Wednesday, June io, 190 f irtwWMrtWrtrafrrtrtrtrtOiw I -mt-4 u4z "'' '.r THE SUMPTER MINER THE STANDARD IS OUR STOCK M ONE TWO DOLLARS FOR IS OUR PROPOSITION The Standard Consolidated Mines Company Owns Twenty-Six Claims which Carry Nine Large, Strong, Well Defined Veins. The Veins Carry High Values in Gold, Cobalt, Copper and Silver. There is Over Half a Million Dollars' vVorth of Ore Blocked Out and in Sight Now. . . The Present Price of Stock Puts the Property on a Basis of Just One-Half of What Has Actually Been Offered for it. The Price at Present is Onlv TEN CENTS PER SHARE BUT WILL ADVANCE JUNE 20th, 1903. This is the Best Proposition on the Market Today If You Would Like a Specimen of Gold-Cobalt Ore, Address Kitten, Warner, Stewart Co. Home Office, Sumpter, Oregon. PRINCIPAL EASTERN OFFICES $$7 New York Life Bldg, New York. Herman Bldg, Milwaukee. iinnimnnnntitiTyiTiTiTiTTn'iTTnTTffT - mwmwu wwMMUMMmMMmikMmi