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About The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (June 24, 1903)
f THE SUMPTER MINER Wednesday, June 24, 1903 VIEWERS AT WORK. Will Make Report On Burnt River Road In Few Days. County Surveyor I-ntT, V. ftt. Mewl mid John Donn, tiiipp with chainmen, axiniMi, piiekhor-i-i and other appurtenance, Mt Friday afternoon to view itiul niirvey t lit rood which it 1h propo-ed to hiiild between Kumpter mid tin- liurnt Hiver valley. Tli in preliminary work uill occupy nlxiut four day., when a re port will !)) made to the board of county commiiuioiierH, which will settle the matter of whether it in to he huilt or not. No dotiht, however, in entertaiiKtl on thit i-core. Under the new law the county riirveyor con-xtltiite-i one of the viewer and the Mirvey in made at the came time a road Im viewed. .Sulllcieiit fundn are on hand, if the report in favorable to ntart work I iih riiiiin an it Im made. Tlii- following J Im the Sumpter mih-tct ltliti 1 int : A. I. (Jomh, - . "J0.00 Mercer DniK Co., .".UU rc. i:., ri.oo .1. McDonald, Ji.00 John (iiikiui, - 10.UU De.Vollo A .Muzy, - 10.00 I 0. Mealy, - . - 10.00 J. J. .HI u will A Co., C. II. Chance Jlaii(iitil .Saloon, J. I. Hiilllvau, will not probably by .tarrted on it until ome time thi full. The Mte. however, hai been prepared and a lot.' d a in of k'ood capacity contrtictd j and everything in t hi- direction' ready to titnrt building. Part of the frame hu already been constructed. It Im the iutentlriu of the company! to devote the greater part of the Hummer in on tin to eettini; out a big Miipply of Ioim to have on hands when the mill In completed. A hie force In now beitiK worked on the compauy'it timber landit in the vicinity. Visit Sumpter, H. M. (Jarrett, of lientrice, No bnirka, and I. P. Hewitt, of Lincoln, friendrt and j-ehoolmiitfH of I). L. Kllleu, or the Killen, Warner, Stewart coinpauy, arrived in the city lint week to remain durlliK the Hummer. (sir) OF 5 SUMPTER Capital Stock $25,000 OFFICCRS SEWER SYSTEM PLANS ADOPTED. City Council Will Push Mat ters Through As Quickly As Possible. oo i W.. II. VOHK, T. (1. HarrlHon, -II. H. Muck, ThomiiM Mcl'.wn, -L.irm .t Itaird, Hotel Hiimpter, Drn. Pearco.t Andurnon, Hiimpter Lumber Co., Jlluo .Mountain American, Sumpter TowumHii Co., ). Schwartz, Kllliin, Warner, Stewart Co., Ilnhxoii Mercantile Co., It. I'.. Htmhorii, A. W KIIIh, A. .1. Htliihoii, F. K. O'ltourkii A Co., Win. Kitchen, II. II. (Irillln, I). P. Holly, Sumpter Steam Laundry, W. It. Haw ley, Diiuphy A (iertridw, lluxoho Hardware Co., Nitlll Mercantile Co., .1. P. Holland, C. II. McColloch, K. P. llelKinali, -W. II. Sullviall, -So in pier Kacket Store, Sumpter Drug Store, N. C. Itiuluinlri, lvllln A Sliirbuck, C. K. ItoHwell, F. C. Ilrodie, Cumpliell A Uindroth, Flint Niitloiml Hank, Sampler Miner, J. li, Council, F. IS. Jewett, A. K. Daxniiy, John Arthur, T. M. Lavin, J. J. JlH'khOII, JMaiinliiK A VVoIhIi, At the meeting of the city council fi.00 (Thursday night plan, HpecKlcHtloiiH Ti.00 ' '"id entimato pi opined by City 7.50 Engineer Funtio'r fiir n Hiuer HyStoui H..'i0 were adopted, mid the city attorney 'J. 50 Inntructod to prepare an ordinance 5,00 for the next nicotine for culling uu 'JO. 00 election to authorize tho Imhuiiiico 5.00 f bondrt coveriliK Itri cost. Tho 25.00 eMtlinated coat, according to the en 5.00 glneor'M report Im $15,000. It in tho 'J5.00 intention to punh the matter through 10.00 j'lM rapidly an poHrilhle. 