The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, July 15, 1903, Page 10, Image 10

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Wednesday, July i$, 190?
Account Of The Industry In
Early Times Among The
Tim mining for precious iiiijIiiIh,
which I1111 hecumo onit of tint
recognized industries of I ho United
StllloH, lllH llOOII ill pI'UCCSH of
development for centuries. Mining
iih mi industry Ih conceded to have
hen curl ci I on systematically liy tho
Egyptians iiliiinl thii yen r '-'(KM),
II. C. II Ih possible tlml operations
of 11 mI 111 1 l(ii character wore carried
on oven licfotn thut period, lull no
I'l-rorilri inn ovtunt to prove, II.
'I'Iiii Egyptian woro extremely
partial to gold mining, mid iih far an
hlHlory oniilili'M the ianMlu of an
opluli it thlHHiilijecl It Ih premiiued
i inii ...I. it. I., .i.ii. .! i.iiiu i. n.i.i ...iiiiiiui.i
IIHII nulling iiri- ... ... iin ..iriir Iiiiiiihiiii
to gold ore almost evchiHlvcly. It
wiih ciiHloiiiary anions tho Egyptians
to assign the tank of world ilk' tho
iiilncH lo (rliiiinalH ami prisoners of
war, who worn mado to bear the
sticiiiiwiH dllllciiltlcH of securing tho
metal with very crude paiaphernalia.
Tho uro-hcariiig rock wiih softened
by lire and then detached by iron
plcl(H, Tho veins weio followed In
their cIiciiIIoiih tracks, and there wiih
no attempt to dovlso economical
methodH or systematic uieaiiH of
proccduro. PernoiiH of all ages, both
men mid women, were compelled to
perform thin woik
After tho me wiih removed it wiih
crushed to small pieces and ground
in hand mortiirri into powder.
Then all foreign matter wiih eliminated
iih far iik piactlcablo by washing tho
oio upon broad tables, which weio
Inelineil, resembling somewhat the
moilerii concentrator. Tho residue
wiih then piiHHed into an earthen
crucible, Hiiielted and converted into a
form of bullion.
Kir yearn little change wiih made
In tho piocchH of extracting the
metalH from tho iiiIiich. liven during
tho prehistoric days of Mexico, iih far
IIH lllhCOVCrloH Ollllblo HClclltlHtH to
judge tho only ImpleincntH lined to
work tho velliH were hoiiio hiiiiiU,
rude stone luuiiuierH. These miiHt
have given but little Hutlnfuo
Hon, iih tho voIiih upon which they
were working were nearly iih hard iih
tho luiplemeiit UHcd.
It Ih known that tho iincieiitH, ill
carrying out there mining operations,
never attempted to mine at any
groat depth, iih Ih ho common at the
picsout time. At llri-l signs of water
coming from a Hhhui-o operations
woro abandoned, liven wheru llm.mver privileges on the going trip,
location of tho pioperty in an arid
section might have encouraged the
woiklug of a propel I. v at depth, so
slow was tho woik that .veins would
bo coiiMimed in sinking a shaft
which now could bo accomplished
within si. mouths. This Is
particularly tine, as tho majority of
primitive miners believed in sinking
a shaft upon a mineral outcrop
rather thuu driving a tunnel upon
a lodge which would penult of such
uu operation, either in direct
contact with the oln or with a view
of cross-cutting the mineral bodies.
With tho introduction of steam
us ii motive power, tho wiijs of
operating mines soon changed hi
favor of such appliances as human
Ingenuity devised, liofore long
the hoist and the stool drum took
tho place of tho ore carrier and tho
hoist whim. Siuco then hunlly a
your has punned but hoiiio nidi en 1
invention has been made looking to
tho moro t economical handling of
ore frgm h tninu. So thoroughly
Iiiih every engineering brunch of
thin industry beun liundled and work
ed that some of the lurKu mining
properties today in tho United
State aro raining from (!,000 to
8,000 toiiH of rock dally. Journal
for investors.
The Penn Mutual Life Insuraaee Company
of Philadelphia, Pa.
To thoMi fiiiiilliar with iusurnaco
hlutlntK'? " 'rt known that tho l'enn
Mutual Life IiiHiiriince company Iiiih
mailo tho iiiohI substantial gains of
any life liiHiiranco operating In this
territory, showing conclusively
that tho insuring public of tho .State
of Unroll Ih fully alive to tho
iiioritH of a company which Iiiih boon
conducted hIiico IIh organl'atlou
ipou such a sound and conservative
Messrs. Sheriiiau .t lliiriuou,
K,.M ukunIh tif Portland, Oregon,
aro both gout linen enjoying' tho con
lldeiice of and chlocm of tho entile
liiiHiueHH coiiiinunity of Oregon,
Washington mid Idaho, which Ih
convincingly ilemoiiHtrated by the
volumo of biiHlneHH which they have
seemed for their company iih net
forth by tho Insurance Departments
of the icspcctlvo Htiilen.
Leaves (or East.
Don. C. Willard, secretary of tho
Little Cracker company, lett Monday
for a ten days' visit to Toledo, Ohio,
on Impoitaut mining business. Ho
HiiyH tlio Little Cracker Ih looking
good and that three shflts aro being
The Greenhora Investigator.
(irvenhorii City Iiiih a now paper,
tho (Ireeiihorn Investigator, pub
llnlied weekly by U. S. Jackson &
Coiiipany. Tho initial number mado
its appearance Saturday, and Ih ii
nowsy four page hheet.
