at Haltlmoro; Wood men at ludiauapolls; Ktiglcs at New Vork; Shriuers at Saratoga; Knights of l'ythlas at l.ouihville and Com- mcrciitl Travelers at Indinuapolis. Vou can take your choice of Six teen dilt'ereut routes. Write us. Wo will cheerfully give yr it any de tailed Information you want. I). II. THLW1IIUU., ConiM Agent, 112 Third St.. Portland, Oro. J. L. H4RVEY. Shoes of all kinds at Neill Mercantile company's. Minim; deeds for sale at this otlice. HOTEL DIRECTORY ...THE UNTIL HOTEL... EUROPEAN PLAN rates: si to i.bo pen dav FRCC BUS TO 4. FROM TRAINS NO CHINAMEN EMPLOYED A. J. DENNY, Prop. GOLDEN EAGLE HOTEL OIISALDERSON. PROPR. A Flut Cits, Modern Hottl Ritu; (1.00 tnd St.00 per diy Hill Block from Depot SUMI'TKH OHKOON PHILBRICK &- FENNER, MINING & CIVIL ENCINEE RS U. S DEPUTY MINCRALSURVEYORS EXAMINATIONS AND REPORTS ON MINES ROOMS 2 & 4, BANK OF SUMPTCR BLDO, SUMPTER, OREGON. E. A. CLEM & CO. MINKS - I'HOSl'KCTS STOCKS Wrllr us for list nl properties and lowest market iuotntlon on stocks In producing mines and oil wells, bxcellent opportunity lor profit In low priced stocks. IKIChum. of Com. I'oiiti.anDjOiikoon. SPECIAL NOTICE If you want to read a free and indo H!iidont paper, devoted to tho Inter est of mining and current events, which Is not controlled by any pro moting concern, such as most of tho piiiers in the east are, send for a free sample copy of NEW YORK BANKER 32 HHOADWAY, NKW YORK MINING 11 INDUSTRIAL INVESTMENTS Hooks Are. now open for subscriptions tn tho l'acilk I.ttmlier und Live Stock Company, an industriiil of unusual merit. Look Into it. A group of mines with tiOO feet of tie velopmeiit work done, ilomnnstrutiiu vulue will ho sold its it whole or will sell onedmlf Interest and work the property n conneetlou Willi puri'linser. Hesl dutni'o in the distrlet. F. O. BUCKNUM SUMPTER, - OREGON fOlDC's. Cafe i)ousc. OPEN ALL NIGHT THE BEST SERVICE IN TOWN 6. proprietor ..Tear Pcpot f iimptcr, (Drcaoii HENRY J. JORY U. 8. DEI'OTV MINERAL SURVEYOR 78 Riliton Bulldlnf. It Grinde. Orifon MINERAL PATENTS, TOWNSHIP PLATS AND ANYTHING OF RECORD IN ' THE U. S. LAND OFFICE 71 AMERICAN MINING NEWS IS THE ONLY GENUINE MINING NEWSPAPER IN THE CAST ol the National Government Recognize it as an Authority. No ono interested in mining can afford to bo without it. Sample free if you mention tho SUMI'TKH MINKH. w Published overy Saturday hy i AMERICAN MINING NEWS GO. ii uromiwny, suw lorK. TIMBER LAND. ACT JUNB i. 1878.-NOTICE for Publication. United Slates Und Office, j La Cirande. Oregon, Julv 1, 1001- i Notice Is hereby Riven that In compliance with the provisions ol the actof congress of June 1 I8;8, en- tltlJ "An art fnr th kaI nf tlmhr lnn.lc In th c.Mta. I ol California, Orecon, Nevada and Washington Ter ritory," as extended to all the Public Land Mates by actof August 4, 1841, NEAL II. CARVER, of Farmlnglon, county uf Van lluren, stale of Iowa, has this day filed In this oftice his sworn statement No. 3680, for the purchase of the wH nwK of section No. 15 In township No. 11 south, range No. 17 tWM, and will offer proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable for Its timber or stone than for agri cultural purposes and to establish his claim to said land before Charles II. Chance, U. S. commissioner at Sumpter, Oregon, on Friday, the 18th day of September, igo. She names as witnesses: Ote T. Stradnesi, Fred Molt, Mark C. Carver and Peter J. Soards, all of Sumpter, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested 10 Me their claims In this office on or before said 18th day of Sept., io. E. W. Uaktlbtt, Register. TIMUfcK LAND, ACT JUNK , It; FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land office, ( La Grande. Oiegon, June 10, ioo. Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June . 18,8, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands In the stales of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washing ton Territory," as extended to all the Public Land stales by act of August 4, i8j. LEWIS A. ALUEE. of Whitney, county of Maker, state of Oregon, has this day filed In this oftice his sworn state ment No. s4. for the purchase of the wH ne H and n H s e K ol section No, 7, In town ship No. to south, range No. 6 E W M. and wilt olter proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable lor Its timber or stone than tor agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before thai. II. Chance. U S commis sioner at Sumpter, Oregon, on Monday, the 14th day of August, 190). Me names as witnesses: William II. Mead, of Spokane, Washington; Alfred II. Huntington, of llakrr City, Oregon; Leonard Sims and James Warren, of Whitney, Oregon. Anv and all persons claiming adversely the above Jescilbed lands are requested to lite their claims In his oftice on or belore said mil day of August, '0O E. W Hatihtt. UeeMer. NOTICE TOR PU11LICATION Depar mint of the Interior. ( Land Oltice at Lt (irande, Oiegon. Juin t. iuuj. I Notice Is hereby given that the following-named settler hat tiled notice nt lilt Intention to make final prool In kuppott ct his claim, and that said proof will be made belore the NegUter and Receiver at La (irande, Oregon, on Augusts, igai, viz: II. U. No. tK,u4j.by ( IIARLES M.IIINDMAS. ol Whitney, Oregon, lor the w )j n w i Sec Tp, to S. R. 16 E. V M, llt names thn following wltneses t' prove his con tinuous lesldencr upon and cultivation ot said land, vl: Emory I'roebs'el, Freeman colt, Wendell N. Proebsrl. ol Whitney, Oiegon; and J. E. Stephen son, ot Haines, Oregon. E. W. Haktiett. Register. NOTICE TOR PUHLICATION. Department ot the Interior, j Land Ottice at La (irande, Ore June n, tgo. j Notice Is hereby given that the fo'lowlng-named settler has til -J notUe 01 his Intention to make final prul In support ol his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Register and Receiver, at La (irande. Oregon, on August 9, 1901, vli: II. E. No. ii.co), by EMORY E. PROEBSTEL. of Whitney, Oregon, tor the eH ne'f Sec. 15, ejf se'f Sec. 10 Tp. 10 S. R )6 e. w. M. tie names the following wlinesses to prove his con tinuous residence upon and cultivation ot said land, vl: Charles M. Hlndman. Wendell N, Hroebstel and Freeman Scoit. all ot Whitney, Oregon, end J. L:, Stephenson, ol Haines. Oregon. E. W. llAklieiT. Register. i