THE SUMPTER MINER Wednesdav, June 10, 1903 SHOULD KNOW MINERALOGY. This Science Is Necessary To The Prospector And Min ing Man. It Ih (iiitu necessary that milling tnnn hIioiiIi! Imvo n knowledge of iniiioriiloKy, ami particularly ho does IIiIh niily to Hid prospector. Com I UK in contact with KuoloKleal formations and covering largo territory, the prospector him rani opportunity to Httidy minerals, and oftliuoH does 11 knowledge of mineralogy prove profitable. 111 ma mineral world more are recognized upwanlH of unit tlioiiHliad distinct nilnnrul species, many of which, however, am exceedingly rare, being nothing more than mineral curiosities and only titled for Hut cabinet. Others occur In a groat varinty of forniH. Of the com mercially valiiahlo minerals, thoMt onm containing "hi various metals, there ai aliout sovouty-llvo spoiccs thut arn I'oiiunoii to tho United KlatiiN, and are mitt with in varying supply in aliout mory hIiiIii in tlm Union, 'i'lio proripiiclor in his rounds and with what knowledge hn Iiiih of inlnnralH, Ih apt to know a number of those, lint only whnii a man Ih wall poHtod Ih liu alilo to give tho naimi of nvory specie. In tho gold ores there arc lira tnllurido miniiralri that carry gold, and oaoli specie Iiiih ii distinct appear auoo from the other. These mlnuralH aro calverlte, sylvonlto, potzlto, niiKyglto mill krennerlte. There aro m half dozen important ores carrying silver, these being nrgoutlto, proiiHtlto, pynirgyilo, corargyilo, slophaullo mid sternherglto. In copper mlnuralH here are at leant ton thut the pronpector ought to know, they holgu elmlcollo, chalcopyrtle, covolllto, bornlto, tetrahedrlte, niprito, miilaconltii, ohrysoeolln, aurlte and malachite. In lead oreH the fnllllnwiug aro Impertant: galena, jamesonlto, minium, angle- silo mid corussito, wnlfunite, pyro species thut it would bo well for tho miner or porspector to have a knowledge of.. A find of turquoise would ho highy profitable. This iiIho iiiiiiI los to any of tho prccioiiH stones or crystallized ruro minerals. Fluorspar Ih in good domaud' hh a flux, etc. Lithia Ih imido from tho mlnorulH Hpodniiiono and Icpldollto. Tho borax Hiipply of tho country Ih mainly from tho minora! colomauito. I Tho mlnorulH amphiholo and chryH-i oytllo aro tho main sources of ! asbestos, and thin Ih ii most marketable commodity. A kowlcdgo of phos-, phato rnckn Ih woll for n Reed : phoHphato dnporiit Ih a paying I property. TIiiih one can ohsorvoj tho value of a knowledge of tho morn important mineral Hpoclon. It in not only a most interesting 1 Htudy, hut can ho mado a profitable ouo. In hor iliHtriliutlon of inetnla and mlnuralH nature worked marvel-1 ounly. Thoro'H nothing more woudorful than tho vast and varied i chemical mixturcH diHtrihuted through tho earth for men's iiho. Mining World. Summer Book. Tho Oregon Railroad fc Navigation company biiH just lsHtied a summer i book entitled "Restful Recreation Resorts," a publication profuse in half tones, and good descriptivo mutter of tho delightful summer rcHorts of tho Columbia River Valley. It may bo bud for tho ask ing from any agent of the company. SEE THE LATEST STYLES IN HATS AT THE THE ?KEIV MILLINERY ND DRESSMAKING PARLORS NEXT DOOR TO FIRST NAT L IANM, QRANtTC IT Drest Cutting School In Connection. The celebrated Gund's "the beer of good cheer" always on draught at Dun phy's The Club IUESSEN A CLARKE MINING & CIVIL ENGINEERS SPECIALTIES Expert Examlnalloni . Reports on Mining Properties. Dtjlunlnc nj Intuiting Mills anj Power Plants. U. S. Mineral anJ UnJergrounJ Surveys. Management nt Mining Properties. SUMI'TCR. OPEOOM. VISITS DISTRICT. Ex-Attorney General Of Utah Weil Pleased With Camp. PHILBRICK Sr FENNER MINING a, CIVIL ENCINEER8 . U. 8. DEPUTY MINERALSURVEYOR8 EXAMINATIONS AND REPORTS ON MINES ROOMS 2 V 4, BANK OF SUMPTEfl BLDQ. SUMPTER, OREGON. LADIES" BAZAAR Mrs. J. H. Gray Mill St., second Joor south of StoJJarJ's Store Ladies' and Children's