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About The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (July 8, 1903)
THE SUMPTER MINER Wednesday, July 8, iqo? The SumDter Miner CUHLI4MEI) RVBRY WEDNESDAY BV JAMDS LOr.lE T. O. tiWVNNi:, HDITOK fcntered at ilie pottofftce In Sumpter. Oregon, for lranmltliin through the mallt at econJ clats mailer. SUHSCVIfllUN HATES I On Vt . t. ' Sl Muniht . .. i.ij ALWAYS IN ADVANCE. rotuniH In a nhort tlnio, does not tntiko any inqulrioH boforo ho Ihvoh(h, hut wiiltH n fow mouths for tho (1ItI(1oik1h which do not como and then Ik'kIiih (lrhiK qiieHtiona rcKurdiiiK tho mutter Into tho d Moron t trndo )iii(3iH. Such procoduro hh thin has a tmnloncy to turn investor away from Ii'kUIiiiiiIo proposition and nftor all tho ipiury iirleoo If It would not ho jiint iih wIho to fiirulHh micli information by niiiil. TO ASK FOR BETTER SERVICE. KpimlciiiK of tho i'imiiIIh acciuiip HhIiikI liy thn Unili'd Stato (IooIokIi'iiI Hurvny, thiiMiuliiK World vrry jiintly oliHervitH: "Tim work airoiiipllHhoil liy tho United StntiiH (ioiiliiKical Hurvny 1h liy far tlm bout of any nlmllar iiiHtultutliin in tho world. Tho roporlH on Koulouy, milling, oto., Hunt out from tho Hiirvoy with intioh regularity, uiakoii iniiHt lutoroHtiiiK and pud I nil roailinu. NiimliorH of thiiHii paporn aro wrlttoii liy oxporlH mid tho Hiirvoy Ih particularly forttiimto to havo In IIh omploy Home of tho lirlKhti'Mt men In tho profoHNlou. It Ih uiidridond that tho oxpoumtri of operation of tho Hiirvoy aro limited Iiccmiimi of iiiMUllldiout appropriation. Worn C'oiiKroHH to allow HiIh Mplemlld liralioh of tho Koveililiieut Hiiltlciont iiiiinoy fur permitting of iixpaiiHlou, tho Hiirvoy could keep In doner touch with every Important mining Hold In tho country, which would lie of Kreat value." Suinpter cololiratod Indopoudoiicn Day in no lialf-licaitcd way iih hiicIi coleliratloiiH o In themt t linen, '(Hpmdnlly in tho Iowiih and vll liiKim of tho went. Tho varloiiH cniiiinittooH worked faithfully, Mccurod nhunilaiit fiimlN and carried out tho well arranged piojjiinii almoHt in every detail. Hut after all tho iiumlioii arixoH, whet her thene lirllllaut dlHplayri am prompted entirely liy tho npirit of put riot Ihiii, or If thoio Ih not u kiiiIii or ho of Kraft In tho matter. Do tho1 IiiihIiionh iiioii, tho hotel, icHtiiuriitit j and Million folk, who contributed to I tho fund, do ho Holely hecaiiHo ofj tho patilollc feolliiKH which tho day InnplroH, or aro they not mildly HpoculiitliiK in "futiiroHr" Itcnlly, I wiih theie not more put riot Ihiii at tho1 liottom of It when our father met luj KrnvoH, or town IiiiIIh, ieverently heard the Declaration and Hpeiit tho ' day in plemmnt and liarmleHH i dlveiHloliH, Ihiiu In the fun! ami fiiriiiiiH cololiratioiiH of tho prcHout tlmoY I i I (inive iIoiiIiIh aro to ho entertained i iih to whether tho information ileparlmoiitH coudiii'lod hy varloiiH uiiuliiK and other trade joiirualH over I roHiillH In koo'I to the InvorttliiK! piililln either directly or iudlrectlly. j Tho Now York Commercial in dlHCoiitiiiuliiK itHliifnruiiitioii coluinii i tilted HiiliHtautlally that it did ho for tho roiiHou that It wiih ditllcitlt for, tho puhllc to defeieutiato lietweenj loKltimato criticlHiu mid lilackmiill, t III other woiilx to decide where tho olio ended and tho other Im'kuii. Home joiirualH hcoiii tlli-pohcd to knock iilmoHt every pronoHiton roKanlliiK which information Ih! miiiKht, while othei-H with a ilonlro) to toady to their advcrtli-erH, ori perhupH from inxtiltlcloiit knnwlotlKO ihhiio iiiiiiriiiaiioii inai ih onen iiiiich calculated to minlond. It Iiiih heeu uruiHl, mid on jjood KrouudH, that the average Inventor who Ih inclined towaitl Home hot air hcheiuo which liuldn out tho promifo of hit;' Movement to Petition S. V. R. R. Two Triint a Day. Tlioro Ih ii inovninoiit mi foot to petition tho Hiimptor Valley Hallway company to put an o.xtru train on between here mid liakur City. It Ih