THE SUMPTER MINER Wednesday, July 8, 190? THE ADELENE GROUP. Great Made At This Property. Hobba, of tho University of WIhcod hIii, and IiIh coiioIiihIoiih, if miHtuinod Ijy tliu further lutulloJ work in pro urcHH, will liu of widcHiireiid effect in Improvements Being ' "l0 solution of fiindiimentnl problems 01 iiiu hl'iuiil'u 01 inu earin in owicr ri'loiiH art well iih in tho district under e.xiituiiiation. In KdiKiriil, I'rof. Hobbs Iiiih mi- idortakun to prove Unit the doforma Wnrrnii Cable, the well known ' l," "f " 'Vow KiikIiiihI ari'a cannot tniniiiKiiiiin, who han Hiiporiiitundoiicul l,u "''l'ly proven by an lotHiimp of tho Adoloiiii Krotip in tho Hock Creek district, for I'emirtylvania people, Hpont the Fourth In the city. iMr. Cable Mate that a lil amount of development work Ih IkiIii done with rnortt excellent showings. He Ih putting np bunk hoiiHOrt, boarding Ikiiihuh, titablert and other bttlldltiK KiittliiK In Mhape to carry the work forward ax rapidly art ptirtrtlble. The Adelene Ih a Kroiip of hI. olailiirt operaled by the Oregon (lold MlnlliK company. A drift Ih beliiK carried under the apex of the mountain where a vertical depth of 'J, (till) feet will be obtained. The property coutaliiH an euormourt lodo with pay Htreakrt nlmi liir to thoHo found, Mr. Cable hIiiIoh, in I he lluckeye and (Sreal American claiuiH to which atleutloii wan called laid week, of which it in believed to be a continuation. Thimo Htreakn are an exceedingly IiIkIi xrudo free milling ore. GOLDEN WIZARD MILL. Stockholders Meet in Tacoma July 20 to Decide on Plans. Dr. L. (). Miller, of Three IMvern, Michigan, preHldeut of the (iolden Wizard company, Ih expected to ar rive In Humpler on the Hint of next week. The object of bin visit Ih to attend a meeting of the stockholders to be held III Tacoma on July ISO, at which time the Hire and plans of a coiiceutraliuK plant which Ih noon to I hi erected on the property will be decided upon. ItlHHtatcd thai the it will probably be 11 roller propoHltiou with a dally capacity of 100 Ioiih. A ten stump ml f I wiih orlKiuully coiitemplaled, but It Ih thouttht that recent development) at the property will jiirttify the In stallation of a much linger plant. Kiiperiiiteudeut Mcl'hee Is at pros out drift Iiik on the tunnel level In a full lu'catd of K'oud ore. The prop erty Iiiih an euormourt ledno of ore that averaKCH well, The mill will probably, it Ih Muted, be iiirttallcd Ihlrt fall. tlon of folding alone, and bo hart 1 added iih a prlmo factor tho effect of a system of jointn and faults, tho faultH coiiformliiK in direction with the system of jointH. The full re- Hiilt of tho work of I'rof. Jlohbn will shortly be kIvoii In a professional paper to bo Issued by tho U. S. Coo logical Survey. Th I h work of pure hcIoiico may ap pear a UHoloHrt relluemeut to the prac tical engineer and mining mail, but the direct obligation which applied science owes to theoretical hcIouco ban been too well and often domou hI rated for anyone to make little of IIiIh investigation into the rellno uieutH of geology. I'rof. llohbs Iiiih undertaken a knotty problem, and If IiIh Holutiou of it Ih accepted tho rortiiltrt will be far- reach Iiik and will extend to diHtrlctn in which tho eco nomic phases of the Hiibjoct are prom inent or perhapH pre-eminent; which, of courrte, Ih not tho case in IIiIh area of Houtliwertteru Now Kngland. Mill lnK World. (64T) Wmm BanHa&fesRt BUILDING COMPETED. Machinery (or Sampling Work Expected Any Day. The bulldiiK for the sampling and testing workrt of McKwou, Arthur & MuHwen, on Cracker Htreet, Ih how practically completvd, and ready for the iiirttallatioii of tho machiiiery, which Ih expected to arrive any day. The building in well arranged and admirably suited to tho purpoHo In tended. A largo amount of work ban already been colli i acted ahead, and it Ih Mated by the muuugemeiit that If the patronage proven iih good iih prerteut uppearaiiceH indicate, tho plant will probably bo enlarged and arrangements made to do custom work on a more extensive scale. A SCIENTIFIC PROBLEM. Prolculoiul Paper to tx Iuutd by the Guvtrnmtnt Survey. The .lime Issuo of The American lourual of Kclcuco coutaiiiH a review and nummary of the work be Iiik done in southwestern New Kngland to un ravel the Intricate and mooted goo logical probleuiH which for nearly half a century luue been the bono of a lively controvert" among Ameri can geologists. This area Iiiih Ikcii Homotlmert designated an "The llattlu tl round of American (leology," and eminent imuien In science have Ikmmi connected with the varyiUK and con flicting theories an to the struto- graphic, and dynamic problem In-! volvod. More recently the work on thin historic problem has been taken up by the U. S. (icologlcal Survey under the charge of I'rof. V. II. Golden Eagle Changes Handi. OHh Alderrtou, formerly of Spo kane, Iiiih rented tho (iolden Kaglo hotel on Mill Street and will con tinue the hiirtiucrtrt. W. II. Mather, the former proprietor, is acting chief of police in the absence of Chief Hand. Help Build Up The West. The low rut oh from the cunt to tho went and the northwest, Febuary 15 to April HO, will undoubtedly bring out ihonsands ot settlor. Where they will go Ih largely a question of iuduceniviit. If you are Interested in securing any eastern people for your section of tho west, send their names and addresses to the undersigned. All tho (nets Mild tin u res about the trip will Ihi promptly sent them. II. fc?. Howe, tumoral Agent, Chicago, Mil wBUkee A- St. Paul Kailway, 134 Third Street, Portland, Ore. Ice Creaml Ice Creamt On, ami each day after May lot the renowned llazolwood Ice Cream aud Ice Cream Soda will bo hud at Sturglll's. 10 cents a dish, 25 cents per pint. Giant Powder is the bent by test in the world. T. G. Harrison agent. OF SUMPTER Capital Stock $25,000 OFFICERS J. H. ROBBINS, J. W. SCRIBER, R. H. MILLER, H.S. DURGAN'- Praaldont - Vlea-Praaldant CashUr Assistant CashUr Safety Deposit Vaults Gold Dust Bought Does a General Banking and Exchange Business Books and Stationery I have added to my stock of Cigars and Tohaccoea a large number of popular novels, tho leading periodicals and a complete line of stationery ...The Elite Cigar Store... L. HARRIS, Proprietor A. P. GOSS, President GEO. H. TRACY, Cashier & Bank of Sumpter 3 Interest Allowed on Time Deposits Drafts diawu on j! parts of the aoiIJ Special attention to collections. Safety Deposit boxes for rent. SUMPTER, OREGON S r.c.u iourKeoco. fpMtijs&mtimm&$ftf&3ftf&& S RIGHT 69 FVFRYTHINC FRFSH i , i rnTnVnro GALL rniuto in unuucnitd jg 8SSgfS3f29S3SSarfe38!29 $ Granite St. itfi. Sumpter, Ore. American Brewing and Crystal Ice Co, E. SIBER, General Manager. Manufacturers of First Class Draught and Bottled Also Ice Made of Distilled Water. The most modern equipped plant in the state. All order's promptly attended to. Telephone, Main ij. BAKER CITY, OREGON. BEER