VOL. IV. THE E. & E. WILL RESUME OPERATIONS ON AUG. 1. Former Superintendent Thomas Arrived In The City Today And Will Again Take Charge of Mine It ia more than probable that the well known . and E., one of this camp's big producers, which has lain idle for the last four, years on account of litigious entanglements, will resume operations by August 1. John Thomas, who had superin tendence of the property for four and a half years during the time it was leased by John Longmaid, arrived here this morning, having been sent by Jonathan Bourne to do the necessary repair work and get things in shape for beginning opera tions at the time' stated. It is understood that the matters of con tention regarding the mine are to be finally adjusted about the first of July, and it is thought by August 1 the damages resulting from the long period of Idleness can be repaired and things gotten in shape for operation. Mr. Thomas said : "I leave for Bourne this afternoon to make an inspection of the E. and E. and find out what is to be done with a view to resuming opertaions about August 1. While I cannot RUMORED DEAL. Reported That North Pole Is Negotiating For South Pole. A rumor to the effect that there is a deal on between the North aud South Pole mining companies for the acquisition of the latter's holdings, has been in circulation for several days A matter which might lend some color to the report is the fact that Emll Melzer, superintendent of the North Pole, is in the city today and held a conference with the South Pole people, though it is known, however, that a division of tbo claims held in common by the com panies is contemplated. The con ference probably was relative to this, and bad nothing to do with the SUMPTER, OREGON, JUNE 24, 1903. state finally that the mine will resume on this date, since there might yet occur some hitch, yet this is the present Intention." Mr. Thomas Is well known In the camp as an efficient mine superin tendent. During the Longmaid lease of the E. and E., he was super intendent, and it is -reported that the property cleared over 4300,000, Since his absence from this camp be was for several years superintendent of the Mountain Lion at Republic, but lately he hu been in the mining regions of Arizona, New Mexico and California. Comparing Sumpter with other camps with which he has been connected, Mr. Thomas Bays: "I have visited nearly all the prominent mining camps of the west since I left Sumpter, and I have yet to find a camp which I believe promises as bright a future. I honestly prefer Sumpter to any min ing camp I have ever seen, for the reason that I bellve It is the richest and bus the making of the greatest mines In the country." sale of the South Pole. V. W. Robblus, general managor of the South Polo, when approached regarding the matter, stated that the report is absolutely without foundation and that uo negotiations of this nature are peudlug or have been thought of. The South Pole has valubale holdings, however, which join the Nort Pole's end lines, and coutalu a continuation of tho same vein system. The property would be a desirablee additiou to the North Pole's preseut Interests. BONTA'S ELECTRIC ROAD. Preliminary Survey FlnUbcd and Perman ent One to be Started at Once One of Major Bonta's surveying crews passed though the city this afternoon enroute to Baker City, having finished the preliminary survey for the electric road between Baker and the John Day valley The crew stated that work on the permanent survey is to be satrted at once and pushed through as rapidly as possible. COMMITTEES FINISH'vORK. Elaborate Program for the Fourth to be Circulated at Oocc. , The various .Fourth of July com mittees have' practically cbmplotod their work, and the program will be distributed tomorrow. The committees have arranged quite an elaborate aud interesting program covering the 3rd and 4tb, and providing for the numerous sports and festivities heretofore mentioned. The fluauoial committee has meet with liberal response and succeeded in raising over II, GOO. Return From Wedding Trip. Mr. and Mrs. Sim Durgau returned Monday from their wedding trip, and will go to house keeping In a few days. They were met at the station by a delegation of friends who bestowed the usual formalities of suoh occasions. MR. WHEELER AT VALLEY QUEEN. Inspects Property And Well Pleased With Its Man agement. o. II. Wheeler, of Wheler k Co., York, fiscal agents for the Blue and Valley Quoeu, who has here for some timo past, New Bird been returned yesterday from a visit to the later property, well pleased with superintendent Gray's manage ment, and with tho showing beiug made at the mine. In company with Superintendent Gray, Mr. Wheeler Inspected tho workings uud states that he is thoroughly satisfied with the manner in which do- volopmeut Is being conducted and more than pleased with tho prospect. Tunnel No. 2, which Is bolng driven for the main ledge encount ered in tho upper workings, Is now tu 17ft feet, aud from the uppearauco of tbo formation it Ih evident that tho vein is blug approached. At tho point where tho vein Is lutersuctod ou tbo No. 2 level a vertical depth of .140 feet will he obtained, which will give, figurlug In the dip of tho vein, in the neighborhood of B00 feet of backs. While at the property Mr. Wheeler bad soveral assays made which averaged from I2fi to $37. In tunuel No. 1, whero tho vein was encountered at a distance of forty feet in good values were shown, assays running 140, 107 and 180. Work Is being pushed right along aud it is the purpose of the management to place the property on a paying basts at tho earliest moment. NO. 42 ACQUIRE STOCK IN HIGHLAND, SECRETARY SHELTON RETURNS WITH INVESTORS FROM EAST. Says Property Ha Made Wonderful Show- log Since He Wa Away PUa of Development People Who Accom panied Him Carry Away Large Blocks of Stock. J. F. Sheltou, secretary of the Nell J. Soreuseu company, returned a lew days ago from the east, accom panied by II. N. llagstade, of Grand Forks, Mluuesota, aud John Hennessy, of Lakota, North Dakota. The party was met at Baker City by President Nell J. Boreusen, and proceeded at once to the Highland. Mr. Sheltou has been away for two months and was moat agreeably surprised by the splendid showing being made on the property. He says: "When I left the drift on the- Glasgow velu was in a distance of only nine feet from the crosscut, and while good ore was In eight- carrying uniform values, I was not prepared to witness such a vast change iu the character of the ore which had taken place with tho I advance of work. Tho Glasgow shoot has not been encountered. This at first eighteeu inches wldo has now strengthened to over four feet and carries some of the finest ore 1 ever caw. The drift is now Iu better than ISO feet from tho only crosscut which has beeu made. At the point crosscut the ledgo showed a width of sixteen feet. "It Is the purpose of the man agement to crosscut again when tho Bannock Hum shoot Is reached. This shoot which has been proven shows surface values of from t'Mt to 840, and It Is probable that It will Imi encountered within the next few feet. The vein looks very much like it Is Iteiug entered now." Both Mr. Hagestad and Mr. Hen-net-sy were well pleased with tho property. The former was already it stockholder but largely Increased his holdings and the latter acquired a large block of stock Ix'fore leav ing. Both say that they found tho Highland a very much more promis ing property than they expected. While there three wimples were takeu across the vein which showed tho following values: No. 1, ftil.00; No. 2, HH.HII; No. 3, t.'in.tin. This huh sufficiently convincing to establish their good opinion of the Highland, if further evidence were needed. ' Both gentlen.eu returned homo Monday, aud Mr. Sheltou left today to look after the company's interests iu the east. "'J