COVERS THOROUGHLY THE GOLD FIELDS of the INLAND EMPIRE EASTERN INVESTORS IN OREGON MINES Pay for AND READ IT TALK OF THE TOWN Dr. mill Mnv K. W. Mueller loft Monday for n tthort vlnlt to Portland. Manager McLaren of the Adeloue group In Koek Crook, whh in the city thin week. Lurry Flynn loft ycstrday on im oxtondod trip to Idiilio to return IlljOIlt tllO iHt Of AllgHst. K. V. lliirtlett, register of the luud olllco ut Lit (Inuid, stopped awhile in tho oily loduy on IiIh way to (iranito. MIhh M. Honnosnoy loft ycHtordiiy for lior lioinu in Spokane, after visiting several dnjH with the family of her hrother J, J. Mth. HiimIi Llvormnrc, wife of Kdltor Llvorinoro of tho linker City Herald, her mother and niftier, spent tho Fourth in tho city. MIhh Nellie Donahue, of Portland, sister of II. W. Donahue, spout tho Fourth in the city. Klie leturueil yeHterday, Mrs. II. W. DoiimIiuo accompanying hor weeks in Portland. to spend two E. A. HutchlUB, mining engineer for Major J. V. Ilonta, ttpent last uiKht in Sumptcr. He In riding horitoback from linker to Prairie City. Ho Hiiyo tho oulguocrlng corps on the electric roud 1h now making the preliminary survey from the main lino to the Standard mine. Qiiartzburg district. On Mb return he will occupy offices over the First National bank. Morning Reporter Sold. Tho Morning Reportor has been sold to theformer forman of the Wala Walla Statesman. The new man la expected here tomorrow to tako in tho i c'1BrKe' J Nat Hudson, the former i proprietor, left today for Daker. DR. MUELLER'S NEW OFFICE. Dr. Greenlee, dentist, over Basche Hardware store. Shoes of all kinds at Neill Mercantile company's. No headaches from Giant powder. Only the best brands oi liquors and cigars at Dunphv's "The Club." Will Occupy tbe Rabbins PUcc on Guaite , and Mill Strut. Dr. 10. W. Muollr, general managor of tho .Standard and tho Oregon .Smelting and Kollulng company, Iiiih bought tho olllco appurtoiiancoH bo- oiiglng to tho olllco of ,1, II. ItobbiiiH , on Mill and (irauito streets, and Iiiih iiIho rented tho living iipartmoutH in i conneclioii. Ho will tako possession about tho middle of tho mouth. .Mr. KohhliiH, accompranieil by IiIm wifo and two noun, will leave Hhortly on an extended vacation. To MARR & DAVIDSON, Snmpter, Oregon. Gentlemen: Please place my name upon your mailing list for regular copy of "Mining Topics," which tells all about the mines of Eastern Oregon and which you agree to send at no cost to me, whatever. Signed Street No City State j f f 0 SWORN EVIDENCE B i CD a 4-3 X a CO O 4-3 o CD a ctf CO -. a &. ja WE have had so many RESERVE ORDERS FOR GOLD BUG STOCK and so many requests for "FULL INFORMATION ABOUT THE GOLD BUG MINE" during the last few days from EASTERN CLIENTS, that we have persuaded the Directors to allow us to honor all orders for Gold Hug Stock at IO CENTS PER SHARE post marked up to July 15th. This Is YOUR OPPORTUNITY. Are you WISE? WE DESIRE TO STATE that wo are practical mining men, aro right hero oil tho ground, and have watched the progress of development of tho COLD l)U(i MINK from tho time that tho first "location work" wiih done. Therefore wo aro in position to know nil tho factH about thin mine. NOTICE THE FOUOWINB: Wo have opened out 0110 or tho prettiest aud richest SHOOTS OF ORB that 0110 could wish to see. For over -00 foot there in not a break ill tho ore nor 11 blank in the values in tho oro. Wo began tho drift in rich oro and tho face of tho drift shows tho boat or encountered. This oro shoot opens up 011 tho surface fur over 000 feet, and wo have demonstrated that tho vein widens and tho values grow richer with depth. Tho allies in this FltEK MILLING OKE run from U0 to 81,700 per ton in GOLD Many samp les run up into tho thousands, aud much of tho oro shows free gold to tho naked eye. Hut this oro shoot is only a small part of tho GOLD HUG MINK. Tho management is composed of experienced mining men who have made a success of their other mines, and tho circumstances wore not as favorable as thoy aro at this time. TO ANY ONE WHO DESIRES TO VISIT THIS MINE WE MAKE THE FOLLOWING OFFER: If, after you have thoroughly inspected It, you aro not able to duplicate tho values as stated or find any misrepresentations whatever about this mine, wo will pay all expellees of tho trip. Peel your interests and send a icpic.-eiitittive, for wo mean exactly what wo say. Wo want you to seo this mliio. Wo want you to seo what has been done and what is being done. Wo want you to seo and handle tho oro aud see tho gold in it with your own eyes. Wo INSIST 011 your investigating this proposition, because, if you do not, It Is not fair to us, to tho mine or to yourself. If this mine Is just as represented you well know that wo are olferlug you an exceptional Investment. If it Is not, wo will tako tho blaiiio aud you aro out nothing for your trouble. Wo Invito visitors because every VISITOR means au INVKSTOK. 'This has boon true without exception. Wo have published several icports from visitors who aro now investors. Wo have agreed to raise 11 certain iimouut of money by JULY loth for tho further development and equipment of this mine, and wo aro going to mako our wind good. It you can not come and seo this mine for yourself you can send for our largo, illustrated prospectus aud a sample of this rich oro (which you can have tested for your own satisfaction). If you are not then satisfied you can have a block of tho stock reserved for a reasonable time until you mako further In vestigations, unless the pieseut allotment is over subscribed In tho mean time. There Is a very brisk move ment in this stock, so tako our advice aud write or wire TODAY. It will moan a great deal to you no matter whether you are a poor man or a capitalist. I5K.MK.MI1KU, July l.'ith Is positively the limit for GOLD HUG STOCK AT TKN CKNTS PKR SHARE, unless you have your order reserved. The Directors of the Company have so instructed us. ONLY A LIMITED AMOUNT IS LEFT AT TEN CENTS PER SHARE 09 (3 CD I CD O crcj CO r & VAN VLEET & WRIGHT Fiscal. Agents For The Company. SCIMPTER, OREGON. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 4 4 4444 4444444 444!4'4'!4444