urneil that tho prenent Horvlco of olio triiiiiaday makim It very iticonvouloiit for tho IiiihIiichh people of HiIh city. For iiiHtiiuco anyone doHlriiiK to traiiHiict IniHitioriH in linker Iiiih to lone tho hoHt part of two dayn, and remain over iiIkIiI, while If tlioro wore u two train a day Horvlco It would nmoiiiit to a Kreat wiving of time and money to tho average citizen of Hiimptor. IIohIiIoh thin, KiiHtorn run I Ih are frequently late and have to lay over a day In linker, and tin extra train would catch the delayed mail in iiIiiiohI every IliHtaliceu. PART OF MIDWAY HOIST HERE. drills are roprosoutrd and many other points of interest relating to tho clobrntiou. FOR SALE. A group of flvo claims in Cable Cove district. Throo woll defined ledges. All assessment work for this year completed. Surface. values ranging from 820 up. l'or full particular terms, etc., address, Lock Dox 78, Suinpter, Oregon. Giant Powder is the best by test in (or the world. T. G. Harrison agent. The celebrated Gund'u "the beer of good cheer" a 1 way a on draught at Dun pliy's The Club. Use Giant Powder, Fuse and Caps. QR. PEARCE & ANDERSON Physicians and Surgeons PROPBIETOUJ SUMPTRR 08NERAL HOSPITAL SUMPTBR.ORiaON , . I OFFICE, Mln til. Telephone hospital, Main t. Plant to b Installed at Soon as Balance of Machinery Arrives. Part of the hoisting machnlory for (ho Midway, operated hy the Uoisor lloudryx invent inent company, arrived yesterday and tho rent Ih expected at once. Tho coiiHlunmout has been greatly delayed in trannit. the miiuagomout ntaten that tho plant Ih to bo Inntalled immediately upon tho arrival of the rest of the machinery. Gold-Bug Grizzly Development Fund. General Malinger .1. J. llonnoHny, of tho Gold Hug-Grizzly, had two hunl iiohh iiioii from Now York City horo Hatiirdny and Sunday, who caino to examine that property with the view of invent lug. They were given ovory opportunity to hoo what it Is and before leaving announced that they will take a S'JO.OOO tlyer in the prop iiHtiioii, A full force of men Ih now at work there sinking tho nhaft to the .'100 foot level, between tho two voliiH. At this point it is estimated that the hanging wall of one will he encountered. A crosscut will lie run to tho other and both drifted on several hundred feet In both directions. F. K. HOBSOK. Civil and Mining Engineer. U. S. Deputy Mineral Surveyor for Oregon, En gineer lor Iht City ot Sumpter. U"lfion n Patent Srij. Ilia Prlntlne, tni Orahtlng. CHAS. H. CHANCE ATTORNEY AT LAW City AtttrMt U. t. Cammlnlaaar Rooms 2 and 3, First Bank of Sumpter Building, SUMPTER, OREGON OWce Phont No. jai Retlienci Phone No. i DR. L. T. BROCK Physician and Surgeon. Sumpter, Oregon. I am now prepare! to receive anj treat patlenli, both meJIcal anj turglcal. In the best equipped private lanltarlunt In the country. Nice quiet home, with ira'neJ an J eip rlrncrJ nure alwas In al tenJance. Up-to-Jale survlcal woik a specially C A. E. STARR. Attorneyat'Law Center, cor. High St. Sumpter, Oregon Fine Lot oi Views. Photographer ,). V. Cowdon has just completed a tine lot of views Including tho various interesting features of tho Fourth of July celebiatlon. The V. O. V. exhibition ROYAL WORCESTER CORSETS ALL STYLES WE SELL THEM HAW LEYS KimKftimM v The New Olympia E.E. HAUSER, PROP. FINE OLD (1S84) HCRMITAQC WHISKEY NNCST BRANDS Of WINES, ALES AND PORTERS. OLYMPIA BEER, BOTTLED OR DRAUGHT. FINE CIGARS. CLUB ROOM IN CONNECTION, i fc Cl-NTER STRI-ET, OPPOSITE P. O. SUMPTER, OREGON ela1attatae1a11tae1e1tttttototatatota1taa1toa1att Basche Hardware Co. . . Sumpter . GENERAL DEALERS IN Shelf and Heavy Hardware Iron and Steel Pipe Mining and Mill Machinery Agents for "HERCULES" Powder Fuse and Caps C.C. Basche MANAGER GOOD THINGS TO EIAT I AT E. P. Bergman & Compa'y GROCERS Mill Street, New Building. . THE . , SUMPTER MEAT MARKET $ AUSTIN MEAT CO. Props. J Butcher and Packer Fresh and Cured Meats and Sausage of all Kinds j sumpter, oregon . I BIJIIU ft. aa IMIIH 11 I