Wednesday, June 24, 190$ THE SUMPTER MINER 1 1 Sumpter District Sumpter District CAPITAL STOCK $150,000. Full Paid and Non Assessable. PAR VALUE 10 CTS. 1,600,000 Shares. 1,000, 000 Shares Pooled nnd will not come on Market in Competition with Treasury Stock. 1 The Pulaski I I Gold Mining and Milling 1 Company X 500,000 SHARES TREASURY STOCK. PROCEEDS SOLELY FOR DEVELOP MENT WORK. M'ftMfcfcM'rtfcft'rtttta'NMl'rtM I Nine Claims, Lead Traced Over 3,000 Feet Across the Claims. One and I a Half Miles From Smelter. One Mile From Railway. Water Power on J the Property. Plenty of Timber. 70 Per Cent Free Gold. Magnificent Mill Site. Property Opened up by Open Cuts, Shafts and Tunnels. Wr have all the Requisites of a Magnificent Property. The Investor has the. Money. We have the Investment. You want a Straight, Legitimate Business Proposition. We have it. We require funds to continue development. You have the funds. We need them. You can Purchase our First issue of Treasury Stock at FOUR CENTS PER SHARE Can we not exchange? Re monitor our vx elites are very low and t lint your dollar prowe at wo continue Development. Our latent amays of average Kock, made by Hobbius & Dobbins and MeKweii & McKwen of Sumpter, wive from t'.'.HO to $20.80. Picked samples kiivo1M.10, $1(18.00 and 1100.00, and' we are Htill 200 (eet (estimated) from the ledno. j Write for our "Epitome of Facts." Stuck may he purchased on the Installment Plan, 30 percent down, balance in two monthly payments. Itemit by Hunk Draft, 1'oHtolllce Order or Unentered Letter. If1. i ': ' i .. r sV ttutimittutimwmiuMrtMiiwft Bankers The First National Bank of Sumpter. ' j' '''-;.. vm :: Address all communications to U-iiHbMacCallunn, Secy. SUMPTER, OREGON. OFFICIAL RECORDS. The following instruments were filed at the Baker county court house during the week ending June 10, 1903. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. DKKDR. ! May 20 T. VaiiRhau and wife to Mrs. R. A. Wllklnsou, 100 acros lu Socs. il and 14 Tp. 8 R 40 E; $1,500. May 29 Chas. MoCurry and wife to Chris and Chas Johuson, S. E. X Soo. 27 Tp. 0 R. 30 E; $3,500. Jau. 20, 20' O. R. Si N. Co. to Chas.E Jacobson, S. W. H. Soc. 20 Tp. 0 R. 39 E; $1,300. Oct 21, '91 Jamos McNutt nnd wife to Ed L. McNutt, N. ,4 S. V. H Sec. 4 Tp. 8 R. 40 E; $1,000. Feb. 3 Jas. R. Muuu uud wife to Thos. 13. Mooro, 159 acres lu So. 1 Tp. 11 and Sec. 0 Tp. 11 R. 42 E; $1,000. Nor. 18, '02 Ezra Marker and wife to Thos. Dunn, K iuterest in 300 acres in Sec. 10 Tp. 11 aud Sec. 34 Tp. 10 R. 40 E; $2,410. April 21 J. P. Laam aud wife to Jas. II. Vail, 100 acres lu So?. 33 Tp. 7 R. 40 E; $1,200. Juue 3 Frank Zorlaut to M. M. Hear, X. 79 feet of lot 14, Douruo, and 12 horses aud other chatties lu Zerlaut bum at Rouruo; $1,700. May 10, '98 Thos. Drlslaue et al to J. F. Harms, lots 8 and 9 block 32 Pacific adu to Raker City; $100. May 14 M. J. Bates ot al to E. D. J Tobiu, lot 9 block Drattaiu aud McComas au aud lota 10 an (117, 18 block 00, Livingston adu to Dakor City; $100. May 10 Anna Rutiiuand husband to to W. L. Patterson, lot 10 block, Drattlu and McCouias aud to linker City; $100. Juno 11 M. Doswell