The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, June 10, 1903, Page 8, Image 8

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Wednesday, June 10, 1903
Citizens Anxious To Take Bonds Of Major
Bonta's Company Submit Tonnage
Miijor .J. W. Ilontu punned through
Humptor Hovoral diiyn hIiilm) from
Prnlrin City, where ho wont liy
HppoltlttlllUlt to moot 11 delegation of
citizen from I turiiH, who iiro
omliiiivoiinK to Induce lilin to extend
IiIh electric road, which ho Ih build
ing from llukor to Prulrio City and
thn Oregon Wonder mini), on to
tint llarnny county mint. Thn
delegation coiihIh(((I of K. A. Miller,
;outy trnariiiritr; N. W. Carpenter,
omdiior of thn Firnt National dank;
Hon. .1. N. Ji(.r, Chiuhw Newell,
reglHlor of llio Unitcil Sluton
laud iilllcn; Thoman Alton, Hliorilf;
O. W. PiirlMh, attorney; C. H.
Kouyon and Dr. V. L. Muixdon,
wealthy and iirominout clti.oiiH.
Them wori alno pi-orient Claronco
lohtiHon, ono of llio HtrnngoHt inoroh
hiiIh financially in ontdom Oregon,
and K. .1. Cayloy, cuhIiIoi- of tlio
(Jranl County lunik, ropreHonling
Canyon .City and John Day. Paul
Do Lanky and K. A. I'litoHhungh, of
tlio Port laud Journal, who aru mak
ing a tour of thin great inland,
Itmlnted, rallroadlntM empire, drove
up tint valley llfty or moro iiiIIoh to
t uk ii in th important mooting.
Tim conference Ih mportod to havo
Immiii oiiiiiioutly MittlHfautory to nil
oonoorned. Major Ilontu, at tho
reqiiiMt of tlio delegation, Htatt'd tho
proposition. Ho in unking for no
' Iioiiun; hut wiiiiIh tho uitizeiiH of
' Harney county, iih an uviilonco of
Kooil will and tholr faith in tho
ontnrprlHO art a good cmiHorvatlvo
IiuhIiiohm invorttmont, to nulwribo for
Home of tho company'ri homln, to lio
paid for uftor ho hai demonstrated
that tho road will do laillt. That
Hoomod to Htrikn tlio delegation iih
fair mid tsiultable and ono of tho
iiioiuIihih Htatod that ho and another
ono present would invent $100,000.
Thny foil confident that twice that
nmoiiul would lio takoti in HurtiH
Whiiutho nuhjccl of tonnage which
llaruoy county can fiirniHli tlio road
wan broached, tho delegation "uiado
goud." Tim following ntiitinticn,
porliilniug oxclimivoly to Hurnn and
IIh iiiitnodiato vicinity, not to
inontion other hiinlncnn that would
lio received along the line, had lieeu
carefully compiled from lant year'
Number of nheep in Harney county
(luring tlio Hummer, ROD, 000, during
tho wlntur, UTiO.ODO; wool clip MOO,
000 piuiuilrt; weathern shipped,
10,000 to R0.000; cuttle, '.IR.OOO
to 50,000; tinmen mid miilon Hhipped,
:i,000 to t,000; inercliaudlHO to
initrohautH, 'J,R00,000 pounds;
ineroliuudlso or rancher, 'J, 500,000
IiouihIh; ntock nult to ranchem, 'J00,
000 pouuiU; Hiilphur and sheep dip,
10,000 poiitiili); ntHgo freight at
throe centH, 1U0,000 pouiiiIh; lumhor
n,000,000 to 4,000,000 feel; wood,
U, 000 to 4.000 cordx; fence postn
f.,000; shingles, 500,000 to 1,000,
000; passengers liy stuge, 1,000;
passengers liy private conveyance,
1,800; inall contract, 10,0iI0.
