Wednesday, July i, igo$ THE SUMPTER MINER INVESTORS 3 a (This ad will not appear again.) desiring to place 520 or more in two equal monthly payments can learn of an excellent opportunity to become interested in the put chase of a Mining property, situated in a good Mining district in Oregon. NO MONEY IS TO BE SENT NOW, but those who would like an option on 20 worth or more as above until they can investigate further, should cut out and mail to us the blank form indicating the amount they desire to invest providing, however, the information they are to receive concerning the property, is satisfactory. REFERENCE BY PERMISSION Merchant's National Bank Portland, Oregon C3 & fCUT OUT AND MAIL Tills? E. A. CLEN 8t CO. Portland, Oregon. Gentlemen: Please send me particulars of the Mining property ou have under option contract for the purchase of which additional capital is required and enter me an option on $ worth of the purchase price for thirty days, until I have time to investigate; it being understood that no obligation on my part is created by this reservation, the same to be binding must be confirmed by me in writing after receiving details from you; that the options requested are to be listed in the order in which they are received and that you reserve the right to cancel my option if received after the necessary capital has been fully subscribed. Signed City or Town Street State PLACER MINER FINDS IRIDIUM. Rare And Valuable Metal Found In Neighboring Diggings. A fow days ago " placer minor brought n curious looking silvery spoclmou of raotal to Juossou & Clark which when assayed proved to lw Iridium. Thoro was about one ouneo of It, and whllo tho owner indictaod generally that It camo from one of tho uolghborlng placers ho rofusod to glvo away tho secret of Its exact location. Ho Bald his attention wan attractod to It by Its roady separation from other material on account of Its auporlor apoclflo gravity. Iridium Is a rare and valuablo motal, having a foliated or laminated struotlvo, belonging to tho platinum group and usually fouud associated with platinum, rhodium, ruthenium, osmium and sometimes irou. It is very much heavier than gold, Its apoclflo gravity being 22.0, whllo that of gold is botwoon 18 and 19, and in point of valuo, It la worth twice as much. Its commercial valuo la about $10 an ounce. Its separa tion from the associated metala la a matter of extreme difficulty Involving a series of chemical operatlona. The motal la practically indestructible, realating tho action of all known acids even the powerful aqua regla, and fuses with difficulty In tho flame of an oxybydrogen blowpipe. The density, rigidity and elasticity ofjthe Jmetal ronder it valuablo to certain commercial oikIh. For lnstniico it 1h need in forming tho points of gold pons. Its non-mag-notlu character superior hardness mid high degree of elasticity, iiiako it valuable In tho mniiufacturo of springs mid axles for the hlghur priced watches. Alloyed with platinum its malealiility, ductility, ami elasticity are practically without j limit. Hod need to u moory orj pulverized condition iridium In con-. licet ion with certain oils mid chomicals forms a very Hue jut black paint used in ornnmontiug the ex pensive chiuaware. The motal wan first discovered by Smlthsou Tuimaut in 18U.'I. getting an early start for tho glorious Fourth. EIGHT NEW STAMP MILLS. Producer and Dividend Payers Will Be Doubled Soon. Tho Domocrat says Judgo Thomas Uurko yesterday returned from an ox totidod trip through tho Alamo and Ureouhoru mining districts. Tho Judgo says that ovorythiug in tboso camps is ou tho jump. Hundreds of men aro at work tnpsido and down side tho surface. Tons of machluory and supplies aro going lu thoro and eight now stamp mills aro undor course of oroction ou as mauy diffoi ent properties. With the amount of devolopmnt work now in progross In tho upper camps, Judge Burke says that It will not bo many years boforo tho list of producers and dividend payers In Eastern Oregon 1b doubled. Painting the Town. E. A. Case, of tho Case Furntluro company, is painting the town red at least a part of it. Ho 1b giving hia storo a coat of vormilliou, thus Will Not Close Early. Tho merchants of the city have agreed not to observe the early clos ing rule July '., .'I ami I, but will keep open late ou thosu dates. Timber and Homestead Filings. Timber and homestead tilings, as well iih llnal proofs, can bu iiuulo lxfure Charles II. Chance, United States Com missioner, ollleo In First National Hank of Kumptcr building, Siimpter, thus Hav ing applicants expense of a trip to Iji (irandc. The celebrated (iund'H "thu beer of good cheer" always on draught at Dim ple's The Club Use Giant Powder, I'usu and Caps. Mining deeds for sale at this office. Help Build Up The West. The low rates from the east to the west and the northwest, Fehiinry Hi to April lit), will undoubtedly bring out thousand ot settlers. Where they will go Is largely a iiest!ou of inducement. If you are interested in securing any eastern people for your section of tho west, send their names and addresses to the undersigned. All the facts and figures about thu trip will Is) promptly sent them. II. S. Howe, (ieneral Agent, Chicago, Mil waukee A St. Paul Hnilway, HII Third Street, Portland, Ore. IUESSKN A CLAHKE MINING & CIVIL I.NKINI I.NS PCCIALTlim - I'xi'rrt l.xanilnillons. MriHirltnn Mining I'mpniles. Designing nj Installing Milk nj I'm it I'Untt. II. S. Mineral nJ IfnJerrmunJ Surveys. Managements Mining I'lopnllri. SUMI'IIM, OKI HON. mmmsat RIO GRANDE W' THE SCENIC LINE Through Salt Lake City, I-eadville, Pueblo, Colorado Springs and Denver, and the Famous Itocky Mountain Scenery by Daylight to all siiiits Hast. 3 FIST TRAINS DULY BETWEH OGDEN AND DENVER 3 MODERN EQUIPMENT, THROUGH PULLMAN AND TOUR IST SLEEPING CARS AND SUPERB' DINING CAR SERVICE STOPOVERS ALLOWED For rates, folders and other M. C. M'BRIDE, Gun. Agent, Information, address 134 Third St., POHTI.AND, OHK.