The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, June 10, 1903, Page 4, Image 4

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Wednesday, June to, 1903
The Sumpter Miner
T. 0,
Lnlrrt-4 at thi iiottofllce In Sumpttr, OrtKon, (or
trintmlitlon Ihruugh the milli it second dm
One Ym...
Six Monlht
link in- City liari shown Kh gontiroH.
ity by joining hands with Sumpter
in 11 Kou rlli of .Inly celebration, and
entering into thti full Hjilrit of tho
occasion. Mayor Caitor has up'
pointed a cnmmlttoo to niisu fiindH,
anil Iiiih Miggostoil that tint purwo bo
hung up fur rook drilling coiiIimIh
between thii minor of tho district.
'I'lio local committees aio down to
work and everything polntH to
groat day.
Thoro Ih
mining way
'i'omt upon
Ini'ioascri at'llvlly in a
lliioiiglitiut din district.
t iiiih of machinery am
hiring shipped in,
starlitd at pinspoft
work Iiiih boon
nflor prospect,
and Ilia olilur propcrlio am increas
ing Ihttir working foit'o and I'ipilp
intuit. Not only (IiIh, wllhiii din
piiHt two week, IiiiiiiIii'iIh of IiucmIoih
Iiiivii arrived mill departed with
hiiIimIiiiiIIiiI holding. Thoy camo
to investigate, worn convinced and
luviiriliitl. 'J'lio district wiih nuvor HO
luitivu bol'tuo.
boon crosscut only a distance of fifty
foot. TIiIh erosHCiittlng wiih tloiio by
tho Frenchman Juneau hoiiiii tlmo In
tho (10 'h, I learned. Ho Hunk a
rtliaft on tho vein, and at it depth
of trighty foot, broke tlirmiKii what
, iippoarori to lm tho wall on tho loft
of tho vein anil drove twenty-live
fool without getting through tho oro.
Ho then cnutuiiicri IiIh nlmft forty
foot further anil crosscut twenty. live
foot to tho right with tho sumo result.
I have never soon an easier property
to opou than Ih the Hlandrad. Tho
crosscut tiiiiuol which Iiiih nearly
reached tho W'illllo Hoy vein can
I o made to Interned tho entire
mountain which will mean that
sovou big strong virius will bo cut at
n depth, ranging fiom IlfiO foot to
over 1,(UI0, or over a ipinrtor of a
inllti vol Ileal depth. What I m preyed
mo iih I it'll ij; uiiUHiiiil woro tho
uniformly high value found In tho
oio. Sample taken fiom the Willie
Hoy system of voIiih, which Ih tho
gold homing system, showed an
average of over 8-0. Assays from
tho Standard which ciiii'Ioh gold,
cobalt, cupper and silver, hIiowciI
gold value alone of over 850, tho
tuibalt, copper and silver making
tho total moio than double (IiIh
"Wo woro assured that tho
imiiuiKomout of tho company Ih going
to Hpentl fUIi.OOO at once In opening
tho inlno Htlll further, and thou
mpootn to erect u reduction plant
that will eventually handle 000
toiiH n day, with about 1100 touH to
Kturt with."
) 1 think there will be oro re
serves to Hiipply such u plant?
"Mont assuredly 1 do think ho,
and if tho plana are carrletl out hh
tbey have Ihoii outlined to me, 1,000
toiiH call Ih) hiiliilled just iih woll hh
f00. In regard to what these
not euro to go on
Klllon told me
r"jthat ho believed thorn Is no tpictiou
hut Unit t hoi 0 Ih over half million
dollar already blocked out. Ho
stated tluit before IiIh company took
j hold of thu consolidation it llgurcri
'with tho in Initial owners on what
1 could bo reasonably expected in tho
I way of oro icservos. Tho length of
jthooro blocked out In tho tuutiolH
wiih multiplied by tho height, tho
width of tho vtiln iih given by tho
owners, divided by two, tho
average valuon down to 810 a ton
anil Htlll them wiih 81,i!00,000 in
sight. Mr. Klllon practitlously
remarked that ho throw u way 8200,
OUI), divided tho remainder by two
ami thou thought ho wiih jiiHtllled in
saying them wiih 8500,000 in Hlght.
Tho ctllmato Ih inoit certainly vory
L'oiiHorvatiro. Voh, our pooplo will
tako ii vory largo block of tho stock
anil will bo Kind to net it."
Tho party loft Sunday for home,
woll pleiiHt'd with tho vlnlt to
Baker Will Join
Being Rapidly
Us Details
Detail for Iho Fourth of July
celebialion aro belli,' rapidly
poiicclcd, autl tho fluancial com
mittee Ih mooting with liberal
rcHpniiHO in tho way of subscriptions.
Over 81,000 Iiiih boon rained and it
Ih ch( limited thai 8500 more will yet
bo contributed to tho fund, linker
City will tako part In tho gain
occiihIou and furnlHli miliHtuntiul
prl.cH. Tho delegation from tho
sister city will como heudetl by tho
White Swan blind, mitl joiu in tho
Hjilrit of tho sports. Thoro Ih to ho
ii II reman 'h contest botweeu liukor
City ami Sumpter, drilling contests
mid varloiiH othor events.