ThoHo gentlemen from liuriiH, 115
miles from a railroad, are in earnest
about offoriug InducomoiitH to havo
a lino liuilt to tholr town and
iiiHlHtod on having Major Honta vlwlt
thorn and bo "nhown. " Ho will
prolmhly accept tholr i;ivltution and
go down thin wnok. Harney Iiiih tho
dlHliiicllon of lining tho richuHt
county, that Ih tho greatest wealth
per capita, of any county in tho
United States and Ih ho credited liy
tho coiihuh roturiiH. Itri chief
lutliiHtry Ih ntock raining. Thoro aro
scores of men thoro worth $100,000,
and mivoral who aro croditod with a
million. There Ih, thorooro, no
doubt lint what thoy will take all
tho bonds Major liouta Iiiih to olfor;
being ablo to do ho and knowing tho
big biiHinoHH hiicIi a road will trans
act. Thoy, of couroo, profor tho
compauy'H Hlock ; but it Ih understood
that none Ih for wile.
The Minor Iiiih ho frequently gone
into iltail rogardiug tho enormous
toiiiiago that a railroad into tho
John Day country will have from
tho beginiug; that Ih thoro now
awaiting Itn ad von t, that readers will
doiibtloHH coimlder a ropctltlou
iiuuocoHHiirily tiroHomo; ho only a
recapitulation will bo given hero.
TIiIh Ih ono of tho moat productive
agricultural region oil tho globo; it
can thoroforo Hhip grain, buy,
vegetables, fruits mid all othor farm
productrt. Kvery hillside ia covorod
with grazing cattle that in Hold to
ouIhIiIo inarkotH. In thin vicinity
tho lumber mauufacturuni must
hoc u re tholr logH in tho immodiato
future, for bouudlcHH fororita envor
tho Strawberry and Dl.xio ranges,
iih yet untouched, while timber IiiiiiIh
an already ncarco and high priced
nearer railroadrt all through tho
inland empire. Immense quantities
of merchandise aro hauled into tho
valloy, requiring now nearly 1000
This Ih as much as any ono rail
road ought to want, but in addition
the tonnage which the milling In
lersets will supply will equal all of
these combined. Heavy machinery
must bo hauled in, together with an
endless variety of other supplies,
while couceutiates and ores aro
shipped to smelters on the outside.
A railroad into Prairie City will
do moro towards developing tho mill
ing interest of tho Quartzhurg,
Strawberry and the lower John Day
districts in two years than has been
accomplished during the last twenty
years-and millions of dollars in
gold havo boon taken out during
that time. Incidentally, this de
velopment will stimulate ugriciiltiiro
and those engaged in both pursuits
will swear tho railroads gots all tlio
Surely this is the most enticing,
unoccupied Hold for tho construction
of a railroad now open on tho
American continent; this particular
proposition the most alluring
investment. It will pay dividends
that will amount to outrageous
Regarding that mineral marvel,
tho appropriately named Oregon
Wonder, Tho Miner has been shown
100 assays rocoutly made. Thoy
run from 83.17 to 81C0, averaging
el oho to 810. A competout ougiucor
est I mat os that thoro aro two and a
half million tons nbovo ground,
that can bo quariod liko building
stone. This Ih not an oxagoratod
estimate, for thoro aro plucca'where
tho outcrop stands up 300 foot, and
it is related that in ono place a man
can walk on thin lodgo for a dlstanco
of (1000 foot. Where a gulch cuts
tho voiu it shows a width of GOO foot.
Tho truth of tho whole matter ia,
no ono can comprehend tho gigautio
magnitude of this oro deposit, until
ho has soon it. Tho Mluer recog
nizes that skoptioiani regarding these
statements aro justified, yet from
personal o.xamluatiou it knows thorn
to bo truo, ns to dimensions, and
rolios on assay certificates for tho
figures as to values.
Tonsorial Parlors and Bath Rooms
I have just renovated my tonsorial
shaving parlors, and at a great
expense placed a compressed air
plant in my shop :::::::::
Is one of the latest modern con
veniences of an up-to-date barber
shop. It imparts a refreshed feel
ing and healthy glow to the skin.
No extra charge. Give us your pat
ronage and assure us of your
appreciation of our up-to-date,
Twentieth Century methods.
Face Massage ::::::::: :
Two Doors West of First National Bank
L,'li TT'T? A Beautifully Illustrated
1 lXLCd Pamphlet of 16 Pages
Showing i
Great Dividend Paying Mines
Any person contemplating n mining investment should not be
without tlio information contained in this valuable uumphlet.
(Mention No. 00 and it will be promptly mailed you.)
...The Bar...
High Grade Wines, Liquors and Cigars
Club Rooms in Connection
Headquarters for Miners