The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, June 17, 1903, Page 6, Image 6

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Wednesday, June 17, 1905
'1 it
BE 100 TONS.
Machinery Ordered and Paid For Will
be Here in Thirty Days Plant for
Buildings Now Under Adviiement
Original Purpose to Erect a Ten
Stamp Mill Abandoned on Account of
Great Showing Property is Making
G. H. Wheeler Here to Arrange Details.
hint UL'fk and will oiikiiko in biiriincHs
mid remain here permanently. Mr.
lilitliulini'il liu.i a couple of hoiih hero
who have Ijeen employed by tho
Similiter Lumber company for Home i
Back From the Sound.
M. and MrH. It. L. Turner roturned
Friday from an extended trip to
Seattle, Everett and other Sound
ultieH, and iiIho a visit to Southern
Oregon. Mr. Turner wm formerly
HUierintetidetit of the Mammoth and
hari exteiiHlvo mining IntercHtH in tho
I'laiiH went adopted Friday by tho
rilroutont of tho llluo III id company
for tho erection of a Stuitovaut
combination mill, having Htandard
cotioontratiiiit table and n dally
ciipiiolaty of IOOIoiih, on tho property
at oui'o. Tho maehiury han been
ordered, paid for, and In expected
to arrive within tho next thirty day.
When completed thirt will be one
of tho liirgitHt and lltiext plantn In
KiiHtorn Orognn. Tho machinery Ih
ho iirriingod (hat it practically con
HtltutiiH two plantH, one for free tiiill
Ing and tho other for concentrating
purpoHOM, or operated In conjunction,
it glvon a mill of tho capacity Htated,
It will bo tho only plant of tho
kind in tho dlHtrlet, and the man
ngoinont Htaten that practically all
tho oro valueH will bo wived.
I'Iuiih for tho building and fruni
ing at tho initio aro now under
advlHomout and will bo completed
at once, it Ih tho intention to
IIuIhIi IIiIh preliminary work before
ho maohiuery arrlven that it may bo
Stalled without delay. Tho pur
portti itrt now Htat(d Irt to erect
building Hiiitablo for tho ac
uommodittlon of a plant of 00 tonn
daily oapauity, ho that with tho
outlay of only it fow thoumind dollarn
tho mill may Im IncreuMed to thin
extent without ontiilling additional
oxpeiiMO for building purpoHon.
TIiIh would glvo tho company tho
lnrgiwt mill in KiiHtorn Oregon.
' Tho original intention wiih to
eriHit a ton Htamp mill with a dally
capacity of about twenty toun, but
owing to tho fact of tho remarkably
stood hIiowIiik which the mine in
iniikiug, tho IiIkIi grado character and
ouormouH extent of tho oro riwrren,
it wiih thought InailviHalile to put in
a plant of hiicIi Hiuall capacity. (5.
II. Winder, of Wheeler .v company,
Now York, lineal ugoutH of tho
properly, .Ih now in the city, and in
)UHliiuK thexo constructive mattern
to an early completion.
Here's Hoping Gen. Warren Will Win Out.
' "(leu. O. H. Warren Ih eiithiiHlaxtle.
over the Toiiopah mining dlwtrii't In
Nevada," naid Deputy United States
Marshal H. D. Klderklu today.
"I took a nut down to 'Frisco,
after turning over some Chinese
ordered from this Htate. to tho purser
of an outgoing Tauotua sltainer and
fun across (icneral Warren in one of
the hotels. Dr. Merrill, another
ux-Moutaunu, Ih also diihhllug it.
ouopah proportion and ho Ih equally
onthuslHstie. (Icneral Warren lw
ieves he in on the road to a sure
fortune in his Nevada mining
ventures." llutte Inter Mountain.
To Engage in Business.
', (ioorgo Illauchartl, of Sheiieudoah,
-Iowa, brother-in-law of K. L.
Keunon, treasurer of the Sumpter
XTumber company, arrived in the city
Colonel Topping Writes About
The Source of Gold in
Sumpter District.
Capital Stock
- Vlca-Praaldant
Aaaiatant Caahlar
Safety Deposit Vaults Gold Dust Bought
Does' a General Banking and Exchange Business
An article in your last Issue outltlod
"Tho Source of Gold" intoronted
and Incited me to try to show from
whence came tho gold that enriched
tho placers of tho Sumptcrr dlHtrlet
and Hast em Oregon. Thoro'aro but
tliree acknowledged ways by which'
placer gold in deposited and these
are: First, erosion of gold bearing
oreH or formations by the elemeutH
and thence carried by Hoods adown
tho water courses or volcanic
outspews as in tho Illack Hills, and
by glacial action which may carry
tho metal scores or hundreds of
miles until forced by a hunt wavo to
dlxgorgo its treasure which thou by
tho action of water Ih forced luto tho
Hiirroundliig cIiuiiuoIh. lu tho cuso
of tho Kastern Orogoti pi acorn there
aro no Indications denoting a
volcanic outliurst, but iu oue
Instance have 1 found indications of
glacial action and that in on tho west
Hide of and uoar tho dlvldo Imtwoou
Sumpter and Oranlte where there is
a well detlned terminal moraine.
Although some pay has boou taken
out there, yet it has not boon found
in largo (piantltles and it Ih probablo
that tho Kinder had a comparatively
local origin. Hut it does appear
that tho erosion and Hood theory will
account for all of our placer mines.
Take for example Uranito Crook,
from tho town of (Sratiito for four
miles up tho ntreatn tho crook bed
wiih sluiced for a width of probably
sixty feet and paid well. No pay
was foiiud in tho Hide streams for
that distance. Then tho streams
leaving tho slate entered into a
grimlto formation and there tho
placer miners worked every draw and
even sluiced the side hills. They
exposed numberless quartz and
porphyry gold bearltiK voIuh and
slate, hIiowIiik almost conclusively
tho source of tho Uranito Creek nolo.
AkhIu at old Kolilnsonvllle and
(ireenhoru gulches gouornly where
millions of placer gold wiih oxtraotod
countless velus and strata carrying
lilKh values lu gold aro found on tho
high plateau and mountain above.
Tho ttlst of the above Ih thin, that
I iKilieve that wherever iu thin section
a rich placer gulch in found through
projecting intelligently performed
will disclose its source or parent
vein or velus and I bollovo that many
rich tlnds are yet to bo found.
Ice Cream! Ice Creaml
Ou, and each day after May 1st
tho renowned Hazel wood Ice Cream
and Ice Cream Soda will bo had at
Sturstlll'H. IU cents a dish, 5
cents per pint.
Books and Stationery
I have added to my stock of Cigars and Tobaccoes a large number of
popular novols, the leading periodicals and a complete line of stationery
...The Elite Cigar Store...
L. HARRIS, Pkopri-toh
A. P. GOSS, President
GEO. H. TRACY, Cashier
& Bank of Sumpter a
Interest Allowed on Time Deposits
Dr-fls diawu on al parts of the aoiIJ Special attention to collections.
Safety Deposit boxes for rent.
2b u
..., m -u--u,,., --.,, m
Granite St. &.&. Sumpter, Ore.
American Brewing and Crystal Ice Co,
E. SIBER, General Manager.
Manufacturers of
First Class Draught and Bottled
Also Ice Made of
Distilled Water.
The most modern equipped plant in the state.
All orders promptly attended to.
Telephone, Main ij. BAKER CITY, OREGON.