The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, July 01, 1903, Page 11, Image 11

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    Wednesday, July i, 190$
Sumpter District
Sumpter District
Full Paid and Non
Assessable. PAR VALUE 10 CTS.
1,500,000 Shares. 1,000,
000 Shares Pooled and
will not come on Market
in Competition with
Treasury Stock.
1 The Pulaski
f Gold Mining and Milling
Company j
Nine Claims, Lead Traced Over 3,000 Feet Across the Claims. One and
a Half Miles From Smelter. One Mile From Railway. Water Power on
the Property. Plenty of Timber. 70 Per Cent Free Gold. Magnificent
Mill Site. Property Opened up by Open Cuts, Shafts and Tunnels.
"VLrE have all the Requisites of a Magnificent Property. The Investor has the Money. We have the
Investment. You want a Straight, Legitimate Business Proposition. We have it. We require
funds to continue development. You have the funds. We need them. You can Purchase our First
issue of Treasury Stock at
Can we not exchange? Iteniember our ext'Piin's are veiy low and thnt your dollar grows an we continue Development. Our latent unsays.
of average Hock, made by Kobbius & Robbing and McKweu & McKweu o'f Similiter, gave (rom f'.'.HO to fill. 80. Picked samples gaveflol.H),
f 1113.00 and tlUO.UO, and we are Htill 100 feet (estimated) from the ledge. J Write for our "Kpitomu of FavtH." Stock may he purchased
on the Installment Plan, 30 per cent down, balance in two monthly payinentH. Itemit by Hank Draft, I'oHtoHlce Order or Registered letter.
Bankers The First National Bank of Sumpter.
Address all communications to
J. H. MacCallunn, Secy,
of tho City Charter of Sumpter,
Oregon, payable ill lfi years to draw
interest at tho rate of 0 per cent per
annum, tho moneys derived from tho
sale of said bonds to bo used solely in
defraying tho cost of said sewer
Sec. 4. That before said bonds
aro issued, or any indebtedness for
said sower system incurred, an
election shall bo hold as provided
by tho City Charter; and tho makiUK
of said improvement and tho issuing
of bonds therefor, shall bo submitted
to n voto of tho taxpayors of tho City
at u special election to bo held for
that purpose.
Tho City Recorder shall immedi
ately after tho passago and approval
of this ordinance glvo notice as pro
vided iu tho City Charter for tho
holding of such special election, said
notico shall stato tho tlmo and
mauuer of holding such olectlon and
tho persons outitlod to voto thorout,
and said eloctiou shall bo held iu a
similar manner as a gouoral muni
cipal election is hold in the City of
Passed the council this 25th day
of June, 1003.
(Attest) S. S. START, Recorder.
Approved June 2Ctb, 1003.
C. H. McCOLLOCH, Mayor.
Mine Working! Should Hve Plenty of
Ono of tho most important matters
for the consideration of a initio j
mnuagor is tho ventilation of thoj
workings. It is truo some aro far
lee Cream! Ice Creeml
On, and each day after May 1st
the renowned Hazelwood Ice Cream
and Ice Cream Soda will be had at
SturglU's. 10 cents a dish, 25
cents per pint.
superior to others iu tills regard, duoi
to many causes. A ml no having largo!
shafts or tunnels, with roomy drifts, J
etc., Is naturally hotter ventilated'
than whore the workings aro small.
A in I no heavily timbered generates
moro foul air than one where
llttlo or no timber is employed, par
ticularly whero tho air is humid.
There aro many ways In which mine
air becomes contaminated. The
breathing of tho workers; tho burn
ing of lights, (other than eloctrio);
tho oxidation (rottng) of timbers;
all consume oxygen and produce
carbon dloxdo. IJosldes tbeso
noxious Rases, floating dust, smoko
and other foreign bodes In tho
atmospbero help to coutamluato the
air the minor must breatho. An ab
normally high temperaturo is also
prejudlcal to the health of the miner,
particularly when there is much
moisture present.
Mines which are naturally ventil
ated, by reason of connection with
the surface at several points, as In
a mine opened by a tunuel which is
connected with the surface with a
raise, or workings connected with
the surface by two or more shafts.
Artificial ventllatiou is provided
by means of faun, blowers, water
blasts, etc., and where largo volumes
of compressed air aro employed this
also insists ventllatiou, though iu the
caso of fhi) latter (he air is sumo
times vitiated by lubricating oil mid
is often rendered unlit for breathing,
by reason of tho oil being heated to
high temperature iu tho cylinders of
the compressor and adjacent pipes.
So hot does the air become at times
that the highly heated nil has been
known to ignite spontaneously, creat
ing a volume of smoko and carbonic
acid gas which is forced into the
mini) workings. Thorn are many
different methods of ventilating
mines, and where the ventilation is
not naturally good it should be
rendered as good as possible by
iiiet'liaiilciil means. It is not econ
omy to fail to provide good air for
miners to breathe, for Iu order to
accomplish a satisfactory shift work,
tho air must bo freo from foul gas
and other (ontiimliiat lug substances.
Mining mid Sciontillo Press.
The celebrated (iund's "the beer of
good cheer" always on draught at Dun
phy's The Club.
(Haul Powder Is the bout by test in
the world. T. (S. Harrison agent.
Only the nest lirauds ol liipiors and
cigars at Dmipliv's "The Club."
I have Shares of Gilt Edge Mining
Stock, on which it is absolutely necessary
that I raise some money. It is in the
Grizzly Gold Mining Co.
You can have it in one bunch for j cents,
in broken blocks 4 cents. j Address