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About The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (July 1, 1903)
Wednesday, July i, 190$ THE SUMPTER MINER i TWENTY-FOUR REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD PREFER HIGHLAND STOCK FOR YOUR INVESTMENT 1. It line high emtio ore on the surface and in the underground workings. 2. The ore bodies show strength, width and length. 3. The ore can be mined ami milted at the lowest possible cost from the Highland. 4. It has the best tunnel sites, and the ore can and will bo run out on cars, and the cars will not have to be hoisted, nor any water to be unied. 5. No expensive hoisting plants will ever have to bo installed and high priced pumping plants will not be needed, as the mine is self-draining. 0. Nearly 1000 feet depth will be gained by driving on the ledge, and an additional 1000 feet can bo gained by driving a crosscut tunnel. 7. The Highland Company owns a water power which will drive all the milling machinery. 8. There is abundance of timber on tho propertv to last the compauv many years. H. The mine is only twelve miles from the main transcontinental rail road, and the county road passes through tho Highland ground; all the road building has been completed. 10. The Highland is only live miles from tho fertile Powder River valley where all kinds of fruits, vegetables, grain, hay, etc., grow in abundance. 11. Supplies can bo had direct from the producer. 12 The Highland is on the Mother Ixide system of veins in eastern Oregon Kl. The Highland is located between the North Pole mine and tho Baieley-Klkhorn. 14. The Highland vein bus been thoroughlv tested on the surface and is now being thorouuhly explored at depth, with wonderful results. in. The Highland ores contain enough gold per ton to trny for all mining, milling and incidental expenses, with enough money left to pay good dividends to stockholders. 111. On account of the favorable location, the cost of developing and equipping the Highland will lie much less than for most of the mines. 17. The Highland (Sold Mines Company absolutely owns and litis good title to twelve (12) claims, 'J 10 acres, and has no indebtedness. 15. The Directors will not run the Highland Company in debt, and are handling ill affairs conservatively. 10. The maiiauement is active and the development is going on con tinually ; ore reserves are being blocked out every day. 'JO. I.ast sample taken from the mine on .In no ltd assayed f202.:tft per ton. 21. We are willing to allow you to make a personal examination of the Highland Mine at our expense in order that we may verify over statement made. 22. You may ask anyone in Katorn Oregon it the ithove statements are not correct, 2:1. Kvery stockholder is regularly informed regarding tho development at the mine, whether it ho favorable or otherwise. LM. The books of the company are open at all times for Inspection by auv stockholder. SHARES CAN NOW BE HAD AT EIGHT CENTS Highland Installment Allotment Wo havo made arrangements so as to bo nblo to soil somo Highland shares on tho Installment Plan at tho rato of Eight (8) cents, per share on tho following terms: 88.00 Eight Dollars in cash buluuco at tho rato of eight dollars per mouth on ouch thousand (1000) slmreH until fully paid for. This offer Is mado In order to giro thoso who did not havo enough money no hand to purchase iih many shores of Highland iih wiih desired an opportmuuity to pay for tho stock as thoy earn tho money. This offer is only iuteudod to giro tho persons with small means an opportunity to participate in thin, great stock. Wo hardly think it is nocessary to go into details regarding tho Highland as It Is now a well known fact that It is the coming great mine of Eastern Orogou, tho dorolopmout of Into has demonstrated this fact; but should you wish further Information, write to iih and wo will gladly furnish you samo. Wo will Bend you our now prospectus from which you can learn much. Wo would further suggest that you write lo it few of tho legitlmto mining men, business mon or bankers about Highland, or if you would rather eomo and look for yourself let iih know, wo will furnish you with transportation from your homo and return to tho lllghlnd mine; prove to us that you havo somo money you would like to Invest and wo will bring you to the proprtoy and show you something which you will bo proud to Invest your money In. Wo aro anxious to havo men with money to come out and look over and examine the Highland because wo know they will ho pleased with tho property. Wo know wo haro tho making of a largo gold producer and dividend payer. Tho Installment allotmout wlll'not last long, therefore all who Intend to take advantage of tho offer should order their stock at once. -- 4 2 h a I 1 (Use tills for Installment .Subscriptions.) a K - ' s 2 f - 3 V m "3 J 5 H 2 S u u 2 s s -so s S -s to . a c " u C c o 9. Z ji 1 s 58 5 SUBSCRIPTION FOR THE STOCK OP THE HIGHLAND GOLD MINES COMPANY OF SOMPTER, OREGON The undersigned hereby subscribes for Shares in the HIGHLAND GOLD MINES COMPANY, at the rate of Eight (S) Cents per share, fully paid and non-assessabte, amounting to Dollars, and hereby encloses the sum of. Dollars as part payment and agrees to pay the balance at the rate of $ .per month. Street Name 'Date - 190 Citv - - -- Address all Communications, and Make Your Checks, Drafts and Money Orders Payable to Neil J. Sorensen 8c Co. Financial Agents DEPARTMENT NO. 9 Sumpter, Oregon.