Dr. Hoppo, woll known iih ii
olotpiont and forceful public spoakor
will dolivor tho oration. Othor
Hpoakorn aro expected. Tho fontivi-
tloH will lie-in on tho Ilrtl. Tho
Hiiiiio hautlotl and junior tlrillliiK
contentn will probably tako plnco on
thin day. DotallH iih to program
have not boon arranged. Mayor Mc-
Colloch will bo luarHhal of tho day.
A IiIk W. (). W. doinoiiHtration
will ho iiiiiouk tho foaturoH. Tho
ciimpH uiitl clrclen from linker,
lluiitiiiK'tou, HnincH, WliiKvlllo and
other poiutHwill vinlt tho local camp
'and about 100 candidate will bo
.initiated, IichIiIch competition drill
I In tho rltuallHtlo work ami military
1 tactic. Thl and tho other fraternal
! order will join in tho parade.
I In lust week' mention tho inline
j of Walter Cronlu wiih imidvortontly
omitted from tho lint of committee.
Mr. Cronlu Iiiih tho iuuhIu and dunce
committee, ami it may bo depended
upon that thin feature iiIoiik with
tho rent will bo u hiiccohh.
High Grade Ore t Comttock.
A line body of oro wiih encountered
at tho ConiHtook, in tho Hod Hoy
district, owned by Spokane pooplo,
lat week. Tho vein wiih crroout
(100 foot fom tho mouth of tho tunnel,
rthowiiiK hovoii foot in width with four
foot of IiIkIi K'rade nillltiiK oro.
Michlotry (or BaltUy Elkhoro.
Tho linker City Democrat state
that hovoii more carloatlH of machin
ery arrived Sunday for tho Halnley
F.Ik horn, and Maungor Hays hit
bcKun hail li UK it to tho mine.
If act rAirmit3ii.T-r'
i- j 1 rrv x iviciN i
Boston People Make Good On
This Cable Cove Property.
Tho last payment has boon made on
tho (!lpy Queen ml no, in tho Cnblo
Cocor tllHtrict. This was tlouo
Saturtlay through tho Hunk of
Sumpter, A. P. (Jos acting for tho
HoHton pooplo who bought tho
property. Mera. Kummory, Harth
olf, OtnoH Isaac, Detrlch uud
porhnpH nuo or two others wore tho
original owner uud to them woro
paid tho monoy.
Thl property wiih purchased by n
HoHton Hyudicato about three year
ago, through W. II. W. Hamilton,
and Iiiih been hanging tiro, for ono
reason and another ovor sluco.
Lant fall a paymont wiih defaulted,
which Mr. Hamilton paid hiiiisolf
ami took up the bond. It Ih
understood that the Honton people
have "gotten together" dually,
bought out Hamilton' Interest and
will develop tho mine.
11 Ih uunipiestiouably u valuablo
ono, the oro assaying higher than
any othor ledge in tho Cuhlo Cove
district, which average so far about
live feet in width. About 200 foot
of tunnel has boon driven, sklppng
along on top of tho oro shoot, which
is low down under a heavy wiihIi.
If thoro is tho "making of u inlno"
in tho district it is tho Gipsy Queen.
Big Chunk From Glasgow
Crosscut on Exhibition at
Hotel Sumpter.
A largo chunk of gold sulphido
oro woighlng 250 pounds was sout
lu by tho minors at tho Highland a
day or so ago to Noll J. Sorounou
A Co., and is now on oxhlbitiou lu
tho Hotel Sumpter lobby. It Is
needles to state that tho big pioco
Ih tho admiration of mining men,
and is attracting a great deal of
attention. Tho suniplo was taken from
tho fuco of tho drift lu tho Glasgow
crosscut anil carries heavy gold
A Himillor sample of tho simi
lar oro from this body assayed
by Hobbins &. ltobblus gave ovor
8200 to the ton in gold. It appears
evident that this oro is from a large
and permanent hotly. This property
Is making a showing equalled by
but fow in tho district, uud its stand
ing us a big proposition becomes
more apparent as work advance.
Stopped Olf.
Matt Houg, E. F. Zius aud
Michaol Messuer, all of Houghton,
Michigan, stopped off botweeu
trains atllakerCity and rau up today
to seo Neil J. Soreuseu. Mr. Zius
is a prominent coppor mine operator
in Mlchigau, and has extensive min
ing intoresta lu Oregon.
Tho second annual rouuiou of the
survlvrs of the First Orogou Cavalry
autl tho First Oregon Infantry, U. S.
Voluuteers, will Im held lu Portland
June 27, tho last day of tho Q. A. R.
Shoes of all kinds at Neill Mercantile
No headaches from Giant powder.
. Sumpter
Shelf and Heavy
and Steel Pipe
Mill Machinery
Agents for
Fuse and Caps
C.C. Basche
E. P. Bergman &
Mill Street, New Building.
THE , .
Butcher and Packer
Fresh and Cured
Meats and
Sausage of all Kinds