Reduced Summer Excursion Rates,
Tho Denver .V Uto (iraudc, pope
larly known iih tho "Scenlo Lino of
tho World," Iiiih announced greatly
reduced round-trip rales from Pact lie.
CoiihI points for tho houellt of touch
ers who will spend their vacation in
tho oast, and of delegates to all tho
prominent conventions X. E. A., at
lioHton; A. O. U. W., at St. Paul;
II. P. O. E., at Itnltlmore; Woodmen
of America at Indliiuapolls; Eagles,
at Now Vork; Mystlu Shrine, at Sara
toga Springs; K. of P., at Louisville,
and T. P. A., at Indianapolis.
Tickets at tho reduce I rates will bo
based upon one faro for tho round
trip, but will bo sold only on certain
days. Thoi-o tickets will carry stop-
giving piisMMigers uu opportunity to
vWlt Salt Lake City, Clcuwood
Springs, Colorado Springs and Den
ver; and will bo good to leturu any
time within ninety C0) days. Pas
sengers going via tho Denver & Itio
(iraudo mo given the privilege of
returning via a dill'crcut route.
l''or the rule to the point you wish
to go, and for dates of sale and other
particulars, as well as for Illustrated
pamplets, write
W. C. MolIEIDE, lionorul Agent,
l'.M Third St., Portland, Ore.
Timber and Homestead Filings.
Timber and homestead tilings, iih well
iih tlnal proofs, ciin bo made liofore
Charles II, Chance, United States Com
missiouer, olllco in First National Uatik
of Sampler building, Sumpter, thus sav
ing applicants oxh.'iiho of a trip to l.a
Only the best brands ot liquors and
cigars at Dunphv'a "The Club."
Mining deed for sale at this office.
Resolution Authorizing the City
Attorney to Employ As
sistance. lio i( Resolved by tho common
council of tho City of Sumpter that
tho City Attorney of said City of
Sumpter bo, and Ih hereby authorized
and empowered to employ such as
sistance iih ho may find necessiirry in
connection with the work being done
and to bo done hereafter In connec
tion with the establishment of a
sower system In tho City of Sumpter,
and tho opening and grading of
strootH. Any person or persons em
ployed by said City Attorney to as
slst him in said work to lie paid such
compensation iih may bo reasonable
by warrant drawn on tho City Treas
urer, tho total amount to bo expend
ed therefor, to not exceed tho sum of
Passed tho council this 27th day
of Juno, 1!lo:i.
S. S. START, Recorder.
Resolution of Intention to
prove Auburn Street.
Ho It Resolved by the common
council of tho City of Sumpter in
meeting duly and regularly assent-.
bled, that tho City of Sumpter
through its proper otllcors, intends I
lo Improve Auburn Street from tho
Went lino of Ibex Street Masterly to !
a point whore tho West lino of tho !
alloy tu tho center of block 11,
Sumpter Heights, McEwoii'h addi
tion to thoCity of Sumpter, iih shown
on tho plat of said addition, of rec
ord in tho olllco of tho Recorder of
Conveyances of linker County, Ore
gon, extended Southerly would inter
sect said Auburn Street.
That said Improvement shall con-
C A. L. McEWEN, M. E. K. O. McEWEN, II. So., E. M.
McEwen ft McEwen 1
Having purchased the Plant and Outfit of S
C Messrs. 'Browne S- Smith, we arc prepared
to do General Assaying and Complete S
( Analysis of Ores. Also Concentrating, i
v Amalgamation and Cyanide Tests. j j C
Tlirouch Salt Lake City, l.eudville, Pueblo, Colorado Sprincs and Denver,
and tho Famous Rockv Mountain Seenerv bv Daylight to all points East.
For rates, folders and other M. C. M'BRIDE, Gen. Agent,
information, address 124 Third St., PORTLAND, ORE.
sist of establishing a grade of said
street, removing all obstructions
therefrom, grading the same to the
grade so established and laying all
necessary gutters along said street.
Said Improvement is to bo mado at
tho expense of tho property owners to
bo benefited, as provided by tho
City Charter.
Adopted by tho council this 27th
day of Juno, 190U.
Recorder of tho City of Sumpter.
Resolution of Intention to
prove Auburn Street..
Re it Resolved by tho common
council of tho City of Sumptcr, in
meeting duly and regularly assem
bled,' that tho City of Sumpter
through its proper otllcors, intends
to improve Auburn Street from tho
East lino of Center street Easterly to
a point where tho West lino of tho
alley in tho center of block 11,
Sumpter Heights, .McEwen's addition
to the City of Sumpter, as shown on
tho plat of said addition, of record
in the olllco of tho Recorder of Con
veyances of Raker County, Oregon,
extended Southerly would cross said
Auburn Street.
That said improvemut shall con
sist of establishing a grade on said
street, removing all obstructions
therefrom, grading the same to tho
grade so established, and covering
said street with a layer of gravel to a
depth of seven-tenths of a foot in tho
center of the street and to a depth of
four-tenths of a foot at tho gutter
lino, which shall bo laid on tho top
of tho earth, and tho laying of all
necessary gutters along said street.
Said improvement to bo mado at
tho expense of the property owners to
bo benefited thereby as providod by
the City charter.
Adopted by the council this 27th
day of June, 100.').
Recorder of the City of Sumpter.