HOME MADE APRONS DRESS MAKING HOTEL DIRECTORY A. ('. lllHhop, of .Salt Lake City, ex-attorney general of Utah, was in tho city thin week and lit company I with Menno Unziekor, of linker City, visited Captain Paul, superintendent of tho Imperial) an old friend of IiIh, and Home of the neighboring propor tion, (ienoral 1I1h)ioi Ih "looking around" probably with a view to investment, but there Ih nothing for publication at this writing. Rolutlvo to tho district (ioncral Bishop Hays: "I do not know that any import ance can bo attached to my visit to Kumpter, more than to sco my old friend Captain Paul, with whom I was well acquainted in Salt Lake and to tako a general look at tho diHtrict. From what I havo soon I must say it lookri most prosperous to mo. Sumpter Ih ouo of tho most lively mining towim in tho country, and the general outlook of the camp I ...Tho... - METROPOLITAN - MRS. SMITH CENTER A NORTH STREETS SUMPTER - - OREGON ...THE CAPITAL HOTEL... EUROPEAN PLAN rates: si per day free sus to a, rrom trains no chinamen employed A. J. DENNY, Prop. Hotel Griffin h. s. ORirriN. po. Rat: $1 and 1.26 Par Day All Modarn Improvement Haarfquartara for Mlnara and Worklngman SUMPTER OREGON morphlte ami mlinetlte. ,0orlnliily appears good. A great mlueriilHiue not many, the Important ouori lieiug Hphiilerllo, smithsouito, i y.lnnlte and calamine. It Ih very Important that the proHpcHor bo able to Identify cessltorlto, tho only oie of tin of importance, and that he know a few of tho cobalt and nickel oi oh, hiicIi an millerlte, Hinultitc, nlccollto and cobaltite. 'I'liero aie a doen Impotlaut oies of iron. In aluminium making mineralH I he prominent ones aro bauxite, cryolite and corundum, and the only important ore of mercury in oinimlmr. There are a couple oics of antimony worth exploitation, and Hovorul of iuaiigaucio. There aro iiumeroiiH other mineral deal of work in being done I obnervo, and operatorn aro Hteadlly pushing their properties to tho front. I' predict a great future for tho dlHtricl." GOLDEN EAGLE HOTEL W II. MATHER, I'ROPR. A ridt Clin, Modern Hotel Rltit; $1.00 and 2.00 per die Htlt lloek (torn Oopot SUMITKK OKKGON Back From Union and Wallowa Counties. A. O. Otness and Mr. and Mrn. Kieil Northrop returned Inst week from a trip to Union and Wallowa cnuutioH where they went to look after timber lauds. .Mr. Oluessleftj at once for Cracker Creek where ho, Ih interested in mining property. Miller cap protectors. T. (1. Harrison agent (or linker, Grant uud Union couiiticri. O -O Delmonico Hotel M. SPENQLER, PROPR. RATES. St. 26 PER DAY NO UP FREE BATHS ro toui. .o.o.. COR. COLUMBIA A AUBURN STS. ONE BLOCK EAST OF OEPOT StlMITKU OltKllON MINING AND INDUSTRIAL IBMR Hook h are now open for 8ttl)scriptioii9 to the Pacific Lumber and Live Stock Compnnv, an industrial of unusual merit. Look into it. A group of mines witli 000 feet of de velopment work done, demonstrating value will be sold an a whole or will sell one-half interest and work the property in connection witli purchaser. Best chance in the district. Buy Listen Lake stock at f2.00 before the advance. F. O. BUCKNUM SUMPTER, - OREGON 9 OtPC s (afc dt Co&ging ouse. OPEN ALL NIGHT THE BEST SERVICE IN TOWN (5. IX). owe proprietor ZTcar Depot rtimpter, (Dreon fVfyffvfv'yvfyfyyv IS THE ONLY GENUINE MINING NEWSPAPER IN THE EAST ol the Natitnal Soiarnmint Recognize it as an Authority. COLORADO ROOMING HOUSE GltANITK STKKKT MKS. K. C. M'KKNZIK, l'uof. NICKI.Y Fl'KNISIIKn BOOMS f'J.50 I'lilt WKKK AND VI' No one interested in mining can afford to be without it. J Sample free if you mention the J SUMI'TEB MINKH. J Published every Saturday by AMERICAN MINING NEWS GO. 11 Broadway, New York. i.fysvsvfvsyt"' New York. L L.yysytvri New Merchant Tailor MILL STREET, OPPOSITE BANK OF SUMPTER I Have Received a Large and Elegant Lino of Suitings and Trouserings for Coming Season, Which You aro Kindly Invited to inspect. Truly Yours, c dt CHARLES GEE