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About The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (July 15, 1903)
J& VOL. IV. SUMPTER, OREGON, JULY 15,1903. NO. 4? RICH DEPOSIT OF FREE GOLD IN LIMESTONE. Discovered In Bear Gulch Near Sumpter Cemetery On Property Operated By Soloman Camp, Solomau Camp, who has a boud on eighty acres of patented ground in Bear Gulch near the cemetery, owned by the Sumpter Vallley Railroad made an exceedingly rich strike a few days ago. In a limestone ledge on the property he encountered free gold which seems to exist is paying quantities. A aasapU -of the roek may be seen at Campbell & Landretb's jewelry store. It is a limestone, and the first instance in the history of the district where gold has ever been discovered in paying amounts in this formation. The ordinary calcareous rock of this region will show traces of gold, but lu no previous Instance has the yellow metal been found to any extent worth mentioning in lime. The free gold in the sample shown is clearly visible to the naked eye, and the in dications are that its value will go into the thousands of dollars. Mr. Camp mado the discovery under rather peculiar circumstances. He was not operating ou tho ledgo but at the sido of it, iu a flint mice of some thirty feet. Paralleling the ledge is a soft deposit made up of what appears to lie the talus from the disintegration of the lime aud clayey matter, some four feet wide. This material is rich iu gold aud Mr. Camp was sacking it preparatory to having it shipped for treatmoeut. It occurrea to him that tho ledgo must evldouly bo tho sourco from which the gold came, aud ho made a short cross tunnel from where he was working to the ledso and put a shot in It with the result that the rook is literally packed with free COM. This is an old, old property and It appears strange that it has not attracted more attention within reeont years. It was operated iu a primitive way early in the CO's when It Is related that a man by the name of Brltton sunk a forty foot shaft on the lodge aud encountered oro which yielded some very high values from his antiquated methods of treatment. This old shaft my still be seen. Later a sixty foot shaft was put down, which is also said to have eucouutored rich ore. Hut from some cause or othor the property seems to have boon abaudoned, aud nothing furthor was douo to develop the remarkable deposit until Mr. Camp rocently took charge of it. Ho is going to carry no operations and thoroughly explore tho ledge to determine tho extent of the rich oro which bus just boeu encountered. Tho property is situated only a short distance; from tho city limits lu what Is known as Hear (iulch near the Sumpter cometery. working a good crow of men on his I COMPRESSOR PLANT Iudepeendeuue con t mot aud will In- creuso the force very largely when he starts tho shaft. At present he Is working ou the upralpo. NEW ENGINE FOR BUCK HORN. Will bt Installed to Furnish Air (or Work ings, A two and a half horsepower gasolluo engine will be installed at Buckhoru to furnish air for tho workings. There Is a Sibley stove at tho niiue but this does not provldo a suttlcleut amount of air, so the chauge became necessary. George Barrett, who Is doing the contract work, states that since crosscutting the ledge a fow days ago, ho is drifting north ou the vein, and there is a coutaut improvement of ore. AT THE VICTOR. Arrangements Made For In stalling Power Drills at Once. MACS LUCK TO RESUME. Milwaukee People Provide Funds for Continuing De velopment Work. Arrangements are being made to Inrtall an air compressor and power drills on the Viator, in the Cracker Creek district at once. This property, It will be remembered, was taken over recently by Adrian (1. llanauer, of Spokane, aud Is under tho management of tho GeiKor-IIednryx Investment company. Mr. Hendryx returned today from Spokane whero ho went lu regard to Vltcor improvements. Tho Victor company has five claims, aud the property contains n continuation of the Cracker Oregon ledge. The tunnel is belnc ran to tap this Jead, which shows fonrteen feet of oro between walls, and averages of above 91 !2. Tho com pany will rapidly dvelop the pro perty and put It among the dividend payers at an early date. OPERATIONS AT THE PULASKI. Treasury Stock to be Ad vanced on The 15th of August. At a recent meeting of the directors of the Pulaski Gold Min 1 Ing and Milling company, It was decided to advance the unsold issue of treasury stock from four to five cents a share on the 15tb of August. Manager Sanders states that by coutluulug tho No. 'J level u distance of something less than 200 feet the leads of tho property will bo tapped at a depth of about .'150 feet under tho shaft which will provldo an outlet for the ore for some time to como. Ho is confident that the present showings warrant ocutinuous development, aud that tho property has the making of an excelleut mine. It Is stated by tho mauagemeeut that it is the purpose iu the near future to make a shipment of ore to Sumpter Sampling and Testiug Works, where ou account of its extremely free character It can be easily bandied. To Increase Force. George Barrett, who was In the city this week, states that he Is A meeting of the directors of tho Mao's Luck Gold Mining company, operating iu the Deer Creek district, will be hold tomorrow lu tho com pany's offices, Xeill block, to pro vldo for the resumption of opera tions ou the property. Secretary McCallum, who Is also manager of tho concern states that arrangements havo loon completed with Milwaukee people to furnish sufltcleut funds for continuing development work through tho fall aud winter. The compauy has ten claims ou which $5,000 worth of development work has already been done. This consists of two tunnels, olio of which is in i!20 feet and the other 1H0, togothor with numerous open cuts aud several short prospect tunnels. Work will bo resumed ou tho No. 1 level which will con tinued about 100 feet further to tap the three ledges. It Is a low grade proposition, but the lodges are of great width. The company owns a water right, has au excelleut mill site and is well eqlupped with buuk houses, cars, track, blacksmith shop, aud oher appurtenances. Back From Dawson. L. F. Allen, au uucle of M. II. Allen, returned this week from Dawson, where he is interested lu mining. He states that the Dawson placers continue to yield a good proflt.g ORIOLE BONDED. Colonel Topping and W. E. Sanders Secure Property. The Oriole, near Susanvllle, wiih bouded this week to Colonel K. S. Topping and W. K. Sanders. Tho Oriole Is regarded as a promising property. It is stated that It Iiiih olglitou feet of ore Itetweou wiiIIh that will average $12 a ton. Thero is a drift lu twenty-live feet showing nearly live feet of ore, four feet of which goes $40, and eight Inches It is a tellurlde proposition, and consists of only one claim which covers the vein for the entire leutgh of tho ground. Work Is to lx started ou the properly at once. HOIST AT LISTEN LAKE. Air Blast Completed and Now Grading for Sinking Foundation. The Listen Lake company, operat ing iu the MoNameedUtrict, has just finished an air blast, and has liegan grading for tho hoist which Is to be installed on the property wlthiu a short time. The Listen Lake ' is a high grade copper proposition, aud Mauager Wilson Is pushing development with a view to getting ready to sum to the Sumpter smeller' at ua early di.te. m