trustee, to F. L. Moore, ono-third intercut In 2200 acres lu Soo. 32 Tp. 7 It. 39 E; $1. ' ... Juuo 12 E. D, Well ot al, lot 9 aud McComas adu $150. Juuo 12 W. L. Weil aud others, , Tobiu to M. block 2 Drattaiu to Dakor City; Pattorsou to M. lot 10 block 2 Drattaiu aud McCouia adu to Dakor City; $150. Juuo 3 D. Slpp estate to J. II. Stepbeus, 100 aoros lu Socs. 3 aud 10 Tp. 11 R. 40 E; $250. Juue 9 J. H. Parker aud wifo to Herman Rothchlld, H iuterest lu W. X N. V. H Seo. 15 Tp. 7 R. 39 E; $1. May 7 S. Ottonhelmor estate to II. Rothchlld, H lutorest lu W. )i N. W. H Soc. 15 Tp. 7 R. 39 E; $220. March 14, '10 A. K. Graham and wife to David T. Allen, S. E. Yi S. E. Yi Soc. 25 Tp. 9 II. 45 E; $900. May 12 Emma S. Farroll to Win. Carver, 5 acres In N. E. X N. E. X Sec. 10 Tp. 9 R. 40 E; $200. April 29 IIiintiuKton D. S. and wife to Henry Fildew, lots 10, 11 and 12 block 28, HuutliiKtou; $00. Juue 0 W. V. Webber, iiilmr. to Ernstus Weir, 100 arcos in Sees. 19 aud 20 Tp. 13 It. 43 E. ; $050. May 11 M. Wrlxht et al to (loo. J. Dowmaii, 200x147 foot S. E. comer block D, in McCrary's aud to Dakor City; $2,000. MINING MATTERS. OKKDi. Jan. 3 Jacob Mullen ot al to Roy II. Miller, Iuterest In MoXiuno aud three placer claims; $500. June 8 John Murphy to W. II. JolliHon, .'i interest lu St. Stephens quartz el lam; $100. Nov. 0, '02 J. II. HuutliiKtou to II. Maden, ' Interest lu Carpenter quartz claim; $1. Juuo 8 F. Wtiudor ot al to F. Flck, Snow Hlnl aud Snow Flako placer claims; $100. FMay 10 C. N. Chaltham to C. F. Koar ot all, Last Chanco quartz claim; $1,200. MORTGAGES. Stophousou .to -W horses,, harness aud M.- Colo aii'd wife to W. Soc. 33 Tp.7R.- Juuo 5 J. E. X. Proebritel, 8 waRou; $450. June 5 Jas. J. T. Doyor, N. 40E; $1,000. Juuo 0 L. Cray to Mrs. R. A. Wilkinson, 80 acres In Sec. 20 Tp. 7 It. 40 E; $428. Juuo 9 Ed Dohorty to First. National Dank, Payette, "Iunho, 2,500 owes; $5,100. Jennie Harlot and husband to 11. I). Mount, lot 4 block 10 in Loveu's adu to Daker City; $725. Juno 11 Susan A. Norwood to W. A. Clelaud, Kesytoue Krniip quart, claims; $1,000. June 10 J. H. Stephens aud wife to A. C. Moore, 100 acrs In Sees. 3 and 10 Tp. 11 aud Sees. 12 aud 13 Tp. 10 It. 40 E; $250. Juu 12 Chas. L. HastiiiKS to P. West et al, 4 horses aud house moving outfit lu Dakor county; $200. J ue 0 Josie Tonney to M. E. Gardner, furniture and fuiiiishltiKs in Gardner Induing house Daker City; $150. MISCELLANEOUS. Incorporation June 2 Rock Creek Power and Transmission Co., by W. II. Shoemaker, W. 11. (lllbort, Ernst Loon n Ik aud A. Welch, Daker City; $50,000. Action Connors & Evans vs. Win. Draiiou, amount of hotel bill $57. Action Mluuo Graham vs. (Jon. K. Graham, for divorce, gross creulty. Dedication May 20 A. W. Ellis and wife to Sumpter, Coutral adu of blocks A to E. 'Dedication May 23 A. Loug ot al to Haines, OreKon, Look's adu of blocks 1 to 4. Lieu J. M. Callahan vs. Emily Gladden, on 25x50 feet lot 0 block 4, .Sunipter, for moving house thereto; $187. Attachment S. A. Helluor vs. J. M. SturKlll, amount of note and Koods; $88. Giant Powder is the tost by testin the world. T. G. Harrison atsent. Jr