THE SUMPTER MINER Wednesday, July i, 190$ TO PROVE SHOOTS AT SOUTH POLE. Manager Robbins Running Cuts for This Purpose. Open cu tch the ruin curly In July. TI10 croHHCiit 1h now In 1100 feo'. with nliout Horuiity foot yet to drive before renuhltiK the led no. Mr. Mead hhvh tlnit IiIh force Ih now working in exucciuiiKly IiarcJ rock, lint tho croHH cut Ih IioIiik carried forward as ox pedltoiiHly hh poHslblo. V. V. KoIiIiIiih, koik'I'iiI inaiiiiKor or the .South Pole CoiiHolidatcd (Jold Allium (!oiuiany, returned Monday nlttht from thu property. He HtuteH tlmt outH are heliiK run from the Yankee .Mm claim to the Hiiintnlt of the mountain to prove the ore hIiooIh on the Hitrface and iiIho demotiHtrate tho continuity of the vein. TIiIh work could not he taken up Hoouer on account of the hiiow. Work will he roHiimi'd on the No. 1 tunnel wIioho entrance wan Iiik out of the hiiow Home time iiko, Iiii mediately after tho Fourth, Mr. JtohliliiH liiniHiilf left for .Spokane today to Hpend a few dayri with IiIh family, and moHt of IiIh crew ipiit today until after tho Fourth. The No. I, which Ih n drift, Ih now in a dlHtauce of forty-five feet, and It will he driven ahead Home thirty-llvo feet where the vein will lie croHHcut to catch the rich hIkmiIh deiuoiiHtrated on the Hiirface prohahly on the huiiuiiiK wall of the vein. It Ih thought that Hpleudld ore will lie oucouiilered in thin level. LiihL winter when the Hiirface work wan aliaudoued at thin point on account of hiiow, the valuori on the outcrop ran uh IiIkIi iih $700. The working will lie punhed ahead here to explore t IiIh rich ore liody. The rumored negotiations for the aciiiiHltioii of the South Pole liy the North Pole company, iih Mated IiihL week, have no foundation in fact. Mauauci ItohliliiH ulllrniH thai nothing of the kind Ih coutimplati'l, and that II Ih the policy of his com pany to pusli development work as rapidly iih pocHlhlo, iuxtall a mill iih hooii iih the icipilremelitH demauil and place the property on a paying IiiihIh. Here on Visit. J. F. It. Welibor of San Fruuclcco, HHHiHtaut Hfcrutury of the Home Fire and Marine Iumirauco company, mid u brother-in-law of It. L. Nclll, of the Neill Mercantile company, spent HoveraldayH in tho city thin weok vis itiiiK Mr. Noill. Sold Flynn Property, Tho J. II. MacCallum company Hold the Flynn property on Uraulto and Ibex Htrcota this weok to tho Uoodheart Hrothora. TO REPORT ON SUMPTER DISTRICT. F. A. Wing, of Government Assay Office, Seattle, Here For This Purpose. DRILLING CONTESTS. Nlnr TfAim Entrr For Doublet on the Fourth. The illlllilik' coiitcHlH which will lie one of the leading fcnliircs of the Fnm Hi, will lie paiticipated in liy Home of the IichI known and most clever teauiH In the dlhtiict. Ho far iih known at prcxeiit nine teuton will enter for the doulilc drill. They aie iih follewn: A nil i oki,' and HcKHler, Virtue; IoIiiih and Wattern, Hourue; McCor nili'k and McKay, llouiue; Smith and Fi'iier, (SreetihoriiH; Stapletou and Liilvnln, (Sraulte; Itayaud Dunn, Miilway; Scott and CiiMy, (inhlhiiK (!rlly; I'limnery and McC'arvel, (loldeu Wliuil; Hetideriiou and Cook, SuHiiuville. For the hIiikIch, there are ho fur, three eutilen, Itihlin, Wattern and AudrcKK. In the junior doulilen there will prolmlily lie two teauiH from llourne, one from Sumpter and one from linker. Fredorlok A. Wltift, iiHHiiyor in charKo of tho Kovcrnmont itHnay oillco in Seattle, npent poventl days in tho camp liiHt weok and thin wook, rlslt Iiik many of tho mlnoH mid tho Hinol ter, KatheriiiK data for hitfunnuul re port on the milieu of OroKou. Mr. WIiik wiih hero nliout this time liwt year for the hiiiiio purpono. SpoakliiK of tho dintrlct generally and tho Im provements ho observed, ho mild : "Since my hint vUlt tho progress throughout tho dlHtrlot Ih very pro nounced. I noticed a groat many luiprovemeiitH in tho way of now and more modern machinery at the older properties 1 visited, and a urea', num ber of new plautH noinn In at mines more recently opened. Tho dintrlct lins taken a great stride forward, and there Ih ii univcrsiil air of progrens throughout the camp. "There in another matter regarding which I should like to bo ipioted. An important feature of my report Ih the output of the various in I lies, and I llud this dilllcult to obtain from thcopcrntorHthciiiHclvcH. Of course I get it from the smelters and retlueries, but (IiIh Ih putting me to unnecessary double when tln operators could just iih well furnish t IiIh information theniHolvoH. There Ih no way of forcing them to give mo thin datum; but they would just iih well do It since 1 will get it in the end." Mr. Wing left yesterday afternoon to visit the Washington mining dis trict, on IiIh return to Seattle. WORK AT GLADSTONE. Superintendent Siyi Vein Will Be En countered Early in July. W. II. Mead, superintendent and one of the lending owners of tho Gladstone, in the lloiiulua district, who npent several dayri in tho city thls'week, states that he expects to ROYAL WORCESTER CORSETS ALL STYLES WE SELL THEM HAWLEYS HH "CP A Beautifully Illustrated JrivJ-iLl Pamphlet of 6 Pages Showing dt OREGON'S Great Dividend Paying Mines Any person contemplating a mining investment should not be without tho information contained in this valuable onuiphlet. WRITE TODAY (Mention No. GO and it will be promptly mailed you.) WHEELER A, CO. 32 BROADWAY, N. Y. J. H. CONNORS. J. L. H4RVEY. ...The Bar... High Grade Wines, Liquors and Cigars Club Rooms in Connection Headquarters for Miners SUMPTER OREGON IF YOU WISH TO r.'iNVEST"S' "wmio ( Either to buy Gilt Edge Stocks, a Prospect that is "the Making of a Mine," or one that is already made, write me what you want and permit me to submit a proposition. ADDRESS i'E.SArSiERSONSMrH'! SUMPTER, MINES AND MINING STOCKS OREGON GOLD AND SILVER ASSAYS FREE Every Subscriber to THE MINER who pays $2.00 for One Year in advance will be given an assay for gold and silver free. These assays will be made bv Juessen & Clarke Whose reputation as Assayers, Mineralogists and Mining Engineers stands second to none in the Northwest. TWO WAYS To get best results from your engine use "EUREKA" or some other PACKING. ONE SAFE WAY always use "EUREKA". YOUR ENGINE will work more economically with a ROBERTSON-THOMPSON INDICATOR to adjust the valves. A HINE ELIMINATOR keeps water out of the cylinder and oil out of boiler, Jas. L. RobcrUoti ami Sons, Fulton Street, N. Y. m i:AZiiSzus?z 'WW'' PJI 45