'JO. 00 10.00 'J5.00 'JO. 00 J5.00 'JO. 00 10.00 'J5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 'J5.00 '23.00 10.00 10.00 '20.00 20.00 5.00 1-2.50 10.00 10.00 15.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 ao.oo 5.00 2.00 2.00 10.00 10.00 '2.50 5.00 5.00 WILL POSTPONE BUILDING MILL. Sumpter Lumber Company Getting Out Log PUot to be Built Later. Formal charge wore preferred ngiiiiiHt Marshal Hand by tho police and health committee for hit) failing to comply with the ordinance relative to collecting lltiox, and his. removal linked. No dinhoncnty wiim charged. Owing to the fact, however, that Mr. Kami Iiiih been granted a luonth'a leave of absence to go to Chicago, the committee withdrew the charge until tiiri return, and no action wiim taken. W. II. Mather wiim appolutd inaiMhal during IiIh absence. OidiuanccM were patted etttiihllidi' lug grade on (Srunitu ntreot from Mill to Columbia, and on Columbia from North Street to Lot '20 in lllock 11. The report of the Street and Public Property committee favoring the opening of Cracker, Auburn and AiiMtin htreetri aurn the railroad track to Central addition, wiim accepted and the city attorney in xtructed to prepare ordinance cover lug the ground. The contract for the city printing for the eiiHiiing year wan awarded to Tho .Miner. The city attorney and city recorder linked that their unladed bo rliiMtul and tho matter wiim referred to tho tlniineo committee. lc Creiml Ice Creaml On, ami each day after May lnt the renowned Hazel wood Ico Cream and leu Cream Soda will bo had at iSturgiU'H. 10 centrt per pint. ceutrt a dUh, '25 Tho Sumpter Lumber company Iiiih decided to postpone the building of Hh big plant here for a few month, mid it Im Mated The celebrated timid' "tho beer of good cheer" always on draught at Dun. phy'B The Club Only the bent lirnndM ol liipiorM and that orkU'igrttt Dunpliv' "The Club." J. H. ROBBINS, Praaldant J.W. SCRIBER, Vlca-Praaldant R. H. MILLER, - Caahlar H. S. DURGAN ' Assistant Caahlar Safety Deposit Vaults Gold Dust Bought Does a General Banking and Exchange Business Books and Stationery I have added to my Mock of Cigars and Tobaccoes a large number of popular novels, the leading iieriodicnlsand a complete line of stationery ....The Elite Cigar Store... L. HARRIS, Proprietor V yvyWtyfv'fvfW-i . A. PrGOSS, Presldent- GEO. H. TRACY, Cashier & Bank of Sumpter 3 TriMicU Ctnttil anhlng liilotii Interest Allowed on Time Deposits Drifts diawu on al patu of the aoiIJ Special attention to ;otlecllons. Safety Deposit boxes for rent. SUMPTER, OREGON 1'' -v S r- 1- -r-. 1 r I ixourKecxo. J?5i6SSS5S93S!2 sa ? i RIBHTg EVERYTHING FRESH " nn.nro fe iu nnnnrn.rn ULL rmuLo gi in bnuutnito gg .. w 4S 8afS9lJS8S8l38Q9 f Granite St. Sumpter, Ore. . 2? V4 American Brewing and Crystal Ice Co E. SIBER, Greneral Manager. Manufacturers of First Class Draught and Bottled Also Ice Made of Distilled Water. The most modern equipped plant in the state. All orders promptly attended to. Telephone, Main 19. BAKER CITY, OREGON. BEER