The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, June 17, 1903, Page 11, Image 11

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    Wednesday, June 17, 1903
1 1
Early iu May wo called your attention to tho fact of the Issue of the llrst lilock of 100,000 shares of Treas
ury stock, aud that the same was placed ou the nmrket
We stated that wo presouted ns SURE n paying investment as is offered in any mining district. Wo called
attoutiou to our capitalization, gavo our average assays up to that time, aud tho opinion of our General Man
after, W. E. Sanders, who stated, "I couslder tho Pulaski equal to auy property I have ever had anything to do
with, aud with dovolopmout bolievo it will become u initio. " The last contract of fifty feet Is uliout cumploted
aud although still 200 feet from tho niaiu lead, with a epth of thirty-thrco feet, average assays gave 81.20,
81.00, 81.00, 82.30, 81.70, 82.40, 83.10, 82.20, 84.00 aud 84.00. Assayers ltohhins & Holiliins, MeKwon
& MoEweu. Tho foregoing justify tho opiuiou of tho mauiigcmout that wo will make a inluo of tho Pulaski.
A uow contract for llfty additional foot will bo let in a few days. Tho mine has lieeu furnished
with all necessary equipment up to date. A largo number of citizens of Suniptor haro visited tho property,
ouly ouo mllo from town, sampled tho dumps, had their owu assays made, and showed their confidence
iu the outcome by buying blocks of stock.
For further particulars wrlto for our "Epltomo of Facts. " Stock may bo purchased on tho Installment
plau by pitying thirty por.cout dowu, balance iu two monthly payments. Wishing to establish agencies,
those applying for same should send reference with application. All orders for stock should state tho amount
of shares to bo purchased, whotbor ou tho Installment plau or not, and should bo accompanied by batik draft or
post ottlco ordor.
Address all communications to
Bankers The First National Bank of Sumpter.
J. H. MacCallurm, Secy.
Reference Any Bank, Business Firm or Corporation in Sumpter.
The following instruments were tiled
t the Baker county court house during
the week ending June 0, 1003.
April 21 Lucy M. Healllly aud
husband to O. B. Mount, 48x100 foot
adoining lots 3 aud 4 block 1,
At wood's adu to Baker City; 175.
June 2 Chas. Barker to H. T.
Ferguson, 80 acros iu See. 13 Tp. 9
R. 30 E; 81000.
May 4 Ira Cotnptou to W. F.
Comptou et al, lots 0, 10 and 11
bllook 10, At wood's 3rd adu to
Baker City; 450.
June 1 W. II. Mead and wife
to Geo. F. Paltnor, lots 11 aud 12
block 7, Stewart's 2nd adu to Baker
City; 170.
June 1 V. J. Welch aud wife to
Davis Bros, 1G0 acres Iu Sees. 11
and 12 Tp. 7 R. 38 E; 82000.
Oct. 27, '02 Sumpter Townslto
Co. to M. T. Werst, lot 24 block 14
Syndicate's 2nd adu to Sumpter;
O. B. Hawkins et al to Cranston
and Higbee, 8 foot ditch way over
land iu Sec. 34 Tp. 8 aud Sec. 3 Tp.
0 R. 40 E; 81.
May 20 Eugene Bartholf adu
wife to Geo. W. Frederick, Highland
Chief and three quartz claims; 81.
May 25 Robert Leigh to Fred
Cole, ,la iutorest iu ilomatlto aud
Phi Had quartz claims; 81.
May 11 J. Rosoutbal ot al to
Pulaski M. Ss M. Co., Avalaucho aud
four quartz claims; 81.
March 28 W. J. and A. V.
Moorehoad to Jos. A. Wright, ouo
third interest in Ammericau, Tiger
aud Lily quartz claims; 81.
Juuo 1 P. G Wells ot al to A.
Franco W iutorest, to R. Kooruor
)6 iutorest, to O. F. Olsou H
iutorost, to Harry Joues !. iutorest,
Rod Boy and four other mining
claims; 81.
Juuo 3 A. M. Paul to Eaglo
Mluiug Co., North Eaglo and North
Winchester quartz claims; 810.
April 29 Fred Kuutb to D.
Grant, iutorost Iu Porto Rice No. 2
quartz claim; 81.
May 20 Wm. M. Rumory and
wife to Goo. W. Frederick, Gold
Dust No. 2 quartz claim; 81.
Nov. 25, '01 W. L. Carues ot
al to F. W. Bishop et al, White
Horse quartz claim; 8100,
April 15 W. R. Hawloy and wlfo
to Wm. aud Emma Baker, 100
acres in Sec. 11 Tp. 10 R. 37 E;
May 20 J. E. Claytou to Wm.
