I s- t 8 THE SUMPTER MINER Wednesday, June 24, 190$ POPOCATEPTL I tlio hciihoii ln.8 heeu short. Our claims lmvo produced about 811,000 ON THE MARKET, and this wo consider very Reed, all conditions taken Into account. IJy uuothor yenr wo will bo better prepared to oporato on a laror scale. " Mr. KDpitiKor lias a 11 no collection of koI'1 ",1(1 tnn rt?: miKKotH, ono of which indicates the existence of a rich ledgo that very likely is tho Hourco of all tho Hold found in tho dlKKiuKH. The Rockefellers And The Greens Bidding: For The Smoker. Reported That Mr. Godfrey it Going to Alaska to Look After Interest There. It in Htatod by thoao in a position ( to know that tho sale of tho Uodfroy 'and Tabor interests in tho Red Boy to llonanza stockholders is still pond ing, but no official information can bo obtained as to tho exact situutiou. That the deal is boiiiK negotiated thero Ih every reason to boliore, but just what tho rosult will bo is difficult to speculate upon. It Ih reported that Mr. Godfrey ItoekfoIlor'H name Is assocl-1 " to Alaska to look after some mining property which no ownstlioro and which it Ih supposed ho will push In ciiho ho nets out of tho Red Hoy. It Ih known, howoror, that Mr. Godfrey has not loft, as ho is In tho city today, aud Ills going is only a matter of rumor. A fanciful story has been going tho rounds of tho Sunday press concerning tho negotiations for tho transfer of tho title to Mt. Popocateptl, in Mexico, that torror of tho geography class and of tho spoil lug bees. This volcano is owned by (leu. Gasper Sanchez Ocboa, acuilred as a reward for polltlclal aud military service. It is reputed to contain millions of dollars' worth of sulphur, aud the price at which it Ih offered for sale Ih only !i, 000, )()(). According to the story, there are two rival bidders for this ready-inade and self-renewing mine. John I) ated with the deal as backing one of the parties to tho negotiations. Tho other possible purchaser is said to be John I. Green and his multi millionaire brother, .Samuel Green, of Pittsburg. One plan for file ex ploration Ih to build a cog-wheel railway down into the heart of the volcano, dip out the Hiilphur without the Hiild of human hands and bring it to the surface, still red-hot, from tho bowels of the earth. Ill lolly tho scheme Ih this: Tunnel the volcano at the height of 410(1 yards below the Up of the orator. Through this Hiring a cable way made of steel wire an inch thick, bearing buckets every 100 feet. These will dip up the sulphur going in and bring it to the surface coming out, the great rope traveling '200 feet a minute. This plan alone will cost JMI0.000 to install. Thero Ih another scheme proposed. This Ih to send tho cog-wheel railway iver the lip of the crater aud then straight down into the middle of the sulphur mine below. Hut engineers fear that the heavy Hupport inquired and tho crumbling condition of the summit would cause the supports to give way, aud thus ruin the entire undertaking. This deposit of sulphur has liven mined for many generations in a primitive way. and in addition to the usual "yellow" ill the story, there may be some truth. The sul phur deposits are replenished from Imlow as fast as taken out, and there xeems to be no limit to this auto mutlo mine. Sulphur brings in the market now $10 a ton, ami If this plenteous source falls into RED BOY DEAL STILL PENDING. the hands iilimn mentioned it Is not ! likely to be cheapened by any foolish over-product lou.- Milling World. PINE CREEK PLACERS. Season Over on Account oi the Scarcity of Water. The Democrat mijh that F. V. Kppluger, of the Queen City Furniture company of this city, and manager of the Merchants Mining company with scene of operations at Pine creek in the Upper lluriit ltivcr hcctlon, is in the city for a few days. Mr. Kppluger says the mining m'iimiii at Pine creek Is over for this year iii account of a waiclty of water mid that this miioii has been the shortest in tho history of the itouiitry. "The Meichants' Mining t'ompauy," Mr Kppluger Mild, "has had a good i mi this year even though Reduced Summer Excursion Rate. The Denver & IMo Grando, popu larly known as tho "Sconio Lino of the World," has announced greatly reduced round-trip rates from Pacific Coast points for tho benefit of teach ers who will spend tholr vacation in the east, ami of delegates to all tho prominent conventions N. . A., at Iloston; A. O. U. W., at St. Paul; IS. P. O. E., at llaltimoro; Woodmen of America at Indianapolis; Eagles, at Now Vork; Mystic Shrluo, at Sara toga Springs; K. of P., at Loulsvillo, aud T. P. A., at Indlanupolls. Tickets at tho reduce) rates will bo based upon otio faro for tho round trip, but will bo sold only ou certain days. Theso- tickets will carry stop over privileges ou tho going trip, giving passengers an opportunity to visit Salt Lake City, Olonwood Springs, Colorado Springs aud Den ver; and will be good to return any time within ninety (00) days. Pas sengers going via tho Denver & Itlo Grande arc given tho privilege of returning via u different route. For the rate to the point you wish to go, and for dates of sale and other particulars, as well as for Illustrated pamplels, write W. O. McllKIDK, General Agent, 12 Third St.. Portland, Oro. Dr. Greenlee, dentist, over Huscho i Hardware store. ROYAL WORCESTER CORSETS ALL STYLES WE SELL THEN HAWLEYS T. M. LAVIN'S Tonsorial Parlors and Bath Rooms I have just renovated my tonsorial shaving parlors, and at a great expense placed a compressed air plant in my shop ::::::::: COMPRESSED AIR Is one of the latest modern con veniences of an up-to-date barber shop. It imparts a refreshed feel ing and healthy glow to the skin. No extra charge. Give us your pat ronage and assure us of your appreciation of our up-to-date, Twentieth Century methods. Face Massage ::::::::: : Two Doors West of First National Bank L'li T7T7 A Beautifully Illustrated 1 JAJZjIL Pamphlet o 16 Pages Showing OREGON'S Great Dividend Paying Mines Any person contemplating a mining investment should not be without the information contained in this valaable oamphlet. WRITE TODAY (Mention No. 60 and it will be promptly mailed you.) WHEELER A, CO. 32 BRUDW1Y, N. Y. J. H. CONNORS. J. L. H4RVEY. ...The Bar... High Grade Wines, Liquors and Cigars Club Rooms in Connection Headquarters for Miners SUMPTER OREGON IF YOU WISH TO INVEST IN MINING-..: Either to buy Gilt Edge Stocks, a Prospect that is "the Making of a Mine," or one that is already made, write me what you want and permit me to submit a proposition. ADDRESS E. SANDERSON SMITH SUMPTER, MINES AND MINING STOCKS OREGON &-, '-