Baker, S. E. X Sec. 14 Tp. 10 R.
37 E; 8000.
April 10 Van Strateu to F. C.
Pearce, 1003 hay crop on 100 acres
Sec 2Tp. 11 R. 42 E; 8300.
MaylO Frauk Morse aud wife to
S.L. Turley, 100 acres iu See. 17
Tp. 12 R. 44 E; 8250.
April 22 Henry Stouo to Juhnstou
MatiHtleld, lots 17 and 18 block 25,
Wllovalo adu to Baker City; 812.5
May 22 M. Crawford, aud wlfo
to Lizzie Hoir, 30x50 foot iu lot 4
block 2, Fisher's adu to Baker
City; 81000.
May 27 S. D. Sturglll to Walter
Feruald, N. E. U Sec. 20 Tp. 8 R.
42 E; 8400.
Nov. 11, '02 Henry A. Moyor
aud wlfo to Goo. It. Cregu, 100 acres
iu Sec. 30 Tp. 7 R. 40 E; 8555.
May 20 John W. Newton
aud wlfo to S. A. Caldwell, los 1 and
Iu Pucitlc adu to linker City; 8300.
May 18 E. S. Plummor aud
husbutid to Frank Vaudoruall, ttact
ill S. E. Ki N. E. !4' Sec. 34 Tp. 7
R. 38 E; 812,250.
June 1 W. F. Comptou and wifo
to Joseph Schiudor lots 0, 10 aud
11 block 10 Atwood's 3d udu to
BukerClty; 8300.
June 1 G. B. Hawkins to Lizzlo
Hotf, W. jj S. E. H Soc. 22 Tp. 8
R. 40 E; 8500.
June 1 Richard Wright and wlfo
to Lizzlo Hotf, 100 acres iu Sees.
15 aud 22 Tp. 8 R. 40 E; 810.
Juu 1 Chas. E. Baird aud wlfo
to J. T. Douuolly aud G. W. Jott,
trustees, lots 2 aud 3 bllock J5,
Atwood's 2d adu to Baker City; 89.
Mourq and wlfo
all,, 31 acres iu
43, Soc. 25 R. 42
Juuo 2 J. J
to F. Nichols et
Sees. 3 aud 31 R.
E, Tp.ll; 83.
Juuo 1 W. J. Sol by aud wlfo to
Eastern Oregou B. & L. Association,
lot 3 block L, Do Roos adu to Baker
City; 81,
May 2 A. M. Royuolds to J. A.
Jotios, 34 acros iu lot 3 Soc. 19 Tp.
9 R. 40 E; 81.
May 25 Frauk King and wlfo to
E. II. Swisher, tiorth 2 acros of S.
W. ii N. E. i Soo. 17 Tp.8 R.
40 E; 83.
Juuo 2 H. T,
Kounard ot al, 8
9 R. 39 E; 80.
May 2 S. E,
Johns, 48 acres
34 Tp. 1 and Sees.
R. 39 E; 82.5
Fob. 18 P. W. llurford to W. II.
Coltou, 10 acres in Sec. 23 Tp. 7 It.
41 E; 8200.
April 7 Jus. HolstluotoEdWilk
itisou, ot al, 100 acros iu Soc. 13 Tp.
8 It. 40 E; 8500.
April 28 John Montgomery and
Ferguson to M. F.
acres iu Soc. 13 Tp.
Thompson to C. A.
iu Sees. 28, 33 and
4 ami 5 Tp. 1 1
Brown, W. of E.
?4 Sec. 3 Tp. 8 It. 38
CI n
I oi a. n.
E; 8200.
May 18 John McIIeury to Clark
Suydo, N. W. Soc. 8 Tp. 1 1 It. 38
E; 8245.
May 18 Wm. R. Johnson to
Heury Hewitt, 320 acres iu Sees.
0 aud 18 Tp. 11 R. 38 E;8415.
Juuo 1 Ed A. Wroii aud wlfo to
Clark Suydo, 100 acres in Sees.
20, 27 und 34 Tp. 10 It. 3 E0;
Juuo 4 Mary E. Iilidgo to
Blumauor-Frank Drug Co., stock,
etc., iu Duify Drug store,
Huutiugtou; 8800.
Juuo 4 James M. Deau and wife
to Stato Laud Board, 200 acres iu
Sees. 1 aud 12 Tp. 8 It. 41 E;
81200. . ....